Combat Personnel
Force Captain Leon Shay Callsign: RICOCHET
BattleMech: MAD-3M
MarauderStatus: Operational [3018]
Personal File: FCpt. Shay is a veteran of the Regulan Hussars. He is a cunning and tenacious commander, but his career consistently suffered from his insubordinate ego and a reputation for backroom dealing. His desertion from the Fifth was the culmination of a long term rivalry with Col. Nathan Pierce, whom Shay considered unfit for command but was unable to effectively challenge via Regulan Hussar dueling traditions. It was only through his force of will and personality that the company survived the dark days of 3016, and he doesn’t let anyone forget it. He cultivates a roguish “silver fox” affect with a distant, wry sense of humor and an ever-present but seldom lit cigar. His
Marauder is painted teal and dark grey with a prominent white stripe.
Lieutenant Sylvia RuizCallsign: LARK
BattleMech: GRF-1N
GriffinStatus: Operational [3018]
Personal File: Lt. Ruiz is the Crashlanders’ new second in command. Hailing from a wealthy Taurian noble family, her somewhat eccentric personality never adapted well to the regimentation of military life. After a few unsuccessful years serving in planetary militias, she struck out on her own to form a mercenary band of fellow misfits and iconoclasts. Upbeat and optimistic to a fault, she has nevertheless struggled with her image as a dilettante who bought her commission. She tends to overextend herself in attempts to compensate. Her
Griffin is a battle-scarred family heirloom decorated with a rotating series of her artistic endeavors, currently a teal and white alpine gradient scheme.
Banner Ibrahim WieczorekCallsign: LONGSHOT
BattleMech: ON1-K
OrionStatus: Operational [3018]
Personal File: A professional soldier through and through, Bnr. Wieczorek is the longest serving member of the group except for FCpt. Shay, having begun his career in the Marik Militia. A stolid and dependable anchor on the battlefield, he has also had the most trouble adapting to the loose, unpredictable life of a mercenary. He does not relate well to the new additions to the company- especially Lt. Ruiz, whom he perceives as a rich girl playing at BattleMechs. Still, he appreciates no longer being required to pull double duty as the unit’s executive officer, a role for which he was entirely unsuited. He prefers to spend his free time grousing with the older members of the support crews.
Serjeant Vivian KashaniCallsign: RIVET
BatleMech: TBT-5J
Trebuchet Status: Operational [3018]
Personal File: Sjt. Kashani is the only survivor of the company’s fire lance, which was wiped out in a disastrous incident on Úr Cruinne. The loss of her comrades hit the formerly dependable MechWarrior hard. She became personally withdrawn, overly cautious in battle, and let her ‘Mech fall into disrepair. The recent influx of new blood seems to be bringing her out of her shell, however. With help from Lt. Ruiz and Sgt. Thomas she has redecorated her olive green
Trebuchet with dedications to her fallen comrades. Kashani’s older brother Laszlo was the unit’s executive officer when they were part of the Fifth Regulan Hussars. The two were not close; Laszlo’s decision to stay with the Fifth suited Vivian just fine.
Serjeant Mario KristoffCallsign: KILO
BattleMech: HER-2S Hermes IIStatus: Operational [3018]
Personal File: Sjt. Kristoff is a thick-jawed, muscular man with a heavy Italian accent. His size and deliberate speech patterns often give the impression of a dull thug, but this is far from the truth. Fiercely loyal to his compatriots, he is often found in the thick of combat, drawing fire to protect his lance mates. Conversely, he has a habit of treating unit assets as personal property. It was his under-the-table deals with local black marketeers that kept the company afloat when they could no longer afford supplies or parts. His
Hermes II sports a painstakingly maintained black and tan paint scheme. He can often be found hovering near its MechBay, pestering any AsTechs who dare approach.
Sergeant Sten HayashizakiCallsign: SNAKE
BattleMech: LCT-1V
LocustStatus: Operational [3018]
Personal File: A ronin from the Draconis Combine, Sgt. Hayashizaki still follows the bushido spirit even as he flagrantly rejects its conservative social strata and presentation. He can often be seen practicing swordsmanship in the MechBay during transit, the traditional martial forms contrasting with his punk attire and flippant attitude. He pilots his weathered grey
Locust like he has a death wish- intentionally dashing across enemy lines of fire before disappearing into cover, only to re-emerge and continue harassing from another angle. What dishonor drove him from the Dragon’s service and to fight with such little regard for his life is his secret to keep.
Sergeant Eli ThomasCallsign: FLEX
BattleMech: STG-3R
StingerStatus: Operational [3018]
Personal File: [
See Below]
Sergeant Lydia MendezCallsign: VESPA
BattleMech: ASN-21
AssassinStatus: Operational [3018]
Personal File: Sgts. Thomas and Mendez form a cohort of deliberately obscure origin. Their odd dynamic has prompted rumors that they are siblings, reconciled ex-lovers, or many stranger things. The two refuse to discuss the matter, instead saying that they are just old comrades. Despite their very different personalities they appear to have an intuitive understanding of the other’s thought processes, making them excellent lance mates in the field. Thomas is the more talkative and bombastic of the two, although he tends to be more cautious in combat. His
Stinger is painted stark white with a deep blue rayskin pattern. Mendez is reserved and standoffish in person, but in combat tends to overcommit and needs Thomas to rope her in. Her battered
Assassin, nicknamed “Lefty” by the company’s techs for the number of times it has lost its arm, sports a red and black camo scheme with white chequering on the shoulder.
Inactive PersonnelSerjeant Emile JansenCallsign: SLIDE
Mech: WSP-1A
WaspStatus: MIA, Holt [3014]
Personal File: In December 3014 the Fifth Regulan Hussars launched an ill-conceived assault on the Stewart Dragoons Home Guard stationed on Holt. The attack ran afoul of two supporting loyalist regiments of heavy armor. Their line broken, the Hussars tried to pull back, but the Home Guard proved impossible to shake off. Sjt. Jansen was separated from the rest of the Revenants during the early stages of the counterattack. Despite sporadic contact over the course of the battle, the confusion of the retreat meant that he was never able to rejoin the company. His battered
Wasp was found after the battle by loyalist recovery crews. Evidence suggests that he successfully ejected, but he has never been found and his fate remains unknown.
Serjeant Brooke BusteloCallsign: HOT CHIP
Mech: CN9-A
CenturionStatus: KIA, Holt [3014]
Personal File: [
See Below]
Serjeant Soren McVey Callsign: CRICKET
Mech: TDR-5S
ThunderboltStatus: KIA, Holt [3014]
Personal File: In many ways Sjts. Bustelo and McVey could not have been more different, despite their similar fate. McVey was the youngest member of the Revenant's battle lance, piloting his father’s
Thunderbolt. Considered a “babyface” by the rest of the company, he seemed well poised to follow in his family’s footsteps of upright service to the Principality. Bustelo, on the other hand, was a chronic troublemaker only retained due to Shay's indulgence of her vices. During the retreat on Holt, McVey’s 'Mech was immobilized by leg actuator damage from an ambushing Harasser. A recovery team was called up, but the other members of the battle lance had expended their ammunition and were unable to provide cover. Bustelo volunteered to step out of the fire lance and provide a rear guard. Unfortunately, the pursuing Home Guard forces arrived sooner than expected. The two ‘Mechs were overrun and both pilots killed in action.
Serjeant Denzel La PazCallsign: FRACTURE
BattleMech: FLE-15
FleaStatus: AWOL, McKenna [3015]
Personal File: A true believer in Anton Marik's cause, Sjt. La Paz was the only MechWarrior that declined to desert with Shay in 3015. Despite this, he remained loyal enough to the captain to not betray his plans prior to his departure. With so few forces remaining Col. Pierce could not afford to discipline him, and so La Paz remained active in the Fifth until the regiment’s surrender on Fuentes in May. During the following reprisals he was summarily dispossessed of his ‘Mech, and eventually chose to defect to the Capellan Confederation. He currently serves as a Pegasus pilot in the Fifteenth Dracon.
Serjeant Fabian LewCallsign: MULLIGAN
BattleMech: CRD-3R
CrusaderStatus: KIA, Úr Cruinne [3016]
Personal File: [
See Below]
Lieutenant Priska Drodsinski Callsign: GRANDMASTER
BattleMech: ARC-2R
ArcherStatus: MIA, Úr Cruinne [3016]
Personal File: Neither Sjt. Lew nor Lt. Drodinski were natives of the Principality of Regulus. Lew hailed from the Rim Commonality, whereas Drodinski was widely ribbed for the Russian accent that betrayed her Cappellan ancestry. However, the two were reliable members of the company until the disaster on Úr Cruinne. Deployed as part of a non-MRB approved mercenary contract in a desperate attempt to shore up finances, the survivors of the Revenant’s fire support lance found themselves atop a forbidding, icy bluff, supposedly awaiting a pirate convoy. As a blizzard moved in, their employer’s supporting forces turned on them. The lance found itself trying to defend itself against tanks and infantry at point blank range with nowhere to maneuver. Sjt. Kashani’s
Trebuchet had jump jets that allowed her to disengage, but the others were not so lucky. Lew’s already battered
Crusader was destroyed almost immediately, leaving Drodinski cornered and with no choice but to eject. In the aftermath Shay deemed the risk of a rescue mission too great for the paltry forces left to him, instead ordering a hasty vengeance strike on the local port facilities followed by evacuation.
Lieutenant Suneeti RavatiCallsign: BLACKBIRD
BattleMech: WVR-6M
WolverineStatus: Discharged, Detroit [3016]
Personal File: [
See Below]
Serjeant Elyse KotokisCallsign: UNDINE
BattleMech: HBK-4G
HunchbackStatus: Discharged, Detroit [3016]
Personal File: The Úr Cruinne incident was the last straw for Sjt. Kotokis. After a year of deprivation and misfortune, she considered Shay’s failure to properly vet their employers responsible for the loss of their comrades. Following Regulan Hussar protocol, she challenged him to a duel for company leadership. Shay refused the duel, but also did not contest her claims. Instead, he offered any who wished to leave a discharge with their ‘Mech. Kotokis and Ravati both took him up on the offer and together contracted transport to the Magistracy of Canopus. Shay regrets the loss of Lt. Ravati the most; as the company’s second in command, her quiet but keen mind was often the lynchpin for tactical operations. No contact has been made with the two since their departure, leaving the company in the dark about their fortunes.