Brian Davion Reviews Force Manual Davion!

Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I've had force manual Davion for a little bit now,
and with the book due to hit the Store sometime soon ok the book Just hit the CGL store as I was writing this, how's that for serendipity? So I thought I'd write a review of the book, my impressions and thoughts, discuss what it is, what it isn't and weather or not, I think you should buy the book (Spoiler Alert: I REALLY like this book)
So first of all, let's discuss what this book is, and is not. I'm to simply let CGL's own words for this book on the back cover speak for themselves.
“Force Manual: Davion details the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns, examining the combat commands of the Federated Suns and their histories, tactics, unit crests, paint schemes and notable personnel. This sourcebook includes specific rules for unique character abilities, faction-specific rules, force building options and a mini-Technical Readout—everything you need to field your favorite Federated Suns unit on the tabletop, or create your own.”
Now this honestly sounds a little familer, sounding, not too far off the old FedSuns Field Manual from the FASA days (now nearly 25 years old. Yikes I feel old!) And yeah I think it's fair to compare the two. What is book is NOT BTW is a detailed look at the history, politics and structure of the house, for that you want the Fedsuns House Handbook.
Over all I'd say Force Manual:Davion is effectively a “new fedsuns field manual for a new generation” and I'll admit I'm comparing the two a fair bit, field Manual Fedsuns is ~190 pages, to the force Manuals ~130. The Force Manual makes highly efficant use of it's space, compared to the older book, and is a little less specific, but is more focused on allowing you to build “Your guys”. But more on that later.
The Book is divided into several parts, the first part is a short story, Last Stand on Halstead Station, there's no artist given credit, so I assume the story is, like most of the book, written by Geoff Swift, after the the next part is titled “The Land of 6 Liberties” this part is where, frankly, most old timers are going to skip, it mostly covers the History of the Federated Suns, from the Grain Rebellion of New Avalon in the 2200s to Operation Guerro in 3057 (the Force Manual series go only until the clan invasion era, with promises of a ilclan era supplement soon)
Chances are you know most of this stuff. But for the new reader it's pretty good. I'm not going to lie though, I felt field manual fedsuns covered the history of the AFFS a little better. And also covered Military academies, one area of the book I think could be improved in future force manuals. At the same time, I think CGL is realizing that documenting EVERYTHING can tie their hands for future stories. And they may simply not wish to tie their hands unnesscarily.
So the next chapter is proably the biggest, and maybe one people will be looking at the most,
House Davion Combat commands. They claim the listing is only a sampling, and that it doesn't represent everything, but it basicly covers to some degree or another all of the canon formations. Not all get write ups, but many do, Davion Fans will be happy to see some old long gone faces again, Units such as the Kathil Uhlans, get a write up and some intreasting rules. In addition to that, many if not all brigades have a special character that can be taken in a force made by that brigade, usealy mechwarriors but not always. Each combat formation has a listing the unit's composition and special command abilities. It should be familer to anyone whose seen the post Ilclan books, such as Dominions Divided. As the book covers a wide era from the third sucession war to the clan invasion, it doesn't list the commanding officer for the formations, but this gives you some oppertunities to do “your guys” (although if you really care about the canon commanders the information is out there, between the original house books set in 3025, the war of 3039 historical, the 20 year update the 3055 objective raids, and the fedsuns field manual you've proably got a reasonably decent chance of getting an answer for most time periods, it's just not *here*)
Another thing sprinkled through the book are a number of scenerios, Most of these depict actions from the war of 3039, although one depicts a third sucession war clash between the 6th Sytris Fussilers and the Mcarrion's armored Cavalry. Conveniantly these scenerios all feature foes that will be in the next two force manuals, Kurita and Mercenaries (remember the MAC only became a house regiment in 3060. Thus they should be in Force Manual Mercs) So you'll be able to play these fights with full use of special command abilities sooner rather then later.
Following the Combat Commands we get into the rules section, and the big thing here is Force construction. Remember when I earlier said this book was about “your guys”? Yeah THIS is where it becomes reality, the force construction system let's you choose one of those commands, and build a company around it. You can then select a number of your parent commands special command abilities that apply to your company. When it's time to select your mechs for your force, gone are the Random Assignment Tables of old. Instead you construct your lances by selecting a lance type from a number of differant formation types, and then pick and choose from a list it gives you. This isn't a bad way to do things, but I imagine there will be times it will feel a bit weird. But over all. I really really really like this. Each mech, vehicle, infantryman etc on the selection list, gives it's BV and it's AS PV. So you can easily construct your force to fit within a points listings. Once more Force Manuals come out I'm expecting to see a lot of fun campaigns as people run their own answers to the Fox's Teeth, against their friends answers to the Sorsen's Saber's. I'm REALLY looking forward to future Force Manuals. I should note you can construct a company not part of ANY of these listed combat commands representing another unit all together, be it milita, a planetary guard, or some sort of auxillery force.
Next is is a mini Tech readout, giving us tech specs for some classic Davion mechs, The Valkyrie, Enforcer, the Rifleman, the Marauder and the Battlemaster. No there are no new varients, so don't get excited, it's the classic TRO 3025 varients here. But there is some fun new fluff about combat actions so it's worth a glance over.
Lastly is a painting section, this shows a painted mini of just about every regimental scheme in the book, and a nice beginner friendly Davion Guards scheme tutorial.
Finally there are some additional record sheets for some customized designs, nothing too special but they're there. Although it should be noted the BJ-A Arrow Hero mech from Mechwarrior Online received the gift of canonization here.
So that's Force Manual Davion, over all it's a great book that really embraces the “make your guys” mentality. Occasionally 40k veterns getting into battletech ask “does the game have faction codexes?” the force manual series allows us to answer that with “...... yeah but they're optional”
I was a little leery of the force manual series being set in the clan invasion era, but over all I'm sold on the idea now, (although the Liao Force Manual is gonna be a weird one) . I'm not going to take up too much time, but in answer to the question “Do you reccomend this book Brian?” my answer is an unreserved “ABSOLUTELY!” obviously fans of the Federated Suns looking to play the AFFS on the table top will get the most out of this book, but I think everyone else will get something out of it too.