Author Topic: SuperTramp  (Read 611 times)


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« on: 02 December 2024, 15:38:57 »
The on-off discussion(s) about dropship design and quarters got me thinking in a different direction. So if we imagine dropships more as landing ships that are not meant for long-term habitation (or even medium term, to be honest), how to deal with that once warships are gone or if we're talking about civilian ships that were never meant to work primarily with warships.

All canon jumpship are equipped to make their own crew relatively comfortable (quarters, grav deck), but little more. That's fine for short trips of a jump, maybe two. But what about long trips? Say you're heading from New Avalon to Tharkad, you'll spend weeks, maybe months in zero gravity, cramped in what ever poor excuse for quarters you got stuck with.

So I set about modifying the Tramp. It's fluffed to operate on the fringes, probably doing longer trips among the a bit more scattered worlds of the Periphery. It has two large cargo holds, so there's room for modification.

First, I put in a total of three grav decks:
  • a small one for the exclusive use of the crew (at 70 meter diameter, it will spin at roughly 5 rotations per minute, A bit too fast to be comfortable for non-spacers)
  • two large ones, that at 250 meter diameter will spin at a more stately 2.6 rounds per minute. Those two are meant for the passengers aboard the docked dropships.
The cargo is cut down to a hair under 1000 tons to make room for 200 second class quarters, fluffed to be situated in the large grav decks. I imagine these to be bookable either for the whole duration of a trip or on a day to day basis. Say, one gravity deck with 100 quarters is rented out for a whole trip (say, the 17 jumps / 4 month between Taurus and Canopus), while the other deck is reserved for less well-off passengers that can't afford to spend the whole trip under gravity, but may buy a day pass once during a recharge cycle. Spend a night in a normal bed, take a walk or have a proper meal from a plate.

To accompany all those passengers, the crew was expanded by roughly 20 cabin crew. And while I was at it, I switched the weaponry to more basic large and small lasers. That would make it producable and maintainable during the Succession Wars.

So use these for long trips and Invaders, Merchant, etc. for all short traveling and trading. Anyway, that's the idea. As always, thoughts, opinions and observations welcome.

Code: [Select]
SuperTramp JumpShip
Mass: 250,000 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Introduced: 2754
Mass: 250,000
Battle Value: 1,541
Tech Rating/Availability: D/D-E-D-F
Cost: 832,089,583 C-bills

Fuel: 500 tons (1,250)
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Sail Integrity: 5
KF Drive Integrity: 6
Heat Sinks: 122
Structural Integrity: 1

    Nose: 10
    Fore Sides: 10/10
    Aft Sides: 10/10
    Aft: 5

    Bay 1:  Small Craft (2)         2 Doors   
    Bay 2:  Cargo (996.5 tons)      1 Door   


Dropship Capacity: 3
Grav Decks: 3 (250 m, 250 m, 70 m)
Escape Pods: 5
Life Boats: 0
Crew:  7 officers, 33 enlisted/non-rated, 6 gunners, 10 bay personnel, 200 passengers       

Notes: Mounts 137.5 tons of standard aerospace armor.

Weapons:           Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat)     Heat  SRV     MRV     LRV      ERV    Class       
Nose (20 Heat)
2 Large Laser  16   2(16)   2(16)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
4 Small Laser   4   1(12)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
FRS/FLS (20 Heat)
2 Large Laser  16   2(16)   2(16)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
4 Small Laser   4   1(12)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
ARS/ALS (20 Heat)
2 Large Laser  16   2(16)   2(16)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
4 Small Laser   4   1(12)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
Aft (20 Heat)
2 Large Laser  16   2(16)   2(16)    0(0)     0(0)   Laser       
4 Small Laser   4   1(12)    0(0)    0(0)     0(0)   Point Defense
Jude Melancon lives!


  • Lieutenant
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Re: SuperTramp
« Reply #1 on: 02 December 2024, 15:43:04 »
And as a bonus, have a small craft that can move 100 passengers from jump point to planet. It has a travel range of 10 days at 1g, enough cargo space to carry supplies for passengers and crew, 50 kg luggage per person and 30 tons of generic cargo.

Code: [Select]
LRP-51 Long-Range Passenger
Type: Military Spheriod
Mass: 200 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Introduced: 3145
Mass: 200
Battle Value: 560
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-X-D
Cost: 13,514,000 C-bills

Fuel: 18.5 tons (1,480)
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Heat Sinks: 7
Structural Integrity: 10

    Nose: 63
    Sides: 54/54
    Aft: 45

    Bay 1:  Infantry (Foot) (20)    1 Door   
    Bay 2:  Cargo [Life Support] (49.5 tons)       1 Door   
    Bay 3:  Cargo [Luggage]  (5.0 tons)        1 Door   
    Bay 4:  Cargo (30.0 tons)       1 Door   


Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 0
Crew:  1 officer, 2 enlisted/non-rated, 112 bay personnel       

Notes: Mounts 11 tons of standard aerospace armor.

and Ammo              Location   Tonnage  Heat   SRV  MRV  LRV  ERV     
Jude Melancon lives!


  • Major General
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Re: SuperTramp
« Reply #2 on: 02 December 2024, 20:46:27 »
20 tons of Foot Infantry Bays is 120 personnel?


  • Lieutenant
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Re: SuperTramp
« Reply #3 on: 03 December 2024, 03:26:01 »
I needed room for at least 100 passengers, to move one Tramp grav-deck worth. So just assume it's a bit more roomy than military bunks.
Jude Melancon lives!

Giovanni Blasini

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Re: SuperTramp
« Reply #4 on: 03 December 2024, 04:11:00 »
Does it take the long way home to have breakfast in America?

Seriously though, I love it.
"The past is gone, and cannot harm you anymore. And while the future is fast coming for you, it always flinches first, and settles in as the gentle present. This now, this us, we can cope with that. We can do this together, you and I." -- Cecil Palmer, "Welcome to Nightvale"


  • Major General
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Re: SuperTramp
« Reply #5 on: 03 December 2024, 04:21:19 »
I needed room for at least 100 passengers, to move one Tramp grav-deck worth. So just assume it's a bit more roomy than military bunks.
Fluff FTW! ;D