Author Topic: DCS Haruna = DCS Pride of Kurita?  (Read 1749 times)

Liam's Ghost

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DCS Haruna = DCS Pride of Kurita?
« on: 19 November 2024, 01:08:34 »
The Kyushu class Frigate Haruna first appears in the Twilight of the clans series, where it appears to survive the conflict over Huntress intact and operational, but by Field Manual Updates, it doesn't appear among the Combine's WarShip fleet.

Much much later, a dark age era novel mentions the Kyusha class WarShip Pride of Kurita as being one of the early losses to the fortress. At the time, it seems to have been widely assumed that this was a typo and the Pride of Kurita was in fact a previously unmentioned Kyushu.

So was it ever stated what happened to the Haruna, and is it possible that the Pride of Kurita actually was the Haruna? Possibly renamed and recommissioned after the Jihad?

(or at the very least, was the Pride of Kurita a Kyushu class frigate in the first place?)
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(indirect accessory to the) Slayer of Monitors!