Author Topic: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court  (Read 29490 times)


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #90 on: 16 July 2022, 06:00:04 »
The beating that the Clans just got is of such epic scale that, in the future, freebirth clan children will be told by their parents "be good or Field Marshal Hodges will get you."


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #91 on: 19 July 2022, 00:43:55 »
Picking up the pieces
May 20th, 3050
Late Afternoon

The Battle of Harvest has proved to be expensive in terms of manpower for all of the Clans involved in the action. Of the seven Khans, three were captured (Elias Crichell, Natalie Breen,  and Ian Hawker), three were killed in action (Ulric Kerensky, Karl Bourjon and Severen Leroux), while Lincoln Osis shot himself rather than having to surrender. Two of the seven SaKhans (Vandervahn Chistu and Lucian Carns) were killed in action, while the others (Garth Radick, Sara Weaver, Barbara Sennet, Theresa Devillar and Perigard Zalman) were captured, Khan Elias Crichell of Clan Jade Falcon is the senior surviving officer of the Clans on Harvest, and it is he who will first sign the formal instrument of surrender.

Late in the afternoon of May 20th, the surviving Khans and SaKhans of the Clan Task Force gather at the same location where the batchall was conducted several days ago. accompanying them is Oathmaster Biccon Winters; representing Clan Nova Cat (as both the Khan and SaKhan were killed). There to receive them is Field Marshal Hodges and the other members of the AEF command staff. The meeting takes place in the very same field tent, and its purpose is the signing of the formal instrument of surrender. Hodges calls the meeting to order and says “ladies and gentlemen, I’d be willing to wager a great deal that this outcome is one you didn’t quite expect. Ms. Winters, your vision concerning the annihilation of the Clan invasion force certainly came true. Quiaff?”

Oathmaster Winters responds “Aff, Field Marshal. You have the right of it.”

“True enough. Khan Crichell, let’s get down to business. As the senior surviving Clan officer, I charge you with carrying out the conditions of the batchall as agreed to by the late Khan Ulric Kerensky. I grant you safecon so that you can gather up your wounded and see to recovering the remains of your fallen troops; this will also cover you returning to your homeworlds. As for prisoners, I don’t intend to take your mechwarriors or aerospace pilots as bondsmen; however, there are those under my command who wish to do so. Included among these is my son Captain Richard Hodges, who captured Mechwarrior Ranna Kerensky of Clan Wolf after defeating her in single combat. As for your tank and artillery troops, it’s my understanding that these units of yours are manned by those you call ‘solhama’. I highly disagree with the Clans’ policy of relegating experienced warriors to second-line status because of their age and giving them second- or third-line equipment. For these reasons, I will take them all into my service.”

A pause, then “the other contingents of the Allied Expeditionary Force have different policies to mine, so it will be up to them whether or not they take any of your people as bondsmen. Field Marshal Sortek, what say you?”

“Field Marshal Hodges, on behalf of the Federated Commonwealth, all injured Clan personnel are to be released. All uninjured troops captured on the field of battle (whether regular or solhama, as they are called) will be made bondsmen. Captain Steiner-Davion, do you concur?”

“As heir-apparent to the thrones of the Federated Commonwealth, I concur with your choice of action.”

Field Marshal Hodges nods his approval, then speaks next to Hohiro Kurita.

“Kurita-san, what says the Son of the Dragon in this matter?”

“Hodges-sama, like you, I will release injured Clan personnel without let or hindrance. As for the others, any who wish to declare bondsref will be allowed to do so. Those who accept the bond will be treated with honor and respect; so speaks the Son of the Dragon.”

"Very well, Kurita-san. Khan Crichell, under the terms of the batchall, every last piece of equipment of equipment that the Clans landed on Harvest (whether dropship, battlemech, tank, artillery, aerospace fighter, battle armor or small arm) now belongs to the Allied Expeditionary Force, to do with as we see fit. You will be allowed to use your dropships to transport your casualties (and those of your people not taken as bondsmen) back to your warships, after which the dropships will be returned planet-side. Then, the Clans will leave the Inner Sphere and never return; you'll also send word to those Clan units occupying the planets taken during the initial parts of the invasion that they are to evacuate those worlds. Furthermore, all prisoners they hold are to be released immediately?"

"Aff, Field Marshal."

"Khan Crichell, let me be perfectly clear on this. If your people break the peace for any reason, I'll find it necessary to visit the Pentagon Cluster and express my disapproval without benefit of tea and biscuits. Am I clearly understood?"

"Aff, Field Marshal."

"Excellent. Captain Steiner-Davion, the instrument of surrender, if you please."

"Coming right up, sir."

The document is brought forward and presented to the Clanners for their signatures, after which, Field Marshal Hodges affixes his signature and seal on behalf of the realms represented in the Allied Expeditionary Force. Hodges reads the document and solemnly pronounces "let us pray that peace be now restored to the worlds of the Inner Sphere and that the Almighty preserve it always. These proceedings are closed."

As the clanners turn to leave, Oathmaster Winters pauses, turns toward Field Marshal Hodges and says “who are you? Before we met your forces in battle, we of the Clans though ourselves masters of the art of war; I see now just how laughable that presumption was.”

In response, Hodges lights up a cigar, takes a few appreciative puffs and replies with signing a verse from the ancient Terran musical group ‘The Police’;

‘I'm a walking nightmare, an arsenal of doom
I kill conversations when I walk into a room
I'm a three line whip
I'm the sort of thing they ban
I'm a walking disaster
I'm a demolition man’

“Now, if you’ll excuse me, my victory wasn’t without cost. I have to go to the hospital and see how my injured troops are getting along. As for the others, I’ve got quite a few letters to write.”


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #92 on: 19 July 2022, 00:45:40 »
The following took place on the night of May 18th;

Mech Fall
May 18th, 3050
2130 hours
Above Clan Ghost Bear’s landing zone

"Alright people, get ready; we’re going in hot. Deployment in 3…2…1…MARK!"

John ‘Iron Man’ Henry felt the rockets on his drop pod fire, the thrust causing his five-point safety harness to bite hard through his cooling suit; then, weightlessness. Through his cockpit cameras, Henry could see other drop pods hurtling towards the planet. ‘Hopefully, the cruise missiles had done their work’ he thought…

As Henry watched the displays in his cockpit, his drop pod began to shudder violently as it hit the upper reaches of Harvest’s atmosphere; the pod’s external cameras shut out as a plasma sheath began to build. Henry could see the temperature outside climbing rapidly.

'I hope those eggheads were right. Otherwise, no weapons.'

Henry felt more shaking as his drop pod descended through the planet’s atmosphere; he looked at the board in his cockpit and saw that all lights were green. His company was still en-route to the target.

After 15 minutes, the green lights turned amber. He keyed the comm panel "Alright, people get ready to eject. Remember the Big Red Lever."

Someone chuckled over the company’s comm; he ignored it.

7 minutes, Red then black.

"Pull! PULL!"

The walls of black surrounding Henry’s ‘mech fell away as the explosive bolts holding the pod together fired. He could see through the night vision that Clan AA fire had opened up; however, none could reach the angle the company was approaching from as they were coming in feet first.

Henry noted that his reactor was online, then followed up with a quick systems check.

"Remember people, get those packs firing!" There was a chorus of acknowledgements over the comm channel

Then, the lights on the control panel turned red...


Below, in Clan Ghost Bear’s landing zone, those mechwarriors and elementals who managed to get into their machines watched in horror and awe as four massive assault mechs (an Atlas II-B, a CRS-3R Crusher, a Mangler and a Superflash) fired the jump jets on the back of their drop pods momentarily stopping their fall; just before they hit the ground, the remainder of the pods broke away before they hit the ground, the Atlas II-B crashed down onto a hangar, destroying a heavy aerospace fighter being readied for takeoff.

The Atlas and its lancemates slowly stood up, the monster looked down at the helpless Clanners as they scattered..

A song started playing loudly over the lance’s exterior warhorns….

I am Iron Man

Has he lost his mind?
Can he see or is he blind?
Can he walk at all Or if he moves, will he fall?

Is he alive or dead?
Has he thoughts within his head?
We'll just pass him there
Why should we even care?

He was turned to steel
In the great magnetic field
When he traveled time
For the future of mankind

At the same time, the apocalypse started as every mech on the company let loose with everything they had; several Battlemasters used their ER PPCs and large pulse lasers to burn and blast through everything that wasn’t already rubble.

Those few Elementals that had managed to don their armor fought back as best as they could, while others were swatted like so many bugs before they could put on their armor.

One Clanner screamed into the radio.

"They are here, those dezgra spheroids launched an attack on the base; they're burning everything."

SaKhan Theresa Devillar replied "What?! How?"

The Clanner all but blurted out “they, they dropped from, from...ORBIT!"

"Who??!" No one answered.

Henry put a PPC blast into a building, setting it on fire and causing it to explode; he surveyed elting it and an explosion, surveying the running clanners, plus the ruined mech and aerospace repair bays.

"Alright, people. Break off the attack; we're heading to point LC."

Meanwhile, news of the attack on their landing zone went through Clan Ghost Bear like a tsunami over a sandspit.

"Break off, break off!! We are going to attack those filthy dezgra cowards! All mediums and heavies are to re-direct and head back to the landing zone now!"


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #93 on: 15 August 2022, 15:26:39 »
Ye next update followeth:

Picking up the pieces, Part 2
AEF Headquarters
Plains of Dangalobee
June 6th, 3050

Over the previous 16 days, the Clans have completed the repatriation of their casualties and fallen personnel. Provisions have been made by the AEF to accept those Clan personnel who have been made bondsmen; those who wish to refuse the bond have been allowed to do so. Additionally, the dropships used by the Clans to transport their mechs, tanks, artillery and aerospace fighters have been left behind per the batchall conducted on May 13th.

During this same period of time, Captain Victor Steiner-Davion acted in his capacity as Field Marshal Hodges’ adjutant and compiled a list of the casualties on both sides of the late engagement, as well as the materiel left behind by the Clans; which information being presented at a meeting of the Command Staff at AEF Headquarters. Once the officers have gathered, Captain Steiner-Davion presents his report.

“Gentlemen, I have compiled a list of the casualties and KIA that the Clans took in the action between May 16th and May 20th. In total, the Clans deployed 6,020 omnimechs, 5,120 omnifighters, 2,580 tanks, 2,580 pieces of artillery and 12,900 elementals. Of these forces, the Smoke Jaguars lost 50% of their personnel and materiel. Nova Cat losses were 70% in materiel and 50% in personnel, while those of the Ghost Bears were 60% and 40% respectively.”

A brief pause, then “as regards the Jade Falcons, they bashed their heads against Field Marshal Hodges’ divisions to the extent that their losses were 80% in materiel and 60% in personnel. Losses by the Diamond Sharks were 50% each in materiel and personnel, while the Steel Vipers’ losses were 60% in materiel and 40% in personnel. Lastly, the losses taken by the Wolves were 40% each in materiel and personnel. Of the Clans’ materiel losses, half of them are constructive total losses (fit only for salvage), while the other half are able to be repaired; as for the casualties, half were wounded to one degree or another, while the others were killed in action.”

Field Marshal Hodges enquires “what of the Clan dropships?”

“Sir, I am pleased to report that a total of 171 Titan-class, 134 Overlord-class, 172 Sassanid-class and 58 Triumph-class dropships were left behind and are now awaiting allocation among the several contingents of the AEF. These vessels are un-crewed as the Clans didn’t count their personnel as having directly-participated in the late engagement; therefore, they weren’t subject to being taken as bondsmen.”

“Very well. Gentlemen of the AEF, I hereby yield that portion of the dropship fleet fielded by the Jade Falcons in action against me; let it be added to the others and divided accordingly.”

This announcement causes some amount of discussion among the other officers. A minute or two later, Field Marshal Ardan Sortek asks “Captain Steiner-Davion, what of our own casualties?”

“Sir, I regret to report that, though AEF casualties were a great deal less than those taken by the Clans, they were still substantial. In aggregate, our loss rates were 12.5% in materiel and 10% in personnel. Thanks to the superb work by the AEF’s maintenance people, only one-third of our materiel losses were constructive and total; the rest were repaired and returned to service.”

A somber expression of reflection crosses Field Marshal Hodges’ face as he leans back in his chair. A few moments of silent reflection follow, then he addresses the other officers.

“Gentlemen, there was never any question that we were going to defeat the Clans; the only question was how expensive our victory was going to be. Aside from those personnel wounded in action, my divisions lost just over 3,400 KIA. To some, this might be accounted an incredibly-inexpensive victory; to me, it just isn’t. I knew some of those men and women from when they were children; I personally recruited and trained them, now they’re gone. Robert E. Lee once said ‘to be a good soldier, you must love the Army; to be a good commander, you must be willing to order the death of the thing you love’. I presume that you all have your own systems for casualty notification; for me, I’m going to write personal letters to the families of those of my troops who were lost. I think it appropriate that we’re concluding the business here on Harvest today…”

Field Marshal Sortek asks “is there some particular significance for today’s date?”

“Yes there is, actually. 1,106 years ago on this very same date, Operation Overlord began on Terra; the D-Day invasions which took place on the coast of Northern France commenced the great crusade which freed the continent of Europe from the domination of Nazi Germany. My ancestor LTG Courtney Hodges fought throughout that conflict, and the stories he passed on about his experiences are a part of family lore. Now, the next item on the agenda is regarding the disposition of the captured Clan mechs and vehicles (and those former Com Guard mechs which served as reinforcements for the House contingents in the Aaron Ranch, Joseph’s Corner, Pousou and Plains of Dangalobee areas of operation); there’s also the theater reserve of 33 regiments. As none of the former Com Guard mechs were necessary to support my operations in and around Rookhaven, I make no claim to them. Wolf’s Dragoons, the Royal Black Watch Regiment, the Northwind Highlanders and the 331st Royal Battlemech Division should be allowed to refit themselves with their choice of the captured Clan mechs and vehicles. Beyond this, everything else should be divided evenly among the House contingents; I include the Capellan Confederation, the Free Worlds League and the Taurian Concordat for their invaluable  assistance in the late campaign. Without it, our victory would have been much more difficult and the price paid in men and materiel would have been much higher. Field Marshal Sortek, what says the Federated Commonwealth?”

“On behalf of the First Prince and the Archon, I concur.”

“Very well. Kurita-san, how speaks the Draconis Combine in this matter?”

“On behalf of House Kurita, I concur.”

“General Marik, Sub-Altern Calderon, how say your respective realms?”

Thomas Marik and Calderon exchange the briefest of glances before Marik answers “on behalf of both our houses, we concur.”

“Very well gentlemen; thank you for your support. It now falls to you to arrange transport of the apportioned equipment.”

What follows next are discussions relating to the several contingents of the AEF returning to their respective realms. At the conclusion of the meeting, the assembled officers retire to their commands in order to make the necessary arrangements. Finally, all that are left are the command staff of the Royal Black Watch, the 331st Royal Battlemech Division and the Eridani Light Horse; also standing by are Colonel Natasha Kerensky, Captain Richard Hodges and his bondswoman Ranna Kerensky.

“Gentlemen of the Black Watch, the Royals and the Eridani Light Horse, please accept my compliments on a job well-done; I’m honored to have had such men as you serving under my command. In recognition of your valiant service, I am posting your units back to Terra; you see, I’m still the planetary administrator as I haven’t yet been relieved of that post. So, I have the authority to make those dispositions…”

Field Marshal Hodges’ pronouncement strikes the assembled officers with all the effects of the proverbial bolt from the blue. First to speak is Colonel Neil Campbell, commanding officer of the Royal Black Watch.

“Sir, on behalf of my officers, I’d like to express my deepest gratitude for this new posting; we’ve been dreaming of a day like this ever since the Usurper murdered the First Lord and his family.” Field Marshal Hodges replies “Colonel, thanks really aren’t necessary. By sending you and the other units back to Terra, I’m helping to right what was done to your ancestors. As to your specific posting, you’re going to Unity City. In the days of the Star League, the Royal Black Watch served as the personal bodyguards of the First Lord. As there is as yet no new holder of that office, your task will be to guard Unity City. For the throne of the Star League, you’ll regard it as if the First Lord is actually seated there. Khan McEvedy, General Armstrong, the 331st Royal Battlemech Division and the Eridani Light Horse are likewise being posted to Terra; your purpose will be to serve as the planetary garrison. The 331st will be based in Minnesota, and the Light Horse will be based out of Fort Riley, Kansas.” In response to this, Colonel Campbell, Khan McEvedy and General Armstrong snap to attention and render perfect parade-ground salutes; their backs as straight and unyielding as sword blades.

Field Marshal Hodges returns the salute and says “alright, gentlemen; it’s time to go to work.”

The three officers leave, then Captain Richard Hodges comes up, salutes and says “Father, I’d like to introduce Star Captain Ranna Kerensky, formerly of Clan Wolf; I captured her in action in action against the Jade Falcons outside of Rookhaven.” Introductions are made (during which the woven bondcord wrapped around Kerensky’s left wrist is displayed) and Field Marshal Hodges responds “a pleasure to meet you, Star Captain. Colonel Kerensky, unless I’m mistaken, Ranna is your granddaughter, is she not?”

“You are correct, sir.”

Hodges nods, then looks to his son Richard and says “Captain, I’d like an appreciation of the engagement between Star Captain Kerensky and yourself.”

“Yes, sir. On the afternoon of May 16th, I and the Iron Legion were posted on the right flank outside Rookhaven when I received a challenge over the communications channel from Star Captain Kerensky; she called you out and, as you weren’t available, I accepted the challenge. I was piloting Green Lantern and she was piloting a Warhawk-C. We were 1,500 meters apart when I broke out into a run; Star Captain Kerensky’s machine likewise closed in on me. At 750 meters, I opened fire and nailed her in the right arm and right torso with my ER PPCs.”

“What happened next?”

“Sir, Green Lantern was out of Star Captain Kerensky’s range, so she had to wait ten seconds before she could open fire with her own ER PPCs. One missed wide-right, and the other got me in the center torso; in response to this I targeted the Warhawk-C’s right leg with my large pulse lasers; most of the armor was removed and one of the beams took out the hip actuator. This caused Kerensky to lose control and pitch over face-first into the ground. She started to rise, so I approached, kicked her machine over onto its back and planted one of Green Lantern’s feet on the torso. I requested Kerensky’s surrender and she did so; all told, the engagement lasted less than two minutes.”

“Well-done, Richard. What do you say to that, Natasha?”

“Captain Hodges’ description of the engagement sounds very much like the battle we had back on New Avalon in September of 3029. That was more than 20 years ago, and I still remember it like it was yesterday; as I recall, you only needed 30 seconds to defeat me. You were driving that damned tank of yours, and I was in my War Hammer; you hit me three times and I was only able to hit you once in return.”

“Precisely. Part of the reason why you, your granddaughter and the Clans were defeated so handily is that our tanks and mechs incorporate the very best technology that the Star League had to offer; there were also a couple systems of my own design.”


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #94 on: 16 August 2022, 14:17:10 »
Nice debriefing.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #95 on: 16 August 2022, 19:07:05 »
Nice debriefing.
Glad you liked it.

Next up is the journey home, a certain meeting taking place between the Successor Lords in a certain room at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and te undertaking of a campaign against the Marian Hegemony.


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #96 on: 17 August 2022, 05:59:31 »
Oh for a "Like" function!


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #97 on: 17 August 2022, 20:11:29 »
Welcome to the Inner Sphere..  where if someone designed systems based on 21st tech and still worked
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #98 on: 17 August 2022, 21:26:01 »
Oh for a "Like" function!
I'm glad you liked it.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #99 on: 17 August 2022, 21:26:38 »
Welcome to the Inner Sphere..  where if someone designed systems based on 21st tech and still worked


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #100 on: 19 August 2022, 03:00:27 »
In this TL, it's a given that the Star League will be reformed.

The question now arises on what form should the government be.

I'm leaning towards an executive monarchy; with the sovereign having more power than a constitutional monarch (but less than an absolute monarch).

The states of the Periphery will be admitted as full members of the League (including the Marian Hegemony, after the slavery question has been settled).

Now, should the body of government be a congress or a parliament?

The Star League High Council will be reformed, of course; it and the Congress/Parliament will be the principal advisory bodies for the First Lord
« Last Edit: 20 August 2022, 05:03:45 by Dreadpool »


  • Major
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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #101 on: 31 August 2022, 20:02:42 »
I think it should be more of a parliament style (honestly I have kitbashed the EU and UN system together to make this idea)

General Assembly The Assembly is composed of parliamentarians designated as delegates by the Members.  They are directly elected by Star League citizens every five years on the basis of proportional representation on a national basis . Each Nation has a set number of seats.   The Assembly is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Star League, and also the legislative initiator, with the sole power to propose laws for debate.  It is assisted in its work by Standing Committees, who shall normally prepare reports and draft resolutions for the Assembly.  They elected Speaker of the Assembly who serves a 5 term.  While they proposes legislation, for it to be law requires the joint approval of the Governing Council and the High Council to pass.

Governing Council The Governing Council normally holds two sessions a year. The Governing Council is composed of three representatives from each Member State (normally a rotated 1 member per member state every 2 years) and Speaker of the Assembly. The term of office of a member of the Governing Council lasts 6 years and all the members of the Governing Council must be sitting members of Parliament when appointed. The Governing Council elects the Secretary General of Governing Council for a 10 year term. The role of the secretary-general is described as combining the functions and responsibilities of an advocate, diplomat, civil servant, and chief executive officer.

Star League High Council The executive committee is composed of the First Lord of Star League, one representative per member state, and current Secretary General of Governing Council.  Will meet met biannually, unless called for Emergency Meeting

Secretariat The Secretariat constitutes the totality of the staff of the organisation under the direction of the Secretary General, responsible for the day-to-day running of the Star League.
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


  • Colonel
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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #102 on: 02 September 2022, 06:07:06 »
In this TL, it's a given that the Star League will be reformed.

The question now arises on what form should the government be.

I'm leaning towards an executive monarchy; with the sovereign having more power than a constitutional monarch (but less than an absolute monarch).

The states of the Periphery will be admitted as full members of the League (including the Marian Hegemony, after the slavery question has been settled).

Now, should the body of government be a congress or a parliament?

The Star League High Council will be reformed, of course; it and the Congress/Parliament will be the principal advisory bodies for the First Lord

Bigger question is what they would do with it?  Star League in origin was suppose to unify the Inner Sphere and keep it from blowing itself up. Which it failed due to leadership issue with House Cameron and Great houses various leaders playing dirty tricks in the Hidden Wars.   This time around everyone appears to be unified, with little no threats.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #103 on: 03 September 2022, 01:59:25 »
One thing I suggest that Hodges include in the new Star League is that membership be voluntary. The old SL had a mandatory membership (you will join or we will beat you into the ground, conquer your arse and make you join under our guidelines) which is part of what caused it no end of problems (among things) among the Periphery nations. Better to head that off before some ambitious idiots start demanding that other nations/systems be forced into the SL.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #104 on: 15 September 2022, 23:41:37 »
I think it should be more of a parliament style (honestly I have kitbashed the EU and UN system together to make this idea)

General Assembly The Assembly is composed of parliamentarians designated as delegates by the Members.  They are directly elected by Star League citizens every five years on the basis of proportional representation on a national basis . Each Nation has a set number of seats.   The Assembly is responsible for the day-to-day running of the Star League, and also the legislative initiator, with the sole power to propose laws for debate.  It is assisted in its work by Standing Committees, who shall normally prepare reports and draft resolutions for the Assembly.  They elected Speaker of the Assembly who serves a 5 term.  While they proposes legislation, for it to be law requires the joint approval of the Governing Council and the High Council to pass.

Governing Council The Governing Council normally holds two sessions a year. The Governing Council is composed of three representatives from each Member State (normally a rotated 1 member per member state every 2 years) and Speaker of the Assembly. The term of office of a member of the Governing Council lasts 6 years and all the members of the Governing Council must be sitting members of Parliament when appointed. The Governing Council elects the Secretary General of Governing Council for a 10 year term. The role of the secretary-general is described as combining the functions and responsibilities of an advocate, diplomat, civil servant, and chief executive officer.

Star League High Council The executive committee is composed of the First Lord of Star League, one representative per member state, and current Secretary General of Governing Council.  Will meet met biannually, unless called for Emergency Meeting

Secretariat The Secretariat constitutes the totality of the staff of the organisation under the direction of the Secretary General, responsible for the day-to-day running of the Star League.
Excellent suggestions.

So let it be written, so let it be done.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #105 on: 15 September 2022, 23:42:54 »
One thing I suggest that Hodges include in the new Star League is that membership be voluntary. The old SL had a mandatory membership (you will join or we will beat you into the ground, conquer your arse and make you join under our guidelines) which is part of what caused it no end of problems (among things) among the Periphery nations. Better to head that off before some ambitious idiots start demanding that other nations/systems be forced into the SL.
Another excellent suggestion.

It will be adopted.


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #106 on: 15 September 2022, 23:45:25 »
Governing Council The Governing Council normally holds two sessions a year. The Governing Council is composed of three representatives from each Member State (normally a rotated 1 member per member state every 2 years) and Speaker of the Assembly. The term of office of a member of the Governing Council lasts 6 years and all the members of the Governing Council must be sitting members of Parliament when appointed. The Governing Council elects the Secretary General of Governing Council for a 10 year term. The role of the secretary-general is described as combining the functions and responsibilities of an advocate, diplomat, civil servant, and chief executive officer.
Under this system, what is the purpose of the governing council?


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #107 on: 02 October 2022, 02:42:58 »
The Road that will take me Home
The Fox’ Den, New Avalon
September 10th, 3050

They say there's a place, where dreams have all gone
They never said where, but I think I know
Its miles through the night just over the dawn
On the road that will take me home

I know in my bones, I've been here before
The ground feels the same, though the land's been torn
I've a long way to go, the stars tell me so
On this road that will take me home.

Once the business on Harvest was concluded, the several contingents of the AEF disperse and return to their respective realms. For Field Marshal Hodges’ part, he returns home to Bristol for a joyous reunion with the res of his family. For the next two months after coming home, Hodges spend much of his time visiting his wounded troops during their recovery. For those troops who were killed in action, he writes personal letters to the families of those who fell. By his order, the next-of-kin are to receive the decedent’s pay as if he or she had completed 20 years of service. Additionally, their mortgages (if any) are paid off and their children are guaranteed a college education at the expense of the State.

In mid-August, Field Marshall Hodges receives a message from his direct superior Field Marshal Yvonne Davion; the substance of the message is that he is to come to New Avalon for a meeting with the First Prince. Always one to put duty first, Hodges departs aboard his flagship SLS William Halsey. One week into the journey, the ship’s AI manifests its holographic avatar (which appears as a tall woman wearing the dress uniform of a Fleet Admiral in the U.S Navy during World War II) in the in the ready room and says “Field Marshal, the last order I had from SLDF High Command concerned the disposition of the copy of the Prometheus database with which I had been entrusted.“

“I’ve heard of that database, Admiral; it makes the contents of the memory cores from Helm, New Dallas and elsewhere look like single paragraphs from out of a book.”

“You are correct, sir. The substance of the order was that I was to exercise my own discretion as to when and to whom I would hand over the database. I have reviewed all available records regarding your service to the Federated Commonwealth and I find that you are worthy enough to receive it.”

“Thank you, Admiral; I’m honored by your trust in me.”

On September 2nd, SLS William Halsey arrives at the New Avalon system’s jump point. From here, Field Marshal Hodges boards his personal dropshuttle; eight days later on September 10th, he arrives at New Avalon’s spaceport.

Within half an hour after landing, Hodges is standing before the First Prince in his office; also present are Archon-Princess Melissa and a number of other officers (including Field Marshal Yvonne Davion and his son Archon Prince-designate Victor Steiner-Davion). To his great surprise, Archon Katrina Steiner is there also.

Hodges snaps off his customary salute and says “reporting as ordered, your highness.”

“Please be seated, Field Marshal; thank you for coming on such short notice.”

“Of course, sir. After coming back home to Bristol, I spent some quality time with my wife and children then got down to the business of seeing to my injured troops and the families of the fallen; I made it a point to write their families and loved ones a personal letter expressing my thanks for their service.”

“A noble sentiment, Field Marshal; one that’s in the finest traditions of the military service. In case you were wondering I called you here because I wished to acknowledge your service to the Federated Commonwealth. My son Victor has given me a full report of what happened on Harvest; I must say that your campaign against the Clans was as fine a piece of soldiering as I have ever seen. I’ve consulted with Archon Katrina, and she concurs with me that your service has to be recognized accordingly. ATTENTION TO ORDERS…” Upon hearing this, Hodges snaps to attention in front of the First Prince’s desk.

“Field Marshal, as First Prince and one of the joint lords of the Federated Commonwealth, I (with Archon Steiner’s concurrence) have decided to increase your fief because of your great and continuing services to the realm and the Inner Sphere. To wit; the Duke of Manteno recently died and, as he had no issue, the Manteno system escheated back to the Throne. I now grant that territory to you, to have and hold in perpetuity. In likewise manner, I grant you the nearby systems of Amiga, Barstow, Batavia, Flushing, Listowel, McHenry and Wroxeter."

“Thank you, your highness; I’m honored that you think me worthy of such recognition.”

“The honor is all mine, Field Marshal; now, to the other business at hand….”

A pause, then “the threat of the Clans has been eliminated and the Inner Sphere finds itself at peace. I think that now’s the time to decide how to proceed from this day forward; to this end, I have called for a conference to be held among the Great Houses at a neutral site. The objective of the conference will be to decide what course our collective futures will take. Have you any suggestions as to the location?”

“Yes, sir. As I am still the planetary administrator of Terra, what would you say to holding the conference in Washington, D.C in the East Room of the White House? I can’t imagine a more historic setting than that. As to the agenda, the conference will more than likely be discussing the re-establishment of the Star League; with this in mind, I’ve got something that will sweeten the deal, if it comes down to that…”

“What might that be?”

“I had an interesting discussion with SLS William Halsey’s holographic avatar while on the way to New Avalon. She told me that the high command of the SLDF had entrusted her with a full copy of the Prometheus Database, and that it was her discretion on when and to whom to hand it over. Admiral Halsey told me that she had examined my service records and on that basis, chose me to give the database to.”

“Oh, dear lord!! You mean to tell me that you have a copy of the Prometheus datacore in your possession? That thing is the very stuff from which legends are made; all copies were said to have been destroyed during the Amaris Coup between 2766 and 2780.”

“Yes I do, your highness. The copy aboard SLS William Halsey was placed there by the SLDF High Command as a failsafe backup, in case something should happen to the main system (which, of course, it did). If we compare the datacores from Helm, New Dallas, Grauss and elsewhere to Prometheus, they’d be nothing more than single paragraphs on a single page out of an entire encyclopedia.”


“Your highness, I respectfully suggest that you tell no one outside of this room what we’ve got; let it be a surprise for the meeting on Terra.”

Hanse Davion exchanges a glance with Katrina Steiner, who responds with a nod of approval.

“Very well, let it be as you say. The current date is September 10th, 3050; it will take time to set up the conference; let’s use December 7th as a working date. In the meantime, I am ordering that copies of Prometheus be made and handed over to the New Avalon Institute of Science and Tharkad University; Dr. Banzai will be more than thrilled to see it…”
« Last Edit: 03 October 2022, 21:27:49 by Dreadpool »

Iron Grenadier

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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #108 on: 02 October 2022, 12:45:22 »
“Very well, let it be as you say. The current date is September 10th, 3050; it will take time to set up the conference; let’s use December 7th as a working date. In the meantime, I am ordering that copies of Prometheus be made and handed over to the New Avalon Institute of Science and Tharkad University; Dr. Banzai will be more than thrilled to see it…”

Well nothing wrong with that date.

And it's a Saturday....(yes I looked it up lol)


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #109 on: 02 October 2022, 20:56:50 »
Well nothing wrong with that date.

And it's a Saturday....(yes I looked it up lol)
I have a liking for historic dates.


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #110 on: 02 October 2022, 22:08:21 »
Governing Council The Governing Council normally holds two sessions a year. The Governing Council is composed of three representatives from each Member State (normally a rotated 1 member per member state every 2 years) and Speaker of the Assembly. The term of office of a member of the Governing Council lasts 6 years and all the members of the Governing Council must be sitting members of Parliament when appointed. The Governing Council elects the Secretary General of Governing Council for a 10 year term. The role of the secretary-general is described as combining the functions and responsibilities of an advocate, diplomat, civil servant, and chief executive officer.
Under this system, what is the purpose of the governing council?
It acts as a functional government for Star League, dealing with issues that don't need the High Council full attention, as each member state has 3 members, but not head of state.  Example the General Assembly votes to makes changes as to determining the credentials of each member nation's representatives.  Unless something in it truly requires the High Council to debate it, the Governing Council approval of it is rubber stamped.   
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #111 on: 02 October 2022, 22:19:07 »
Under this system, what is the purpose of the governing council?

It acts as a functional government for Star League, dealing with issues that don't need the High Council full attention, as each member state has 3 members, but not head of state.  Example the General Assembly votes to makes changes as to determining the credentials of each member nation's representatives.  Unless something in it truly requires the High Council to debate it, the Governing Council approval of it is rubber stamped.

I'll mention it and the other posts regarding the structure of the new Star League government in the next update.


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #112 on: 02 October 2022, 22:24:07 »
would like to see the breakdown of the seats by state!
For the FEDCOM For the Archon-Prince


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #113 on: 02 October 2022, 23:25:56 »
would like to see the breakdown of the seats by state!
As the number of seats in the General Assembly will be on the basis of proportional representation for the member states of the League, I am wondering how many seats each state should have?


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #114 on: 03 October 2022, 00:25:17 »
would like to see the breakdown of the seats by state!
That a question I currently struggling to figure out...  even trying to understand the FWL idea

throw this out
70 to the LC, DC, FWL, FS
35 to the MOC, TC, CC, OWA, FRR
45 to independant world or small nations
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #115 on: 03 October 2022, 00:57:50 »
That a question I currently struggling to figure out...  even trying to understand the FWL idea

throw this out
70 to the LC, DC, FWL, FS
35 to the MOC, TC, CC, OWA, FRR
45 to independant world or small nations
The Lyran Commonwealth and the Federated Commonwealth are now one nation, so their seats should be amalgamated. so, as follows:
140 seats to the Federated Commonwealth, 70 seats to the Draconis Combine, 70 seats to the Free Worlds League
35 seats each to the Magistracy of Canopus, Taurian Concordat, Capellan Confederation, Outworlds Alliance and the Free Rasalhague Republic
45 seats for independent planets or small nations

Total: 500 seats

General Assembly = House of Representatives
Governing Council = Senate

I think that term limits for both bodies should be an item; what says the hive mind on this?
« Last Edit: 03 October 2022, 01:40:21 by Dreadpool »


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #116 on: 03 October 2022, 04:26:46 »
If the Lyran Commonwealth and the Federated Suns are now one nation, the Federated Commonwealth, they should get 70 seats, unless it is by proportional representation, i.e. population count.


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #117 on: 03 October 2022, 05:46:42 »
If the Lyran Commonwealth and the Federated Suns are now one nation, the Federated Commonwealth, they should get 70 seats, unless it is by proportional representation, i.e. population count.
Upon further consideration, the Federated Suns and the Lyran Commonwealth won't be one nation until  Victor assumes booth thrones and becomes Archon-Prince...


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #118 on: 03 October 2022, 13:23:42 »
The Lyran Commonwealth and the Federated Commonwealth are now one nation, so their seats should be amalgamated. so, as follows:
140 seats to the Federated Commonwealth, 70 seats to the Draconis Combine, 70 seats to the Free Worlds League
35 seats each to the Magistracy of Canopus, Taurian Concordat, Capellan Confederation, Outworlds Alliance and the Free Rasalhague Republic
45 seats for independent planets or small nations

Total: 500 seats

General Assembly = House of Representatives
Governing Council = Senate

I think that term limits for both bodies should be an item; what says the hive mind on this?

Yes and no on the General Assembly = USA House of Representatives.
     There could be a # of yes in how it assembled, and how the legislative work is done with assisted by Standing Committees, who shall normally prepare reports and draft resolutions for the Assembly.  They in my proposal serve 5 year terms..  500 people
No on the Governing Council = USA Senate
    Membership is a 6 year term, and needed to be sitting member of the General Assembly when appointed by their own house.  Totally Membership - As I see is 21 people -Terra/Earth, 18 members (3 per Nation), Speaker of the Assembly and lastly the Secretary General of Governing Council (who the rest of the Governing Council elected for a 10 year term).  It is more of the "elected" functional government for Star League as I propose it, think of it more in line with a City Council style powers, who really only checks on power is the Star League High Council

Term limits..  while I agree with them not sure how to set them up that allows the Governing Council to be effective at their jobs

"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #119 on: 22 October 2022, 03:14:17 »
And now for something completely different.

ITTL, General Hodges introduced Battlebots on Bristol and Beecher years ago; it has become enormously popular in high schools and universities (he also did the same for Car Wars....)

The first Battlebots champion was Mechadon, a six-legged 2,000-lb walker design armed  with a pair of light machineguns and a flamethrower; physical weaponry consisted of either a rotary drum or a saw blade.
« Last Edit: 23 October 2022, 06:21:58 by Dreadpool »

