Hi everyone!
If you'll indulge me, this thread is intended to share conversions of my models. I'm often unsatisfied with my painting—but I really enjoy making changes to models and trying to match a specific configuration or variant. The new plastic models make this so freaking easy.
I intend to share WIP and completed pictures of the models, but the emphasis is very much on the WIP.
I'll start with a very minor repose of a
TR1 Wraith. I moved the legs around, twisted the torso to face forward, and repositioned the arms.

And, painted up in Laurel's Legion CCAF colours.

Another simple conversion of a
VTR-C Victor. A minor torso twist, a slight change of arm positioning, and I replaced the AC20 with a Gauss rifle from an
Executioner. I also used the active probe from the IWM equipment pack to represent the C3 slave.

No cutting was involved for the
RVN-4LC Raven. Here, I added only the C3 slave (again, the active probe from IWM's equipment pack), an IWM Dragonfly A laser in the CT/nose, and the ECM and TAG from the equipment pack.

I had a lot of fun with the
VND-5L Vindicator. I hacked away all the existing torso weapons and armour and added 3d printed lasers (I never thought it would happen but I'm actually running out of the bounty of Dragonfly lasers I ordered from IWM years ago). I also hacked away the lasers on the left arm and head and reposed the PPC arm. I made the sword out of plasticard.

Finally for this post, I had a pain of a time working on the
HBK-5P Hunchback. I was very happy that there was an image of this variant on Sarna, but hacking away the AC/20 was way too much work. I reposed the arms, added six IWM Dragonfly A lasers in the torsos, filled the strange shot trap in the center torso with green stuff, and sculpted the right-side cockpit frame where the AC/20 had been. I also added a C3 slave but realise now I forgot entirely about the ECM.

And, painted up in Laurel's Legion colours:

I'm currently working on some Condors and Pegasuses to go with my Laurel's Legion unit.

That's all for now! Thanks for looking. And thanks to Worktroll for always inspiring me.