Author Topic: Quality vs Quantity - Games of Berkeley 8k BV game  (Read 1737 times)


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Quality vs Quantity - Games of Berkeley 8k BV game
« on: 18 December 2023, 01:08:56 »
4 vs 5 team match up.  Elite pilots in Early invasion tech vs a green advanced tech horde.

Victor Kataga 3/4 (Turning Points: New Dallas)
Banshee Oliphant 3/4 (Named Eridani Light Horse commander, famous for having a jesters cap on his mech)
Vindicator Link 2/4 (Custom build, used Vindicator 3L stats)
Jenner Samuli 2/4 (Record sheets: Unique Mechs)


Stalker 5/6 (2 ER Larges, 3 LRM15s)
Longbow 5/6 (4 Thunderbolt-5s, 2 Thunderbolt-20s) - the 20s missed every turn they fired, while the 5s kept hitting.
Grasshopper 5/6 (5 Medium Pulses, improved jump jets)
Trebuchet 5/6 (3 MML5, 2 meds)
Dervish 5/6 q 11 :evil:(ER Meds, SRMs, I think)
(I didn't see my opponents sheets. But they were all designed around a theme and he utilized alot of NARC and TAG as well.)


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Re: Quality vs Quantity - Games of Berkeley 8k BV game
« Reply #1 on: 18 December 2023, 01:10:30 »

Even winning initiative for most of the game, the higher tech values of the OpFor and thus greater amount of weapons being used, along with better overall maneuverability decided the game in favor of the greener pilots.  All 5/6 rating but flanker mechs moving at 5/8/8, 6/9/6, 5/8 and his fire support mechs at 3/5.  I was using 4/6/4 and 4/6 mechs exclusively.  Only the Victor Kataga was at parity tech wise, and his Stalker alone outgunned 3 of my mechs.

Pretty much was fighting a defensive game the whole time, even though I won initiative for the majority of the turns.


  • Major
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Re: Quality vs Quantity - Games of Berkeley 8k BV game
« Reply #2 on: 18 December 2023, 01:11:56 »

The Jenner was the first to go down, around turn 4z with the Vindicator being lost 2 turns after.   The Banshee soaked up alot of damage, and same with the Victor, but they probably wouldn't have lasted another turn.


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Re: Quality vs Quantity - Games of Berkeley 8k BV game
« Reply #3 on: 02 January 2024, 13:54:53 »
With that many trees around, I'm surprised the 5 gunners could hit at all...