Author Topic: 'Warcriming the Militia' - Battlemechs of the WoB  (Read 10281 times)

Red Pins

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Re: 'Warcriming the Militia' - Battlemechs of the WoB
« Reply #150 on: 02 December 2024, 17:14:19 »
Did the Design originally have the Metalstorm-inspired Improved Autocannons or did they have the Light ACs brought from the Inner Sphere?

The Wob Viking-3M uses Light AC/2s, four tons a pop gun.  I just switched them out for the Clan ER-Large lasers, the single ton of ammo went to an ER-TAG,  playing up the long-range aspect.  iAC/2s would be wasted tonnage halfway through a fight, they belong on lighter, cheaper cannon fodder while the lasers allow the 90 ton mech to survive without ammo.  Definitely worth it.
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Re: 'Warcriming the Militia' - Battlemechs of the WoB
« Reply #151 on: 02 December 2024, 20:10:47 »
Thanks for taking a second look... the extra (different) missile tubes just didn't make sense to me.

Red Pins

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Re: 'Warcriming the Militia' - Battlemechs of the WoB
« Reply #152 on: 02 December 2024, 22:27:37 »
Well..  They're religious nutjobs in space.  And somehow, the image has to reflect some kind of accurate representation - I can lie like a rug, but art is completely foreign to me.

*edit-Sorry - it works out to 4 tons/3crits, and the rest of the chart is full.  It was an easy switch for the lasers, but for the life of me I can't think of anything else to really fill the tonnage and crit chart so perfectly.  Looks like it stays with the Streaks.   :huh:
« Last Edit: 02 December 2024, 22:43:22 by Red Pins »
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Re: 'Warcriming the Militia' - Battlemechs of the WoB
« Reply #153 on: 03 December 2024, 04:14:38 »
If it works, it works... ;)

Red Pins

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Re: 'Warcriming the Militia' - Battlemechs of the WoB
« Reply #154 on: 22 December 2024, 23:25:45 »
Finally getting started again.  Almost done this page, just having to work a bit at a time.  I was going to use a hardened armor iAC-Rifleman with the image of the Malice, but decided to rework it.  Now, its a 90 ton iAC kind-of Rifleman.  Not really perfect, but this is the last of the 'new' units, so...  Anyway, screenshot.
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Re: 'Warcriming the Militia' - Battlemechs of the WoB
« Reply #155 on: 23 December 2024, 06:22:43 »
iAC-Rifleman sounds like it's a variant of the Rifleman II or III
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Red Pins

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Re: 'Warcriming the Militia' - Battlemechs of the WoB
« Reply #156 on: 23 December 2024, 10:20:12 »
Maybe?  The real Riffle was the original - not the variants, to me.  I even crammed everything that defined the Rifleman into a 40 ton unit with L-PPC/ER-MLs and small lasers, but the Assault concept was a bit much.

Anyway, it's niche as heck, so there aren't many given it's drawbacks.  The NCs would recognize the cost benefits of specialized vehicles and prefer them to this.  I hope to finish today, but being the day before all the freeloaders descend upon the house I have a million things to do.
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Re: 'Warcriming the Militia' - Battlemechs of the WoB
« Reply #157 on: 25 January 2025, 23:33:21 »
Ok, its back to the grind.  I need some kind of outlet - the battletech group is on hold until the organizer says so, and there's lots (too much, even) overtime doing snow removal at work.  I hurt - even with all the equipment in the shed, there's no substitute for doing it by hand sometimes.

Anyway, I finally gave up on the Spite - I just got tired of banging my head against the wall trying to get art, equipment, and role to line up and just got rid of it.  Next up was the Ymir, a favorite of mine, and I got it done in about an hour.  So, screenshot.

Next up, the Albatross, Banshee, Grand Titan, and King Crab.

*edit - Its been a hassle trying to do this and the 'Blood Loss' fanfic, so while I have handwritten notes and pages it feels like they both need my full attention, not to mention the fanfic feels very rushed and forced.  I've decided to do both well, so the story gets bumped up to ~50K words rather than 25-30.  Really need to stop doing this, its drawing out the time required to finish the BTF book quite badly.
« Last Edit: 25 January 2025, 23:40:44 by Red Pins »
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Re: 'Warcriming the Militia' - Battlemechs of the WoB
« Reply #158 on: 02 February 2025, 18:06:13 »
Back on track!

Its a major nuisance, always wanting to try something new despite already having more than I want on my plate - three hours of overtime later, I'm about half done the snow removal at work, and tomorrow will be another 3-4 including the stupid parking lot which has drifted over quite badly.  They can't seem to be able to afford the cost of a contractor to do the snow removal and the OT for the only guy licensed for the front-end loader means its going to get good and hard packed by the time I try to do it tomorrow.

Only a couple more; next up is the Mackie, Marauder II, Vanquisher, and Xanthos.  Eventually the 150-ton Omega will take up a pair of sheets, and the Heavy- and Assault Components will take two each as well.  Since no picture will be available for the HACs, I considered dropping them, but we'll see.  Their rules are almost completely done; they were the ones being worked on so long ago when I lost my regular opponent.  I'll have to remember to take a quick look to make sure they're good to go before posting them.  GET THEE BEHIND ME, MURPHY!

So, screenshot.
*edit-reading the old pages to get back up to speed, I was appalled by the broken english in a lot of the entries.  I can see its going to be reading them at work on breaks and before bed to fix all that.  Really didn't pay very good attention, but whatever.
« Last Edit: 02 February 2025, 18:08:12 by Red Pins »
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Red Pins

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Re: 'Warcriming the Militia' - Battlemechs of the WoB
« Reply #159 on: 04 February 2025, 22:09:10 »
Gah, you can really tell its been 2 months or so since I last worked on this regularly - I keep wanted to use- and re-use words and phrases in the descriptions.  I was such a good BSer when I started this section, but its good to get back to it.  Like work, I've decided I have to take it in 1-hour chunks, otherwise it won't get done, so this isn't bad for an hour's work.

Anyway, screenshot.
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The New Clans:Volume One
Clan Devil Wasp * Clan Carnoraptor * Clan Frost Ape * Clan Surf Dragon * Clan Tundra Leopard
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TRO: 3176 Hegemony Refits - the 30-day wonder