Wait till the tooling company gets there, then start with copying it, while making sure their future Snowdens can also do this.
I hope they can get their money's worth for that carrier.
They have more companies, they need to buy up.
Go for Nicholas Spacecraft, that gives you the Bastion & Princess.
The company has all it's manufactoring capacity, destroyed, nor do we know what else they had the licences for.
But Boeing Interstellar could thus return a copy of all the needed data for the Bastion and Majesty Metals and Manufacturing should be able to do the same for the Princess.
I do hope they can get Fortress & Seeker blueprints, though.
Just think, using the princess as a basis, they could fuse their blueprints into a people & cargo, mover.
Not ideal, but.....
They really should look at getting Mammoths & Behemoths, give them a Seeker upgrade.
That way they can still transport goods, but now are also people movers.
I think John Davion might actually like that idea, especially if applied to a jump circuit from the Hegemony to Mackolle, if it can move his troops, towards the battlelines on the way back of evacuating the fleeing masses.
John Davion might want to propose to the Hegemony Worlds, the joint administration deal, thus allowing him to protect them, without problems.
Or just telling him in his face, he and his fellow lords, will start a war, quite soon, that most likely will show the Amaris Coup, to be the warm-up round, meaning massive lose of know-how, manufactoring, skilled people, worlds and so on.
That he might want to do anything in his power, to staff off this war, for as long as possible.
And why the hell did they all step out of the Star League?
The Hegemony started it and is thus the last member state, Kerensky was the highest surviving leader, thus nobody could counter order him.
It also creates problems with him legally absorbing or defending the Hegemony, as a Member state, it's easy to come to the defence, even taking over the daily running, of the big show, he would just rule two nations and that would allow duel rulership, to start with.
He should have let the other hotheads, walk away, then take the throne as the last surviving Star League Council Member.
Idiot hothead.
So yeah, hopefully, they can get the needed money, for another buying up spree.
And if they can't get the rights to the Seeker & Fortress, what about making a Hybrid Craft?
One that combines their capabilities, even if slightly heavier?
If only they could use a Dictator hull design for this, right?
Some illigal construction might be needed.
Better pull the Vietnam US Army trick with spareparts, in order to get more of them.
Who cares that they made those spareparts, themselves, right?
But yeah, I would suggest they start thinking of making their own designs, in the future.
First it keeps those designers bussy with work, when there is nothing to do, at that moment.
Secondly, it lets them break them down, for their best points.
Let them make their own versions, if they can't get any combat droppers.
If only they could get the Merchant licence, as well as that of the Tracker, I bet it's yard had both licences, so it was easier to hide said production.
Hopefully, they can pull something similar.
Hopefully, when the FSW start, they can repair a ex-SLDF, FS Vincent, so they can pull it's jumpcore data.
It would allow them to upgrade their Leviathan jumpship design, a bit, using it to shift the liquid bunkers to a more secure location, while adding L-F batteries.
Get them working, get them designing.
Let them study everything they have and then fuse them into one product, as much as possible.
Something like the Outpost, Polaris & Trutzburg, is what they need, to get away from any licence problems.
Or a Conquistador, using the Titan as a starting basis?
It has a similar line, just 5.400 tons heavier.
Nighthawk Power Armor and it's factory?
Nice, now they really need to invest in Seeker, Lion & Fortress like designs.
Even Vampires are now wanted, together with the Drost IIB variant, the S-7A Bus, TIG-15 Tigress and so on.
I get why you say no warships or dropship, in a way, 2ndArc.
But no manufactoring lines is no manufactoring lines, right?
Meaning they would have to construct them from scrap and they don't want a target on their backs, either.
If they, in the hopeful, next round off buying up, they can grap up a certain SDS related producer, that also made the Vincent...
It's not about the production capability, because that's already shot, it's the licence and thus the lower amount of trouble, if they use parts of the Vincent design, to redesign their Leviathans.
I hope they can thus, create their own Tracker like jumpship variant, with eight collars.
Would need one other company, in order for them to pull that one off, the one that made a certain Bugeye part.
Just think of the disbelief, if their warship was just shoot to hell, by a civillian Leviathan class jumpship???
Besides, I was more thinking, them crafting more modern spyships, could be quite funny.