I'd be tempted to drop the two Medium Lasers, the Small Pulse Laser, and the rear Flamer (plus their associated Heat Sinks) for three more Streak SRM-2 launchers, and put all five Streak SRM-2 launchers on the Turret (you'd need a half ton to make the Turret bigger).
The Royal Puma above has 50 shots of SRM ammo that will only be fired if the crew succeed in their to-hit roll, if the target is in the front arc, at a max range of 9 hexes, from a vehicle that can only move at 3/5. That is a lot of endurance firepower that has a small range of usefulness.
By putting the Streak SRM-2 launchers on the Turret this changes the Puma from only having a 120 degree firing arc for its Streak SRM-2 Launchers, to having a 360 firing arc for its Streak SRM-2 launchers. You'd only have ten volleys for each launcher, but those volleys can be fired anywhere in range and the missiles would only be fired if the crew managed to get a lock-on.
So in combat you'd have this modified Puma rationing its LRMs when at long range while carefully driving forward. At range 18 it starts to fire its PPC in support of the LRMs, so whoever is targeted gets to deal with energy weapons fire as well as missile fire. If the opponent decides to stay at range, the Puma will likely only fires its PPC to avoid wasting its LRM ammunition. If the target moves to range 14, the LRMs are now in Medium range and can enjoy lower to-hits. If the target wants to charge into Medium Laser range, the Puma points its turret at the closest enemy to fire both its PPC and try to fire a total of 10 Streak SRMs at the enemy. If the enemy tries to get into PPC minimum range, those Streak SRM-2 launchers are at short range and have better to-hits.
Let's see what MML 0.48.0 would make of this Streaky Puma:
Puma - Sphynx Variant
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Experimental)
Mass: 95 tons
Movement Type: Tracked
Power Plant: 285 XL
Cruising Speed: 32.4 kph
Maximum Speed: 54 kph
Armor: Ferro-Fibrous
2 LRM 20 (each with Artemis IV)
5 Streak SRM 2
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-X-D
Cost: 17,396,925 C-bills
Battle Value: 1,541
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure 9.5
Engine 285 XL 13
Cruising MP: 3
Flank MP: 5
Heat Sinks: 10 0
Control Equipment: 5.0
Power Amplifier: 0.0
Turret: 1.5
Armor Factor (Ferro) 206 11.5
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Front 10 50
R/L Side 10/10 38/38
Rear 10 30
Turret 10 50
and Ammo Location Tonnage
Artemis IV FCS Left 1.0
LRM 20 Left 10.0
Vehicular Sponson Turret Left 0.0
Artemis IV FCS Right 1.0
LRM 20 Right 10.0
Vehicular Sponson Turret Right 0.0
PPC Turret 7.0
5 Streak SRM 2 Turret 7.5
CASE Body 0.5
LRM 20 Artemis-capable Ammo (24) Body 4.0
Streak SRM 2 Ammo (50) Body 1.0
Cargo (2.5 tons) Rear 2.5
Cargo (10 tons) Rear 10
(The 2.5 tons of Cargo was to represent the 2.5 tons of Sponson Turrets that I couldn't find in MML 0.48.0 )
Oh look at that, I still have 10 tons available. If I want a better ambush vehicle I could put in five more Streak SRM-2, another ton of Turret, and the remaining 1.5 tons can be used for another ~24 pts of armor on the Turret. However if I expect this vehicle to get a lot of attention then I might just take the spare tonnage and shove more armor on the vehicle to nearly double its protection.
I'd probably go with the latter and add 166 more pts of armor to it. MML 0.48.0 only allows a total of 21 tons of armor, so slapping 9.5 tons of armor on the Puma (Sphynx variant) turns it from 50/38/30(50) to 91/74/59(74). It also raises the BV to 1989 (+448) and the cost to 17,767,425 C-Bills (+~370k C-Bills).
And there is still half a ton available for the crew to put their extra goodies in.