The main theme:
Back in the days of the Star League we had an entire social stratum of people who had the kind of money that they didn't need fusion reactors. They would just shovel the stuff into old-fashioned steam boilers to generate their heat and electricity. In the interest of saving so many innocent Star League Dollar bills from the furnace, an enterprising space construction firm decided to build these people an elite space station vacation home. Not just your run of the mill space station, though, oh no, but one with every luxury at every point of development. And customizable! Because it needs to accommodate people who can have planets terraformed to be ready for their great-grandchildren's 16th birthday.
My problem:
I am not a civil engineer, nor particularly skilled at designing large craft.
What I am hoping for:
Insight from our stunningly broad and well educated community to show me where I am falling short.
Where I am at currently:
I have a 7,500 ton modular space station with robotic controls and 9 small craft bays. The 7,500 ton size was chosen so that a Mammoth could lift 5 of these into orbit or another system at a time. The comparatively massive cargo space is meant to represent shops/restaurants/entertainment venues, etc.
Each small craft is actually a 10 person luxury home. But if you need to hop down to the local planet, or flee a disintegrating space station, your house is your vehicle/escape pod. The specifics are detailed below.
Habitat Link Space Station
Base Tech Level: Advanced (IS)
Level Era
Experimental -
Advanced 3145+
Standard -
Tech Rating: D/X-X-X-F
Weight: 7500 tons
BV: 355
Cost: 2,378,350,600 C-bills
Movement: 0/0
Heat Sinks: 58
Fuel Points: 0/1030 (103.0 tons)
Tons Per Burn Day: 0.28
Structural Integrity: 1
Sail Integrity: 3
Armor: 18 (Capital Scale)
Nose 3
Left Front Side 3
Right Front Side 3
Aft 3
Aft Left Side 3
Aft Right Side 3
Weapons Loc Heat
Point Defense Bay NOS 2
Small Laser
Small Laser
Point Defense Bay FLS 2
Small Laser
Small Laser
Point Defense Bay FRS 2
Small Laser
Small Laser
Point Defense Bay ALS 2
Small Laser
Small Laser
Point Defense Bay ARS 2
Small Laser
Small Laser
Point Defense Bay AFT 2
Small Laser
Small Laser
Equipment Loc
Smart Robotic Control System (SRCS) HULL
Communications Equipment (15 tons) HULL
Carrying Capacity
Small Craft (9 doors) - 9 units (2 recovery open)
Cargo Space (0 doors) - 4,001.500 tons
Officers 11
Enlisted/Non-rated 51
Gunners 2
Bay Personnel 45
Houseboat Small Craft
Base Tech Level: Standard (IS)
Level Era
Experimental -
Advanced -
Standard 3145+
Tech Rating: D/X-X-X-D
Weight: 200 tons
BV: 100
Cost: 7,470,300 C-bills
Movement: 3/5
Heat Sinks: 7
Fuel Points: 1200 (15.0 tons)
Tons Per Burn Day: 1.84
Structural Integrity: 5
Armor: 36
Nose 9
Left Side 9
Right Side 9
Aft 9
Carrying Capacity
Cargo Space (1 door) - 41 tons
Officers 1
Enlisted/Non-rated 2
Gunners 0
Bay Personnel 0
First Class 10