Author Topic: Kell Hounds 3152 size  (Read 2042 times)

Caesar Steiner for Archon

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Kell Hounds 3152 size
« on: 22 June 2024, 11:52:14 »
"The Hounds are currently three combined-arms battalions strong, of somewhat varying quality."  Tamar Rising, p. 79

However, the force composition on p. 109 describes an RCT- full regiments of mechs, six regiments of conventional troops, aero wing, the whole shebang.

Do these represent the force at different times, maybe? Just trying to figure out which one represents them where we are now.

"You went from annoying the writers so badly that they killed Caesar Steiner just to spite you, to becoming one of them." -3rdCrucisLancers


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Re: Kell Hounds 3152 size
« Reply #1 on: 29 August 2024, 09:00:54 »
The three-battalion strength is what they had at the time they struck Arc-Royal.  They brought their best battalion for that offensive, and left the other two training and organizing.  Those two then went off and liberated the rest of the worlds that joined the ARLC. 

The much larger force represents what they were able to field after fully reclaiming Arc-Royal, folding in the surviving resistance fighters and post ARLC-formation arrivals.
"We have made of New Avalon a towering funeral pyre and wiped the Davion scourge from the universe.  Tikonov, Chesterton and Andurien are ours once more, and the cheers of the Capellan people nearly drown out the gnashing of our foes' teeth as they throw down their weapons in despair.  Now I am made First Lord of the Star League, and all shall bow down to me and pay homa...oooooo! Shiny thing!" - Maximillian Liao, "My Triumph", audio dictation, 3030.  Unpublished.

Caesar Steiner for Archon

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Re: Kell Hounds 3152 size
« Reply #2 on: 02 September 2024, 11:21:48 »
I thought that might be the case, but wanted to make sure. Thanks!

"You went from annoying the writers so badly that they killed Caesar Steiner just to spite you, to becoming one of them." -3rdCrucisLancers