It's a semicommon thing in the longer-running campaigns in the BattleTech novels, at least after the battle of Tukayyid, that the beaten-up 'Mechs of various factions get more or less fresh replacement armor bolted on. Now I can't recall perfectly if there's ever any better details except something along the lines of "
gray replacement armor" or so.
So I was thinking of taking a shot at that kind of a look at some point, maybe with the KS stuff whenever I get mine, as the mercenaries would be a handy gang to portray something that has been fixed but where the parade look isn't quite that important.
It would be way too simple to just paint some bits gray, then mask them off and paint the rest of the owl. I might go for something much more time-consuming and paint, chip, and weather just about the whole mini, and only then repaint a few blocks with a light-medium gray. This'd keep any laser scars or series of pockmarks from AC bursts nicely intact all around the patchwork. The replacement armor blocks would get at most a gentle pin wash for the panel lines and crevices, to avoid making them look flat and not fit the mini at all.
In case a light-medium gray would look way too silly, it could be a clean, flat basecolour without any camo pattern. This'd be a "
at least there's a coat of paint but we ain't got time to go Bob Ross on it" thing that would still make it look pristine in the middle of a ruin, but wouldn't stand out too much. Could be an arm or a leg (or a noticeable part of) as well, not just a panel or two.
Does this make any sense at all to anyone? I tried searching in the forums but didn't find anyone pondering this