Author Topic: MAR and Multi Tasker SPA  (Read 1745 times)


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MAR and Multi Tasker SPA
« on: 24 July 2024, 11:09:33 »
Question for everyone/Authorities.

The Multi tasker SPA (AS:CE pp 98) can be useful in some situations and is a nice ability.  However, I've seen some folks refer to Multiple Attack Rolls (MAR) as offering multi tasker just without the benefit of no target penalty and choosing to hit the first target again if it doesn't go down. 

1. Does MAR offer some of the benefits of the multi tasker SPA by allowing ANYONE to split their fire the way they see fit?
2. Does that make the Multi Tasker SPA a tad less valuable?

Alpha Strikers please lend me your thoughts and comments!


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Re: MAR and Multi Tasker SPA
« Reply #1 on: 24 July 2024, 11:35:50 »
Because of that, when using MAR, Multi-tasker then allows you to ignore the secondary target penalty when using MAR to split attacks. 

"and choosing to hit the first target again if it doesn't go down. "
This isn't true though.  You're supposed to declare the split on to targets before rolling any of the attacks rolls, not roll one or more at a time then decide.   "Ain't nobody got time for that."

Ah, I think I misread, you meant Multi-Tasker does allow the same target.  That is correct, Multi-tasker has that beneift and MAR splitting does not.
« Last Edit: 24 July 2024, 11:42:23 by nckestrel »


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Re: MAR and Multi Tasker SPA
« Reply #2 on: 24 July 2024, 11:51:52 »
Thanks NCKestrel.

Dialing down further:  say we have a unit with a 4/4/2 damage band.

Multi-Tasker SPA dictates that damage will be one half of the range band damage (per target).  For example:  1 target at long range and one target at medium range:  Long range target gets one damage die and medium range target gets two damage dice.

Does MAR assume the same? For example: 1 target at short range and one target at medium range.  Could we roll 3 damage dice at medium range and just 1 die at short?  Or is the same half/half restriction in place?


  • Scientia Bellator
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Re: MAR and Multi Tasker SPA
« Reply #3 on: 24 July 2024, 13:21:49 »
MAR you choose how much to go to each target.  You subtract the damage assigned to the primary from the secondary.
You can do 3 at medium and 1 at short.


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Re: MAR and Multi Tasker SPA
« Reply #4 on: 24 July 2024, 17:52:34 »
Gotcha.  So MAR is like a free Multi-Tasker lite in a lot of ways.  Not as strong, but a freebie nonetheless.


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Re: MAR and Multi Tasker SPA
« Reply #5 on: 16 August 2024, 02:47:58 »
The no target penalty and flexibility to re-attack if needed are big advantages that MAR doesn't have. Multi Tasker might seem less valuable at first glance, but if you need that extra control, especially in tight situations, it's still worth it.