Author Topic: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets  (Read 4231 times)


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IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« on: 17 April 2023, 23:42:09 »
I am in the process of constructing a character who uses a CattleMaster for farm work. According to Tech Manual, page 63:
...a lot of IndustrialMechs -- unlike BattleMechs -- make little to no significant use of neurohelmet-assisted balance support. The driver of an IndustrialMech relies entirely on manual control instead...
However! In ATOW, page 295, it says in a footnote:
**Neurohelmets are required to safely operate BattleMechs, IndustrialMechs and aerospace fighters. Without a neurohelmet, a pilot suffers a -6 Piloting Skill roll modifier, and must make Piloting Skill rolls even when turning at walk/Safe Thrust.

My question is... IMechs, does the pilot need a NH or not?

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« Reply #1 on: 18 April 2023, 00:46:00 »
I am in the process of constructing a character who uses a CattleMaster for farm work. According to Tech Manual, page 63:However! In ATOW, page 295, it says in a footnote:
My question is... IMechs, does the pilot need a NH or not?

Best we can answer is "sometimes", I think.  I'm not aware of any Tech Readout or sourcebook that expressly spells out which IndustrialMechs require neurohelmets and which ones do not, at least not directly.

I searched Tech Readout: Vehicle Annex, and couldn't find any mention of the word "neuro", so no help there.

Tech Readout: Irregulars on page 36, under the Inquisitor's entry, mentions that Corporal Elishin Luwin repainted an Inquisitor named the "Blue Boy", and then suffered near-fatal neurohelmet feedback that ended his career.  So, we can presume that the Inquisitor needs a neurohelmet, which kind of makes sense, since it's a SecurityMech.  That's the only mention of the word in the book.  With that said, I don't think the helmet the Exo pilot is wearing on page 17 looks like a neurohelmet or, if it is, it's a fancy one, but YMMV.

Personally, I'd probably argue that any IndustrialMech with Advanced Fire Control requires a neurohelmet, and that it's probably optional on all the others, but that's just me.
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Re: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« Reply #2 on: 19 April 2023, 11:40:49 »
I'd call that accurate, Giovanni. IndustrialMechs meant for combat duty likely require a neurohelmet interface, while those built for industrial work likely make them optional-to-unnecessary.

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Re: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« Reply #3 on: 22 April 2023, 09:30:34 »
In the specific case of the Cattle Master,  would lean toward needing a neurohelmet to allow more careful handling of the livestock.

idea weenie

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Re: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« Reply #4 on: 22 April 2023, 09:41:03 »
In the specific case of the Cattle Master,  would lean toward needing a neurohelmet to allow more careful handling of the livestock.

So the Mechwarrior doesn't steer them wrong?


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Re: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« Reply #5 on: 22 April 2023, 09:55:38 »
Heh... more so the driver doesn't kill any accidentally.


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Re: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« Reply #6 on: 22 April 2023, 10:00:09 »
So to avoid a Lennie Small situation...makes sense.
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Re: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« Reply #7 on: 22 April 2023, 10:07:58 »
Exactly!  :thumbsup:


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Re: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« Reply #8 on: 27 April 2023, 19:12:04 »
I am in the process of constructing a character who uses a CattleMaster for farm work. According to Tech Manual, page 63:
However! In ATOW, page 295, it says in a footnote:
My question is... IMechs, does the pilot need a NH or not?

Rules rule. What I nudged into p. 63 to emphasize the robotic, fairly smart nature of 'Mechs (to cooperate with p. 42-43's description of how BattleMechs were controlled) is fluff only. The rules say 'Mechs of any form suffer badly without neurohelmets. The rules stand until errata'd.

But speaking of errata...

"Neurohelmets are required to safely operate BattleMechs, IndustrialMechs and aerospace fighters. Without a neurohelmet, a pilot suffers a -6 Piloting Skill roll modifier, and must make Piloting Skill rolls even when turning at walk/Safe Thrust."

I thought they were optional in aerospace fighters, and the impact on industrial 'Mechs for poorly-trained civilian pilots should be less. I guess an errata would be...

"Neurohelmets are required to safely operate BattleMechs, and to better operate IndustrialMechs and aerospace fighters. Without a neurohelmet, a Battlemech pilot suffers a -6 Piloting Skill roll modifier, and must make Piloting Skill rolls even when turning at walk/Safe Thrust. Industrial 'Mechs suffer a -2 on Pilot Skill rolls, while aerospace fighters suffer a -2 on initiative."

How's that sound?

« Last Edit: 27 April 2023, 19:34:21 by cray »
Mike Miller, Materials Engineer

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Disclaimer: Anything stated in this post is unofficial and non-canon unless directly quoted from a published book. Random internet musings of a BattleTech writer are not canon.


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Re: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« Reply #9 on: 27 April 2023, 19:15:54 »
Glad to be on the right side of right!  :)


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Re: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« Reply #10 on: 04 June 2023, 12:45:43 »
In our games any 'Mech can be set into Maintenance Mode:

1. No Neurohelm required
2. All weapon systems (or tools) locked
3. 1 MP (total)

For IndustrialMechs we do the same as already suggested for combat: -2 to all piloting rolls.
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Re: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« Reply #11 on: 04 June 2023, 16:05:50 »
I'd have to look it up (and I'm probably going to write a Sarna Essay about the issue one day) but I think you don’t need a neurohelmet for regular driving. Any tech can walk a 'Mech into a hangar or secure it into a 'Mech bay using manual controls and the DI computer.
Requiring piloting skill rolls at -6 for turning at walking speed seems excessive. BattleTechWiki Admin
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Re: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« Reply #12 on: 04 June 2023, 17:16:51 »
Agreed... -6 on a 2d6 roll is extremely punitive.


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Re: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« Reply #13 on: 08 July 2024, 04:31:45 »
I'm a newbie, but so far all the books have a section in the beginning that states you shouldn't let rules get in the way of fun. When two rules of pieces of fluff or rules conflict, I would use the rule that is least punitive to the players. Personally I would simply ignore the word IndustrialMech in above ruling since it's unique to ATOW, seems punitive, and doesn't seem to fit with other sources (TW, Sarna) stating that few Industrial mechs utilize such a helmet in the first place.

So I would rule that the penalty is only applied when there is some reason to assume the specific IndustrialMech in question uses a neurohelmet. If no source indicate that it does, just ignore the rule. I don't play ATOW (yet) but I don't think there are any Neurohelmet-related rules in TW at all. Perhaps in TO:AUE there are?


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Re: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« Reply #14 on: 08 July 2024, 09:48:35 »
To my knowledge, neurohelmets are required because the Mech requires the pilot's neural feedback to balance itself with help of the Mechs Gyro. That is why Vehicles and Aerospace fighters do not need them.


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Re: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« Reply #15 on: 25 July 2024, 23:59:53 »
Aren't we forgetting the Neuro-band, here?

Some fluff has simpler industrial/work mechs controlled by something more like a crown/headband or tiara.

I like the idea and I see the value in having a less-personalized "good-enough" system for shift-work, ect. Something that dad and the kids can use on the farm, without having a full neurohelmet to maintain and keep in sync.

But just my head-cannon; it would be like a tractor vs a sports car; complete with vague steering and sluggish response-times. So for those more precision-tasks, you'd still want a neurohelmet. Or a tech could bypass your mech and move it to the repair bay with just the 'band.

Of course, I still want rules for using the tanker smock in place of a proper cooling vest too.
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Re: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« Reply #16 on: 14 October 2024, 15:07:22 »
I always considered mechs operated without a neurohelm/band to behave roughly how piloted mechs in MechWarrior5 act. You have general mobility and relativistic control, but fine motor control and complex movement aren't possible. Good enough in a pinch, but vastly deficient by comparison to the real deal.
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Re: IndustrialMechs and Neurohelmets
« Reply #17 on: 16 October 2024, 18:19:57 »
I always considered mechs operated without a neurohelm/band to behave roughly how piloted mechs in MechWarrior5 act. You have general mobility and relativistic control, but fine motor control and complex movement aren't possible. Good enough in a pinch, but vastly deficient by comparison to the real deal.

Just reread the lecture entry in the beginning of the TechManual and it straight up says mechs are smart enough to be piloted without the influence of a neurohelmet and can even grab stuff and do target acquisition without one. The neurohelmet just makes the interface much faster, gives the pilot more information, and acts as an additional connection point from the Battlemech's computer to the pilot.
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