I am glad they added Naomi to the mix. The rest of the star gave the game a very young adult-oriented vibe. New to everything, new to the touman and being a Clan warrior, so many moments were firsts for them. Naomi was the counterweight to that. The stuff about her not fighting a Trial in a decade because her unit was always bid away was interesting. There was a complexity there that I wish they had explored more.
What we get is this group of young warriors as the focus of the star still finding their way, and then a few older very successful bloodnamed warriors, Star Colonel, Galaxy Commander, saKhan.
Naomi represents the middle, and not necessarily a successful one, but not quite a failure either. A lot of Clan warriors who survive long enough but don't earn a Bloodname end up exactly like Naomi. Still loyal, still willing to serve, yet a touch jaded and battered by life experience. They have to realign their ambition and goals to suit their reality. Find some self-acceptance of their place, or go bonkers. Naomi seems like she's accepted that she's never going to earn a Bloodname or be anything more than what she is. If she isn't killed in combat before then, it isn't difficult picturing her as a good cadet instructor someday (regardless of the campaign path you chose). She has the patience for it.