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Off Topic / Re: Anyone else remember Hypernauts?
« Last post by idea weenie on Today at 10:48:49 »
"We have a Batman at home."

... and this to was aimed at adults, not children.

I remember one superhero movie, where the main character had a fiber-optic disguise costume.  One time during the movie the hero wears the costume to a costume ball (and he doesn't stick out), and shows off its ability to change colors to the female protagonist.  A butler nearby tries to identify him and has to keep rephrasing as the color changes.  "The guy in the red outfit.  No, the green outfit."  "Will you make up your mind."  The hero-car could also change colors, had internal semi-AI systems that could evaluate threats, and some weapons.  This color-changing is used to temporarily lose the pursuers by changing color inside a tunnel (so the pursuing helicopter never sees).

Thought it was Nightman based on the camouflage cape, but I was wrong.

Wish I could remember its name.
Fan Articles / Re: Mech of the Week: Deimos
« Last post by SteelRaven on Today at 10:44:35 »
Some MekTek designs are only workable in MW4
and all ignored and forgotten about as part of the whole "isn't STL wonderful" crap they started pushing, I mean when Free Capella went loyalist I basicly gave up

While I fully understand your point of view, the way things evolved is nonetheless logical (up to a certain point...I'm not knowleadgeable enough on Daoshen's rule to comment past the jihad).

The confederation was effectively gutted inside and out by the 4th SW. Big chunks of the state turned traitor and all the inner powers within the confederation were for the chancellor's office, thanks to Romano's character.

The "check and balance" system that had ruled over the inner politics of the CC for its entire history was effectively shattered, a kind of shattering that can easily take decades to recover from if the conjecture allows it. But the conjecture did not.

Think what you will of STL, but the Xin Sheng movement was a master stroke that enabled him, coupled with a certain liberalization of the system, to keep things running mostly as they had under his mother. Making sure no one managed to form new power blocks was just a formality from there on.

As for Free Capella, with Tormano's line eliminated and the jihad in full swing, the way it dissolved and rejoined the state isn't necessarily far fetched.

Now I'm somewhat loathe to say this, but I pretty much agree that this evolution of Capellan politics, while very interesting in its unfolding, is somewhat disapointing in terms of "offering to the lore enthusiast" can be argued that, somewhere along the way, the Capellan state lost its soul. To me, the whole "thuggee buisness", which is all that's left on any "inner political haggling" that was once the norm, just doesn't cut it. I'd like to support my point by making relations to china's evolution since the death of Sun Yat-Sen but I'm not sure I could stay clear of the dreaded (but, I suppose, necessary in our time)"rule number 4" as some things are rather fresh in terms of history. Suffice to say that while the triads were initially of importance following Sun's death, they quickly where pushed out of any important role with the unfolding of events, as it should be in any major power.

But then, for all this, I point back to Gabriel Quinn. Such individuals and the small grass root movements they head could easily still be at work whithin the confederation. Heck, I couldn't believe it isn't the case. But these are but small fringe movements, irrelevant to most battletech fiction and sourcebooks.

If people didn't complain about the over charge in shipping, it might have never been worked on. So, there is that.
Some of the people getting triggered, well that maybe a little too much.
Off Topic / Re: Creating Serednya Slaviya's military, part the second
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 10:25:39 »
That's the current version... not as useful for a historical "what if", but could be interesting anyway! :)
General BattleTech Discussion / Re: Project Aphrodite
« Last post by Daryk on Today at 10:23:38 »
I think it's a "why not both?" situation... genetic engineering AND terraforming for belt and suspenders interstellar colonization! :D
In defense of d20, Palladium's system is d20, before it was a fad. And back in the day, some of my friends preferred Robotech to Battletech.  I never like Palldaium's d20 because it was too much like D&D. Didn't feel right.
Fan Fiction / Re: The Lyre Ascendant: A Dark Age AU Writeup
« Last post by PlEGUY on Today at 10:20:55 »
Ah, so poor Trillian won't be handed a crap sandwhich.  Do go on.

Um... about that...
Once, I found a plastic-pack of mechs at a drug-store in the '80's and got it.  If I'm shopping at one of the many mom&pop stores, and I find a pack of Robotech-mecha, in plastic, like army-men, I'm buying it and using it.

I found a ton of Star-Wars toys, the size of miniatures, for a dollar a piece at the 99-Cents stores, a few years ago, I bought the entire rack!  I want to use them for Interceptor; I haven't got around to making them out yet, but, I can if I want to!  And I don't even play Star-Wars that much anyways.

StarCom and Air Raiders? I think we can be friends. ;)

I've run both as RPGs at some point during my life using the West End d6 system. At one point, I even had a chart of all the rank insignia from the figures in StarCom, and I had worked out that the Thunderhammer in Air Raiders had a small galley and a couple of bunks inside the main body for the crew to rotate on long-duration voyages.

I was into StarCom and Air-Raiders from sixth-grade all the way to freshman in high-school; I think it had to do more with I was getting into astronomy at that time as we moved to the edge of the city and the stars were more visible. Now, I think of Airlandia as a hot-Mars.
I gave percentages before but I should also give an example for lower level pledges like me. My first pledge was recruit level with salvages and swag add-ons. No maps or anything else. The Shipping plus GST got from 56$ for an order of 156$ Us to 63.23$ US now  :shocked:

The second is somewhat worse. Paper pusher with the Art of War DTF book add-on and 2 patches. 50$ US. Shipping and+ GST is 32.83$US  :shocked: :shocked: :shocked:

Yup. Love Canada for Commerce.  :headbang: :headbang: :mafiosi:

I would recommend following the directions in the kickstarter update 88 email. 
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