4 vs 5 team match up. Elite pilots in Early invasion tech vs a green advanced tech horde.
Victor Kataga 3/4 (Turning Points: New Dallas)
Banshee Oliphant 3/4 (Named Eridani Light Horse commander, famous for having a jesters cap on his mech)
Vindicator Link 2/4 (Custom build, used Vindicator 3L stats)
Jenner Samuli 2/4 (Record sheets: Unique Mechs)
Stalker 5/6 (2 ER Larges, 3 LRM15s)
Longbow 5/6 (4 Thunderbolt-5s, 2 Thunderbolt-20s) - the 20s missed every turn they fired, while the 5s kept hitting.
Grasshopper 5/6 (5 Medium Pulses, improved jump jets)
Trebuchet 5/6 (3 MML5, 2 meds)
Dervish 5/6 q 11

(ER Meds, SRMs, I think)
(I didn't see my opponents sheets. But they were all designed around a theme and he utilized alot of NARC and TAG as well.)