Author Topic: New York Open - Battletech on Oct 26th and 27th.  (Read 718 times)


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New York Open - Battletech on Oct 26th and 27th.
« on: 19 August 2024, 22:31:57 »
New York Battletech Open (Tickets Required.. $80 for two days of Battletech)
October 26th and 27th @ The Town School on Manhattan

Brooklyn Battletech is hosting the New York Battletech Open. This event will consist of 1 vs. 1 pairings played over the course of two days. The number of rounds and tournament system determined by the number of players in the event, but we are probably looking at a total of 5-6 games.  Rankings and most likely pairing will be done by victory points.

Convention Details are Here

  • 10,000bv Force Limit
  • 3-6 Units
  • Combined Arms
  • BattleMech Manual Equipment (no artillery)
  • 3x Rounds Saturday;  2+ Rounds Sunday (most likely).

This is going to be a tournament version of the Brooklyn 10K Format. Mini and painting rules are going to be closer to the CGL tournament standard. Details will be documented on this post on the BBT Discord. and on the NY-Open Site.
« Last Edit: 19 August 2024, 22:46:17 by Geg »