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Off Topic and Technical Support => Off Topic => Topic started by: Dread Moores on 26 August 2012, 18:34:51

Title: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Dread Moores on 26 August 2012, 18:34:51
Right up front, let me be clear that this is something that should have little effect on SR or BT. I just thought it was interesting to see this name out there again. (

Other folks online have mentioned that the names attached to FASA Games are Ross Babcock and James Sutton. The first name is a real blast from the past. I wish them luck.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: bytor on 26 August 2012, 19:56:28
Interesting.  There is a FASA Games website, with a modified version of the final FASA Corp logo, some trademark notices and that's it.  I had no idea that Earthdawn was still around, but that's cool that someone kept it going, and will continue to do so. 

And Ross Babcock!  Most of the FASA stuff I have, either Battletech or not (especially Star Trek RPG), has his name on it someplace.....
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: General308 on 26 August 2012, 22:23:11
I wonder what they have planed. Would love to see Renigade Legion.

Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 26 August 2012, 22:28:48
At GenCon I bought a friend the new edition of the Fading Suns player guide.
Wish them well!
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Atlas3060 on 26 August 2012, 22:59:08
Good to see more of the old crew (the titles) still alive.  O0
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Trace Coburn on 26 August 2012, 23:25:06
  Redbrick converted the Earthdawn setting to Pathfinder rules?  :o  8)  I might have to take a look at that, if I get the chance.  I skimmed a couple of Earthdawn sources back around the time SR3(!) was released, but the ED mechanics put me off; now, however, I'm already familiar with 3.5E/PF, so I won't have to clear so many mental hurdles.  If nothing else, it could provide more things to loot for a custom campaign-setting.  :D
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: StCptMara on 27 August 2012, 01:00:07
  Redbrick converted the Earthdawn setting to Pathfinder rules?  :o  8)  I might have to take a look at that, if I get the chance.  I skimmed a couple of Earthdawn sources back around the time SR3(!) was released, but the ED mechanics put me off; now, however, I'm already familiar with 3.5E/PF, so I won't have to clear so many mental hurdles.  If nothing else, it could provide more things to loot for a custom campaign-setting.  :D

They also did a Savage Worlds edition, as well, as well as keeping the classic system. I am going to be using some of the stuff in
my Pathfinder game(alot of the stuff works great for the Grey Elves of my setting)

I just wish they had the Horrors book out in pathfinder....
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Stahlseele on 27 August 2012, 06:24:20
Hm apparently FASA Games is Red Brick renamed with a different owner (a FASA co-creator) and James Sutton as president.

Some more info on RB-turns-into-FASA:
RPC: These [pointing to Earthdawn, Fading Suns, Blue Planet, and 1879] are going to be your core lines?
JS: No [meaning they aren't stopping there], Demonworld is a FASA property anyway, we’re doing RPGs and tabletop miniatures, it’s about 500 skus for that alone. Blue Planet has obviously come across from RedBrick, Fading Suns as well. 1879 is an original property, Earthdawn’s a FASA property anyway, sort of come back to roost. We’re also working on four new games to be released over the next five to six years, filling in the gaps around the second world, sixth world, and eighth world of the FASA cosmology. All of those games are intended to be interlinked properly unlike with what happened to Earthdawn and Shadowrun.
RPC: You’re free to talk about it if you’d like.
JS: The second world is effectively the age of dragons. It’s high magic, it’s the birth of Earthdawn. That may end up being the last game that we’re doing because it’s dragons, it’s harder to do. They’re all to be supported with miniatures and supported, hopefully if we get it off the ground, with the tabletop platform we’ve been developing. RPGs, fiction, hopefully card games and board games if all goes well, it’s fairly ambitious. Fourth world, Earthdawn, we’ve already got that, that’s already in progress. The sixth world game we have in mind is a post-apocalyptic reset, post scourge if you’re familiar with the Earthdawn and FASA cosmology.
Every 5,000 years there’s the Mayan long calendar, so there’s a period of high magic and there’s a period of low magic. During the peak of high magic these things called horrors come out of netherspace and ravage things and things go horribly wrong for humanity usually, which is what happened in Earthdawn. Everybody went underground, wait until the magic level dropped and low and behold. Shadowrun sort of deals with that as well, it’s part of the FASA cosmology but we’re ignoring Shadowrun, completely, for obvious legal reasons. The sixth world game is effectively a post-apocalyptic. The corporations have been shattered by the horrors, there’s bikers… the whole Mad Max thing, just taken to the factor of “lots.” The eighth world game we’ll be working on… “nuke ‘em from orbit” it’s the only way to be sure.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Nerroth on 27 August 2012, 08:34:23
Shadowrun sort of deals with that as well, it’s part of the FASA cosmology but we’re ignoring Shadowrun, completely, for obvious legal reasons.

I would have hoped that the obvious thing to do would be to try and negotiate with Catalyst about trying to find a way to present a common set of timelines across companies.

(Though there isn't any currently-active IP holder to act as a referee, the way Holistic do between RedBrick/FASA 2.0 and Mongoose for the Fading Suns IP, it feels like a missed opportunity to simply write any sort of cross-company deal off entirely.)
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Terminax on 27 August 2012, 08:44:40
I hope Shadowrun and CGL stays well clear of the mess that was Red Brick and is now FASA Games.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 27 August 2012, 08:50:33
I hope Shadowrun and CGL stays well clear of the mess that was Red Brick and is now FASA Games.

They seemed to have some issues, but I'm not too familiar with them. Can you elaborate, either here or in PM?
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Terminax on 27 August 2012, 09:20:31
The other thread in OT covering Fading Suns pretty much covers the drama.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Dread Moores on 27 August 2012, 09:33:17
I'm just disappointed Redbrick never managed to get Equinox off the ground. While I do love Eclipse Phase, I'm relatively intrigued by the idea of Earthdawn's space-based future in a high mana cycle. While I ended my time with Earthdawn a very long way back (when there was only one edition/version), the lore of the setting always fascinated me. So, while I'm not a huge fan of some of Sutton's business decisions, I'm still happy to see the setting hopefully continue to push onwards. And I do like seeing Mr. Babcock's name tossed about on pure nostalgia notes. ;)

As much as I love BT (and SR), I often felt ED had the setting (of the FASA spawned games) with the best angle and held together when looking for internal consistency.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: ianargent on 27 August 2012, 09:46:01
I liked the ED mechanics for turning the xD&D mechanical tropes inside-out; though they desperately needed a better grounding in probability for some of their mechanics. The world itself was interesting, but didn't grab me by the throat and drag me into it. (For the record, I enjoyed the gonzo-high-magic period of SR that came out of it, and some of my best memories are of running Harlequin's Back and homebrewed events riffing on the connection).

I'll wait and see about what happens with nuFASA
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Stahlseele on 27 August 2012, 10:27:11
I hope Shadowrun and CGL stays well clear of the mess that was Red Brick and is now FASA Games.
Well, to be honest, CGL isn't entirely free from such stuff either. Remember the fiasco that led to losing several of the SR FreeLancers?
Title: Is FASA back?
Post by: imperator on 28 August 2012, 07:37:47
I just went to DriveThruRPG and was looking at the new Fading Suns Players(Rev) guide and just saw it was produced by FASA!!!! Has FASA restarted or is somebody using its name?
Title: Re: Is FASA back?
Post by: greywolf79 on 28 August 2012, 07:50:10
That would be awesome. Do not get me wrong, I love Catalyst and think they have done amazing things for BattleTech, but FASA is also a great company and it would be nice to see them come back.
Title: Re: Is FASA back?
Post by: Charlie Tango on 28 August 2012, 07:56:03
Moving this thread to Off Topic and merging it with the already-extant thread on this topic.
Title: Re: Is FASA back?
Post by: StCptMara on 28 August 2012, 08:06:59
I just went to DriveThruRPG and was looking at the new Fading Suns Players(Rev) guide and just saw it was produced by FASA!!!! Has FASA restarted or is somebody using its name?

It is...interesting. Yes, FASA is back. Their big coming out was at GenCon. Too bad it wasn't the return of the FASA Parthenon.
I still wish I could have seen that and the TSR Castle in the old days....

However, yeah...they have a bunch of cool stuff. I picked up the Earthdawn Pathfinder stuff....I am so going to use some
of that stuff in my Pathfinder game...
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Dread Moores on 28 August 2012, 10:10:20
It's also important to keep in mind that FASA Games isn't FASA. The people that made up FASA, the large majority of them that wrote the material that people love about the FASA games, have moved on to other things or other games. So yeah, FASA is back producing games. But FASA isn't back. The only name in common between FASA Games and FASA currently is Ross Babcock.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: HikageMaru on 28 August 2012, 11:00:13
The only thing that invokes more feelings of nostalgia than FASA is TSR.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Dread Moores on 28 August 2012, 11:08:13
Or Star Trek, BSG, Star Wars, or just about anything else.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: greatsarcasmo on 28 August 2012, 11:30:38
My co-worker who I picked up the Fading Suns player guide was less then impressed with the book. Though I'm not sure if this was a brand-new edition, or a revising, or...
He also told me that there is a Savage Worlds Fading Suns ruleset coming out. I'll pick that up.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Von Jankmon on 28 August 2012, 11:34:33
As far as I am aware FASA never went away, it just stopped trading and producing directly and became purely a holding company for its intellectual property.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Dread Moores on 28 August 2012, 17:21:33
It didn't. This also isn't FASA, the holding company for those IPs (at least as I understand it). This is FASA Games. How exactly that works in with the parent holding company? No clue.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: worktroll on 28 August 2012, 18:00:09
Probably a new business name covering the amalgamation of Red Pins' IP, separate but owned by FASA Corp. Probably.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 28 August 2012, 21:13:27
I feel about the transfer and license of intellectual property among corporate entities precisely the way that normal people feel about the movement of charged particles in a cyclotron: completely bewildered, and with a vague sense that it ought to be stopped somehow.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: GreenDragon on 30 August 2012, 06:15:28
I loved the old FASA Star Trek, and consider much of it more canon that what is officially canon.  Dr. Who was also a great game.  Didn't they also do a wargame using machines that look like the ones in Robotech?  :D

I wish them best of luck, and might check out the Earthdawn/Pathfinder game.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Wrangler on 30 August 2012, 09:56:30
Hope FASA Games succeeds in their mission in entertaining people way old FASA used to.

I hope they revive Renegade Legion wargame, it would be fun play in and hopefully be better done in Strategic level as well normal tactical one.

Star Trek RPG was fun and easy, i didn't get play with the Tactical Simulator, so i don't know if worthwhile to revive.  I wasn't crazy about what Old FASA did with their ST Next Generation.   
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: nerd on 30 August 2012, 14:04:54
Star Trek RPG was fun and easy, i didn't get play with the Tactical Simulator, so i don't know if worthwhile to revive.  I wasn't crazy about what Old FASA did with their ST Next Generation.   
The tactical simulator is a great game.  Fun and easy to play.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: GreenDragon on 30 August 2012, 14:15:02
Next Gen was largely a matter of writing the two books as S1 was airing.  They had to fake it a lot.
Though, worth noting, several FASA created graphics flash past on computer screens in S1 episodes.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 30 August 2012, 18:17:50
Yeah, who owns Renegade Legion nowadays?  If it's FASA, shouldn't we let them know there's interest in reviving it?
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Lorcan Nagle on 30 August 2012, 18:22:55
Apparently Topps have Renegade Legion.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: worktroll on 30 August 2012, 19:00:01
Apparently Topps have Renegade Legion.

Interesting - not what I understood to be the case. Where did you hear that, thanks?
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Dread Moores on 30 August 2012, 21:41:55
Apparently Topps have Renegade Legion.

Not to say this means it is in any way indisputable fact, but wiki mentions that the license went to Nightshift Games and then reverted back to FASA.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Lorcan Nagle on 31 August 2012, 01:55:58
Interesting - not what I understood to be the case. Where did you hear that, thanks?

Someone from here looked it up and posted about it in the last Renegade Legion thread - Kit, I think.

EDIT to add:
Here's the post in question:,6571.msg156206.html#msg156206
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Failure16 on 31 August 2012, 06:34:43
Regarding Topps as the Renegade Legion IP owner, here is the original source for the above-provided link (sixth post from the bottom of the first page): (
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Wrangler on 31 August 2012, 09:42:12
Well, thats good and bad news. RL is less likely to be revived by CGL only because of focus on trying keep Battletech and Shadow Run going.  I'd love to see it revived by CGL...
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Failure16 on 31 August 2012, 11:11:20
The problem with that is that then RL would fall into the same set of difficulties that it did under FASA's aegis in the would be a direct competitor to the flagship line (or one of them, since Shadowrun and BattleTech, I presume, hold equal footing in the company's mind).

I think it would be better if a different company took a swing at it for that reason.  There is still a lot of love for the system even today (and considering how long the game lasted, that is quite an achievement).  The problem is is that there was a strange dichotomy in the system itself:  it was a game that wanted to play company-level or better but the mechanics were focused very squarely on individual tanks and infantry squads; it was almost a skirmish game that wanted to play at two levels higher.  The paradigm of table-top wargames has shifted squarely away from record sheets and tracking individual systems towards one of less granularity.  I feel that, despite nostalgia, RL (particularly Centurion and Interceptor) would have an uphill battle for *new* players because of this.

BattleTech continues to succeed because it has a long history and steady game system; over 25 years at this point.  Renegade Legion has about that many years of memories.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Grim_Reaper on 31 August 2012, 23:08:42
Star Trek RPG was fun and easy, i didn't get play with the Tactical Simulator, so i don't know if worthwhile to revive.  I wasn't crazy about what Old FASA did with their ST Next Generation.   
never got to play the RPG but have run games of the Tactical Simulator, including the Koabashi Maru (sp?) scenario At the 'Command and Control' Level where everyone controls a part of the ship (basically  players acting out as the bridge crew while the GM runs the opposition).

Frankly they never got to do much with TNG as i believe Paramount pulled all licensing at around that time. only real mistake that came out of it was the assumption that Transwarp was successful (and invention of Multiwarp speeds) where in canon it was a failure.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: bytor on 01 September 2012, 00:23:28
never got to play the RPG but have run games of the Tactical Simulator, including the Koabashi Maru (sp?) scenario At the 'Command and Control' Level where everyone controls a part of the ship (basically  players acting out as the bridge crew while the GM runs the opposition).

Frankly they never got to do much with TNG as i believe Paramount pulled all licensing at around that time. only real mistake that came out of it was the assumption that Transwarp was successful (and invention of Multiwarp speeds) where in canon it was a failure.

The RPG was fun, I thought it was a good system, and FASA did a great job on the fluff, despite the fact that none of it was made canon.  The Tactical Simulator was a blast as well, I've been meaning to dig it out and have a go but I don't know many people that would be interested.  I used to have quite a few of the starship minis as well, but they got lost in a move at some point. 

Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: GreenDragon on 01 September 2012, 02:37:04
only real mistake that came out of it was the assumption that Transwarp was successful (and invention of Multiwarp speeds) where in canon it was a failure.
That was done to explain why Kirk's Enterprise achieved Warp 13 at least once (By Any Other Name), and Warp 10 regularly (it was Emergency speed for the refit class in FASA's books and Mr. Scott's Guide.  But Picard's ship couldn't hit Warp 10.  Clearly the definition of Warp Speed had to change between Star Trek IV:TVH and Encounter At Farpoint (Fall of 2222 and early 2308 by the pre-Okudachron reckoning).
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Grim_Reaper on 01 September 2012, 09:41:15
IIRC it was a new warp scale to accomodate the newer warp speeds for TNG for the game
Origional warp speed followed the canon of Velocity = Warp Factor^3 X Speed of Light
TNG warp speed for the game was Velocity = Warp Factor^5 X Speed of Light

so that Warp 13 in Kirks time would be Warp 6.66 in Picards Time within the game
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Charlie Tango on 01 September 2012, 09:54:41
IIRC it was a new warp scale to accomodate the newer warp speeds for TNG for the game
Origional warp speed followed the canon of Velocity = Warp Factor^3 X Speed of Light
TNG warp speed for the game was Velocity = Warp Factor^5 X Speed of Light

so that Warp 13 in Kirks time would be Warp 6.66 in Picards Time within the game

It's explained, IIRC, in the Next Generation Tech Manual.

I never played the Star Trek RPG side, but we played the heck out of the Combat Simulator back in college.  The Reliant with the fore-and-aft torpedo launchers rocked...
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Daemion on 01 September 2012, 14:46:51
Wow. I had always been curious about the Earthdawn setting when I first saw it in a Fasa add mag in the BT boxed set I picked up. Never managed to find any books to get a feel for it. Glad to see it's still around. I'll have to check it out.

Considering the wrapping up of the fantasy and potentially scifi realms into one timeline by the new FASA, I wonder if or where BT and Renegade Legion would fit in. I'm almost glad they aren't part of that, as I'd hate to see them both get that kind of 'prehistory'.

Still, it would back my theory that at some point RL and BT were to have some sort of cross-over even if in spoof.

But, I too would love to see Renegade Legion back in print, if anything. I want some minis. :D
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Lorcan Nagle on 01 September 2012, 16:29:52

But, I too would love to see Renegade Legion back in print, if anything. I want some minis. :D

It'd be handy if someone was producing the minis now (, wouldn't it?
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Failure16 on 01 September 2012, 18:15:43
Yes, go directly to C-inC and buy anything you can from them.  You will not find a better micro-armor miniatures company in the US.  Top notch folks, quality, and service.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: WarChicken on 02 September 2012, 03:56:32
I would also love to see RL, but it would end up competing with btech. However if it did a slightly different scale maybe a cohort or manus scale with simplified rules (eg. epic or space marine) maybe that work out. Or even expanding on the Prefect ruleset making a county level wargame.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 02 September 2012, 07:00:32
I'm not sure I understand this "competes with x" argument.  Nabisco makes all sorts of barely distinguishable products, and the same corporation owns Pizza Hut as Taco Bell.  I can understand a "the market is already crowded" argument, but that's not the same thing.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 02 September 2012, 10:00:29
I should think it's more a case of Catalyst having a highly finite amount of productive bandwidth.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Charlie Tango on 02 September 2012, 10:35:19

And if the IP is owned by someone else, Catalyst would have to license it from them, and that owner could pull that license.  I think Catalyst may be focused (wisely) for a while on creating their own games so as to have an income stream that is not dependent on licensed products.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 02 September 2012, 10:43:43
I'm confused.  I thought we were mooting FASA doing the work here.  But uselessly, it seems, since they're already committed to other products.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Failure16 on 02 September 2012, 13:20:25
I'm not sure I understand this "competes with x" argument.  Nabisco makes all sorts of barely distinguishable products, and the same corporation owns Pizza Hut as Taco Bell.  I can understand a "the market is already crowded" argument, but that's not the same thing.

Well then, you could always have an ironic chat with the new FASA about the reasons why the old FASA dropped Renegade Legion for that very reason.  I must admit that 3CL , and CT both have very good points, but tabletop wargames featuring gravtanks or walking tanks are very close as far as our particular niche goes.  Indeed, FASA games usually had wonderful history and fluff-text that drove their games and gamers' procurement of them.  To have two games which were generally indistinguishable (from an outsider's stance) other than 'tabletop wargames played on hex-maps using record sheets' will tend to dilute the market and draw off buyers from one system or the other...but the company is producing both and not doubling their profits.

In short, you will have players looking at two games; they might decide to buy one and not the other if they are not die-hard company-fans.  The company is still producing both though, so they are effectively losing money (though, potentially, one game or the other *might* draw in players for that particular sub-genre but the company is still producing both games regardless).
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 02 September 2012, 19:12:45
They won't be looking at two games, but a dozen, including a giant that dwarfs all the others.  Yet Pepsi still makes bottled ice teas.

Also, you elide over something important with "gravtanks or walking tanks."  RL isn't a Mecha game.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Failure16 on 02 September 2012, 20:15:55
PepsiCo and CGL are not the same by a long shot.  One is a multinational and the other is not.  To add to that, the comparison between a 'pepsi' and another softdrink (particularly an iced tea) sold by PepsiCo is a strawman:  the people that want an iced tea may not want a soda.

But the people who want to play a tabletop wargame may not have such finely discriminating tastes.  The Renegade Legion and Battletech universes offered all of the same choices:  main ground and space combat boardgames, role-playing game, large-scale combat board game.  The only choices--from a non-fluff perspective--were between tanks:  walking or anti-grav.  Both games used similar rules-mechanics to include fairly complicated record sheets, THMs, and layout.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Neko_Bijin on 02 September 2012, 20:25:26
Then again, they might.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Failure16 on 02 September 2012, 21:20:10
And they might not.  History has shown us, literally in this exact case, that the two games were competitors to each other. 
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: MadCapellan on 02 September 2012, 21:31:50
To the defense of Renegade Legion and Battletech, I have and will buy both.....
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: 3rdCrucisLancers on 02 September 2012, 21:41:54
We really need to play that again.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Bosefius on 03 September 2012, 00:31:36
 [copper] Please, let's everyone take a deep breath and relax a little. We all have different opinions, getting heated won't settle anything. Thank you  [copper]
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Failure16 on 03 September 2012, 09:29:41
 ???  Who's heated?

To the defense of Renegade Legion and Battletech, I have and will buy both.....

Me too, though I have some nagging doubts that Renegade Legion will succeed to the extent BattleTech has as-is.  Many people rave about the Centurion record sheets and their concomitant damage templates (and I certainly do as well) but the game is still using skirmish rules mechanics for a company-level game.  I merely wonder if a re-release today would rekindle a lasting dynasty as BattleTech has seen.

But, you know, Ogre certainly brought people off the fence and that is even more of a classic tabletop wargame than either BT or RL...
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: MadCapellan on 03 September 2012, 10:02:24
We really need to play that again.

Agreed!  I'm working like mad right now, but I'll try to remember to contact you about it as soon as I get some time!
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Gardensnake on 03 September 2012, 12:44:52
The products being competitors is actually moot. The speculation is FASA re-releasing Renegade Legion not Catalyst. There are already competitors to B-Tech including Heavy Gear, Drop Zone Commander, 40K Epic, CAV, and really any other miniature game on the market. IF FASA were to re-release Renegade Legion, I think they should be more worried about entering a crowded market rather than competing against Battletech specifically. They are no longer under the same roof.

Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Failure16 on 03 September 2012, 12:53:37
That is entirely correct--if FASA intended to do so today.  The impetus of the discussion in this particular context was in regards to Catalyst Game Labs resurrecting Renegade Legion (at Post #37 in this thread), not [the new] FASA, since the RL IP is held by Topps, not by FASA.

Having competition to BattleTech by any of those systems you mentioned doesn't equate because they are all done by different companies, not by CGL (or a single entity of any name).  If FASA did choose to license RL from Topps and continue production, then there would indeed be no need to discuss why having CGL take it on-board would engender internal competition.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: StCptMara on 03 September 2012, 19:58:44
That is entirely correct--if FASA intended to do so today.  The impetus of the discussion in this particular context was in regards to Catalyst Game Labs resurrecting Renegade Legion (at Post #37 in this thread), not [the new] FASA, since the RL IP is held by Topps, not by FASA.

I thought Wizkids(and thus Topps) only bought Battletech and Shadowrun from FASA?
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Dread Moores on 03 September 2012, 20:41:17
There are links in earlier posts from Lorcan and Failure that Topps also has RL. I have no idea on what else, if anything, FASA sold back in the day. I think I recall that VOR was spun off back to the creator.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Lorcan Nagle on 04 September 2012, 01:45:57
Vor's rights indeed were reverted to Mike Nielsen, who's been promising a second edition for about 4 years now.  FASA retained Earthdawn, which they licensed to Redbrick games. And of course Crimson Skies was actually part of FASA Interactive, so it was sold to Microsoft.  I don't think they had any other game properties of their own.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: WarChicken on 04 September 2012, 03:43:46
Just wondering because battlecorps is involved with the btech ip, could they release renegade legion fiction? I presume they would have to pay a fee to use the renegade legion ip. This way they could see how much interest there is with renegade legion.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: StCptMara on 04 September 2012, 03:53:02
Just wondering because battlecorps is involved with the btech ip, could they release renegade legion fiction? I presume they would have to pay a fee to use the renegade legion ip. This way they could see how much interest there is with renegade legion.

Personally, I am still hoping we get something like Battlecorps for Shadowrun...But, there does not seem to be an interest in Shadowrun fiction. What makes you think there would be interest in fiction for something less well-known then Battletech and Shadowrun?
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: WarChicken on 04 September 2012, 04:41:40
Mainly just curious if it can be done. Some of the fiction when it came out was a bit darker than btech at the time.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Lorcan Nagle on 04 September 2012, 05:25:49
It all depends on the licensing involved.  Catalyst/InMedia Res would need to approach Topps with a proposal to bring RenLeg back, and Topps would set a price.  I'm sure they'd need to pay more to get a license to do fiction as well as games because that's a second revenue stream.  Catalyst would need to see if the game will get enough support that the cost is acceptable and then go to work.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Dread Moores on 04 September 2012, 09:07:26
But, there does not seem to be an interest in Shadowrun fiction.

After some of the later SR fiction, I can understand why.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Daemion on 04 September 2012, 16:20:29
To the defense of Renegade Legion and Battletech, I have and will buy both.....

Same here.

I buy a lot of games. However, I know a few people who 'dedicate' themselves, and are averse to purchasing a wide assortment instead for heavy investment into one or two. Usually it's due to limited resources and/or time. They will play if someone else brings the materials, or they feel up to it.

And, then there are some people who are just plain picky.

I'm a generalist, and will give everything its fair shot, and may hold onto it. I bought a lot of Monsterpocalypse last summer, for example. Not much new is coming out for them right now, and while the game is cute, I had an ulterior motive: Buildings! And, their units are useful across genres, too.

I can see the arguments on both sides. An avid gamer is an avid gamer, but when you have such drastic tastes across what is already a very small market, I guess it becomes hard to justify keeping one going over another. It's quite possible that FASA was losing money over RenLeg. I don't know.

But, it would be nice to have some sort of fluff update, even if it is in a voluntary basis. 
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: WarChicken on 04 September 2012, 17:35:45
Does anyone where they were going with the story for Renegade Legion? We all know that the idea for Jihad was conceived in the early nineties for battletech so i presume there was one for Renegade Legion.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Trace Coburn on 04 September 2012, 21:05:41
Does anyone where they were going with the story for Renegade Legion? We all know that the idea for Jihad was conceived in the early nineties for battletech so i presume there was one for Renegade Legion.
  I remember seeing something on-line once - they were planning for a civil war within TOG.
/me fires up Google
  Ah!  Try this ( for the thumbnail outline of TOG's civil war (and its impact on other factions), and this ( for more detail about the way things were meant to play out during and after the split.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Wrangler on 06 September 2012, 19:44:26
  I remember seeing something on-line once - they were planning for a civil war within TOG.
/me fires up Google
  Ah!  Try this ( for the thumbnail outline of TOG's civil war (and its impact on other factions), and this ( for more detail about the way things were meant to play out during and after the split.

Such a damn shame.  Died before its time.
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: ThePW on 14 April 2024, 10:19:43

I was gonna say "da hell' but apparently these folks existed for MOAR than a decade (upon reading the date this thread started)...
Title: Re: FASA Games, a name from the past
Post by: Garrand on 14 April 2024, 14:04:18
Well it seems they are the custodians of Fading Suns, which makes me somewhat happy. I lost my entire FS collection moving to Ecuador, I I regret that deeply. One of these days I'd like to rebuild my FS collection.
