Author Topic: Rattle-Can, Spray on Sealant/Varnish Cure time  (Read 1113 times)


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Rattle-Can, Spray on Sealant/Varnish Cure time
« on: 22 July 2024, 10:52:14 »
Hello community!

My local hardware store has quit carrying the Krylon Fusion Gloss Clear sealer I've been using these past 4 years.  No problem, they now carry Rustoleum, so I bought the similarly named product. 

After using it, it did the job adequately and I'm now letting it cure before I hit these minis with two coats of a flat clear sealer.  There is an amusingly contradictory line in the instructions, about how it is ready to use after 24 hours, and then also says you should wait 5-7 days for it to fully cure. 

Question time:  should I take it seriously and wait a week before spraying on my flat sealer?  Or should I take that as a mere suggestion and assume that 24 hours is plenty of time to wait before putting on my flat sealer. 


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Re: Rattle-Can, Spray on Sealant/Varnish Cure time
« Reply #1 on: 23 July 2024, 16:50:17 »
I can't speak to a specific brand, but most sealants will be dry to the touch and ready for light handling in 24 hours or less.

However, for full protection and heavy handling, wait the extended "drying" time to let everything set up fully.

Crimson Dynamo

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Re: Rattle-Can, Spray on Sealant/Varnish Cure time
« Reply #2 on: 23 July 2024, 17:11:21 »
I have a few Robotech Tactics minis that have some VERY basic painting on them (like zenithal spray basic) that I keep just to test sealers on. I've had some bad luck with humidity and temperature messing up sealing before, so I have a few sacrificial lambs to test on. Maybe you'd want to try it out on something like that before you commit to hitting up your minis...?
"Well, I do, Marcus, and rule number one of the MAC has always been that the man with the plan leads. If we get shot up, I'm the first one to get my ticket punched. There are no flags in the MAC."
"And there never will be," Barton said, nodding his head in agreement.

"You guys are facing a freaking Shadow Division! These guys have strict policies against playing fair!"

"I don’t care. Kill them. I planned the defense so I know it will work. If they claim otherwise, they’re cowards. Any step back is a betrayal of me, and saying they don’t have enough men is just an excuse for incompetence and disloyalty. Tell the Krypteia to do it if you’re too soft but get it done." -Emperor Stefan Ukris Amaris I


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Re: Rattle-Can, Spray on Sealant/Varnish Cure time
« Reply #3 on: 25 July 2024, 11:24:03 »
Waited 24 hours, then sprayed on some Flat clear sealer.  No problems. 

So I guess the 5-7 day cure time is for maximum durability, not for regular use. 


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Re: Rattle-Can, Spray on Sealant/Varnish Cure time
« Reply #4 on: 29 July 2024, 08:39:44 »
With sprays, it depends on what they use and their solvents.

So lacquers dry super fast. Enamels take longer.

The idea is that you can do a fast re-coat once dry OR wait for a full cure. Those are two different things. If you hit it within that window between dry and cure, you might get wrinkling of the surface as you reactivate partially cured paint.

Worth taking seriously.