Author Topic: Crusader CRD-6T is CCAF or FWLM in ilclan era  (Read 1350 times)


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Crusader CRD-6T is CCAF or FWLM in ilclan era
« on: 18 August 2024, 12:34:32 »
Fiction and fluff lawyers please correct me if I'm wrong.
The Crusader CRD-6T is a Kallon Industries Battlemech. It's probably manufactured primarily on Asunción or Bernardo, but either way, all Kallon industries factories are in the FWL or CC space by the ilClan era. The Master Unit List said the CDR-6T is a Federated Suns 'mech, but it doesn't use any of the AFFS design doctrines nor is it manufactured in an area the FedSuns would have ready access to it. The Crusader CDR-6T definitely uses FWLM design philosophies and all Crusaders heavily use CCAF design philosophies of LRM heavy skirmishers.
Plus, flamers in the legs, that war crimes o'clock Capellan.


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Re: Crusader CRD-6T is CCAF or FWLM in ilclan era
« Reply #1 on: 18 August 2024, 20:05:49 »
Kallon is also located on Talon in Wernke in the Federated Suns and makes Crusaders there. And there's where the CRD-6T comes from.


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Re: Crusader CRD-6T is CCAF or FWLM in ilclan era
« Reply #2 on: 18 August 2024, 21:19:06 »
See Recognition Guide: ilClan vol. 17 pg 4. The 6T's armament and movement profile was designed to emulate the the Nova Prime.

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