Author Topic: Mako Atmospheric IFV MV-O  (Read 509 times)

The Littlie Zaku

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Mako Atmospheric IFV MV-O
« on: 07 November 2024, 14:52:43 »

The Mako from Mass Effect. Love it or hate it, its a intriguing design. A air droppable combat vehicle with jump jets which can deploy a squad of troopers into any possible atmospheres. It is meant to have good speed, armour, excellent cross country performance, despite handling like a drunk brick.

For a unit, the Mako has everything I would want in a IFV, as I tend to run a drop/paratrooper regiment.

  • Its air droppable (due to its jump jets).
  • Can carry a a infantry squad (10 men), from high orbit, to ground.
  • Can function in all atmospheres.
  • Boasts decent durability.
  • Can jump around anything that would give it trouble. E.G forests; rivers; etc.
  • Provides modest anti infantry support.

In addition I have added Omni functionality, largely to give the APC some added flexibility due to what I have found to be a tiny pod space. But mostly for it to act as a ferry and on ground transport to battle armour.

Now in my design I have come up with 2 primary look and feels for the Mako. One at a affordable 1.4 to 1.6 million which goes at 5/8/5, being a wheeled vehicle with a 1 ton infantry bay, environmental sealing and armoured motive system, which while is my ideal combat unit, sadly I have been told is too slow for a Jihad combat zone (which I don't necessarily disagree with.))

The second version goes 7/11/5, and maintains a 3 ton pod space with a XL engine, but switches to light ferro over the heavy ferro to preserve some space. Going 7/11/5 I hope to maintain some excellent speed, while maintain its environmental sealing and armoured motive system. However the unit costs 3.5 million C-Bills and despite my best efforts lowering the tonnage means I have to either lose a jump jet or reduce the infantry bay to half a ton, which sadly defeats the point.

This is why I have made this page, as I do want some honest feedback to the unit, and which of the 2 are a better pick. Which really comes down too if a slower but cheaper IFV with 5/8/5 ability should be taken over a 7/11/5 one, which is much more expensive.

A important note to the unit, is whenever a combat vehicle uses jump jets, it must roll on the motive critical hits table, with wheeled vehicles like the Mako rolling with a +1 to the table. The armoured motive system reduces this to a -1, which helps skew the numbers in the same ballpark as a hover unit: and makes conventional motive critical hit rolls equal to that of a tracked vehicle. I am aware that a hover unit (which gets a -1 to its roll), has better compatibility with the jump jets, however I feel that would be more applicable to the Hammerhead, which I may likely make a clan variant.

Again the units mission profile is: to drop a squad of conventional troopers/engineers (with battle armours tagging along too) with IFV support into a wide arrange of hostile environments, with modest infantry support capacity.  It must act as a transport and support vehicle which can augment the squads capabilities, and help it bypass the majority of impassable terrain (through the use of its 5 jump jets). Their is a inherent risk of heavy damage on landing, but the -1 to jump motive critical hits prevents the unit from being automatically wrecked on a double 6.

The Prime variant has liquid fuel tank to give it roughly 40 points of fuel in a hostile environment - roughly 8 turns at maximum jump, though it should be reserved for hostile terrain or the initial burn to the surface.

Mako IFV I MV-O Prime

Mass: 30 tons
Movement Type: Wheeled
Power Plant: 130 Fusion
Cruising Speed: 54 kph
Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph
Jump Jets: Vehicular Jump Jets
     Jump Capacity: 150 meters
Armor: Heavy Ferro-Fibrous
     2.0 tons of pod space
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3078
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 1,613,594 C-bills

Type: Mako IFV I
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Wheeled
Tonnage: 30
Battle Value: 379

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    3
Engine                        130 Fusion              7
   Cruising MP: 5
   Flank MP: 8
   Jumping MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   10                      0
Control Equipment:                                  1.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             0.5
Armor Factor (Heavy Ferro)    79                      4

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         22   
     R/L Side               3/3      12/12   
     Rear                    3         11   
     Turret                  3         22   

Fixed Equipment
Location                      Fixed               Tonnage   
Body                          Magshot Gauss Rifle Ammo  1.0
                              Armored Motive System  4.5
                              Combat Vehicle Chassis Mod  3.0
                              5 Jump Jet            2.5
Body                          Infantry              1.0

and Ammo                    Location    Tonnage      
Small X-Pulse Laser          Turret       1.0     
Magshot                      Turret       0.5     
Liquid Storage (0.5 tons)     Body        0.5     
Features the following design quirks: Improved Communications, Narrow/Low Profile, Hard to Pilot, Non-Standard Parts

Mako IFV II MV-O Prime

Mass: 30 tons
Movement Type: Wheeled
Power Plant: 190 XL
Cruising Speed: 75.6 kph
Maximum Speed: 118.8 kph
Jump Jets: Vehicular Jump Jets
     Jump Capacity: 150 meters
Armor: Light Ferro-Fibrous
     2.0 tons of pod space
Manufacturer: Unknown
     Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3078
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-E
Cost: 3,832,734 C-bills

Type: Mako IFV II
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Movement Type: Wheeled
Tonnage: 30
Battle Value: 440

Equipment                                          Mass
Internal Structure                                    3
Engine                        190 XL                  6
   Cruising MP: 7
   Flank MP: 11
   Jumping MP: 5
Heat Sinks:                   10                      0
Control Equipment:                                  1.5
Power Amplifier:                                    0.0
Turret:                                             0.5
Armor Factor (Light Ferro)    84                      5

                          Internal   Armor   
                          Structure  Value   
     Front                   3         22   
     R/L Side               3/3      14/14   
     Rear                    3         12   
     Turret                  3         22   

Fixed Equipment
Location                      Fixed               Tonnage   
Body                          Magshot Gauss Rifle Ammo  1.0
                              Armored Motive System  4.5
                              Combat Vehicle Chassis Mod  3.0
                              5 Jump Jet            2.5
Body                          Infantry              1.0

and Ammo                    Location    Tonnage      
Small X-Pulse Laser          Turret       1.0     
Magshot                      Turret       0.5     
Liquid Storage (0.5 tons)     Body        0.5     
Features the following design quirks: Improved Communications, Narrow/Low Profile, Hard to Pilot, Non-Standard Parts

Hazard Pay

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Re: Mako Atmospheric IFV MV-O
« Reply #1 on: 07 November 2024, 17:01:45 »
You’re better off with an ERML instead of a Magshot