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BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Marik Militia Battle Lance
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 16:12:43 »
I think the bronze/silver mix works with the dark purple, personally... :)
I believe we have brand new uniform art, one of my favorite subjects. I like examining creative choices.

Tangent,  I like it when the products are called by the nation rather than house, like field manual federated suns.

Dress uniform

The original description calling the uniform davion green is dead. It is fully committing to the blue color that didn't match the description. It follows the more traditional uniform coat and pants seen in middle period battletech art that was always an in improvement over the original house uniform style.

But they completely reworked the sunburst! The previous metal style I think was still present in recent profile pictures of major characters. A controversial choice? Is it an improvement?

I will post about the duty uniform later. Also, the book omits AFFC uniforms. And I don't know if they would make the Steiner one.
Off Topic / Re: Ugh, Diabeetus!
« Last post by ActionButler on Today at 15:46:35 »
Never bothered buying a "Sharps Container", I've just used an empty plastic bottle to put things in.  Mainly soda bottles, but I've used a few quart juice bottles also.  Just have to mark them, "Used Household Sharps - Do Not Recycle", according to the booklet the City gave me for trash and recycling.

Not quite the same scenario, but my cat was recently diagnosed with diabetes and our vet suggested pitching the used syringes into one of those great big plastic litter jugs. My wife opted for an empty coffee can, instead. It looks rather less out of place on the kitchen counter.
BattleMechs / Re: 3040s Malice
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 15:46:33 »
I think the pair of Small Pulse Lasers is perfect 3040 flavor! :)
BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Marik Militia Battle Lance
« Last post by MarauderD on Today at 15:43:35 »
Looking really good, there, MadD, and even without the Grapes of Wrath scheme people would be saying "Isn't that a Marik-looking lance?"

By the way, Worktroll:  I used your advice and blended a little bronze and silver on the cockpits instead of using the gemstone red on my Marik Militia assault lance.  You had suggested that the red cockpits were clashing with the red in the striping.

You were right.  I'm not totally sold on the bronzy/silver cockpits, but they don't clash.  Thanks for the criticism!
BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Marik Militia Battle Lance
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 15:41:26 »
It's dark, but looks GREAT! :)
QML email to verify address for book fulfillment?
No, QML email with tracking number (s) in my case. I have two orders and I'm still waiting for the email from QML with the tracking info, links, etc.
BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Marik Militia Battle Lance
« Last post by worktroll on Today at 15:40:06 »
Looking really good, there, MadD, and even without the Grapes of Wrath scheme people would be saying "Isn't that a Marik-looking lance?"
Ground Combat / Re: Help with Leg Crits
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 15:36:51 »
I think Hellraiser's analysis is correct.
Thanks Cray :)
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