So, I got to thinking about how would I do a planetary invasion using known Battletech rules and situations, and this is what fell out.
AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout
Class/Model/Name: Invasion Station
Tech: Inner Sphere / 3067
Vessel Type: Space Station
Rules: Level 2, Standard design
Rules Set: AeroTech2
Mass: 60,000 tons
Length: 398 meters
Power Plant: Standard
Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Armor Type: Standard
6 Autocannon/10
12 Autocannon/5
12 LRM 15
18 SRM 6
12 PPC
24 Medium Laser
6 Autocannon/20
36 Autocannon/2
2 Killer Whale
24 Small Laser
36 Machine Gun
Example Empire Case Study 2838-B53-C
Projecting existing trends of combat and strategic losses indicates a high
probability of complete loss of all warship assets as well as the strategic
capability to replace them. A catastrophic loss of non-combatant jump collar
capacity is also likely.
Given that a total loss of all FTL transport will represent the dissolution of
our glorious Example Empire, this study will focus on attempting to address
the next-worse case, assuming less than ten thousand jump-capable docking
collars available for all military and civilian tasks combined.
This paper, the C document, is a proposal for a minimum-collar first-line
invasion transport asset, capable of landing and sustaining one combined arms
regiment on a hostile world. The critical assumption is that production of
large fusion torch engines has been curtailed along with KF Drive production;
this paper's primary purpose is a study of asset suitability of a low thrust
'station-keeping' type subtorch drive as is in common civilian use.
Most critically: Reducing constant-acceleration trajectories to one tenth of a
standard gravity yields a time increase for jump-point-to-planet courses of
only a factor of three. While this change has tactical and strategic
implications, it seems likely that they are soluble given study and
In addition to defensive anti-fighter and anti-missile weaponry, the platform
should be equipped with two nuclear-capable missile launchers to provide
supporting bombardment fire and a minimal deterrent capability against enemy
heavy aerospace assets. Additionally, a standard wing (18) of aerospace
fighters is included for both defensive, aerospace superiority, and ground
strike taskings.
Given the long-term operational profile, the 'hot-bunking' approach favored by
warship-centric landing craft is to be avoided and full passenger quarters
provided for all troops and technical staff.
As many as forty-eight small craft should be carried; thirty-six equipped with
light vehicle bays for combat deployment of same (2838-B53-E) and twelve with
cargo tie downs suitable for battlemechs of up to seventy-five tons
(2838-B53-F). Further reduction of the small craft capability and deployment
of heavy combat vehicles can be achieved by the development of sealed orbital
drop pods suitable for combat vehicle use, but as that is not an off-the-shelf
technology it is outside the bounds of this document.
Embarked ground assets include thirty-six battlemechs of between twenty and
seventy-five tons, seventy-two combat vehicles of fifty tons or less, and five
hundred and four infantry. Deploying the mechs from orbit and the vehicles and
infantry by shuttle, the entire force can be deployed in no more than two
round trips. Supply tonnage is ten thousand eight hundred, plus seven thousand
tons of reaction mass.
2838-B53-D is a parallel study of a 100,000 ton station design organized on an
occulsion-management principle, if full-capability production of KF boom
circuitry can be maintained.
2838-B53-B and 2838-B53-C are 60,000 and 100,000 ton designs for planetary
invasion role based on high-thrust, orbital-only platforms (the so-called
'monitor' principle) as case studies for the loss of KF-drive production
capacity but not fusion torch production capacity.
2838-B53-A and subvariants are a study series for plantary invasion vessel
designs in case of the loss of fusion torch production capability but not
Compact KF Drive produuction and attendant shipyards.
Three Invasion Stations, a force suitable for carriage on a single
Invader-class dropship, is expected to represent a viable force to take and
hold a relatively lightly defended world. Supplies of on-board reaction mass
should be sufficient to stage the resulting aero regiment out of strike range
with the stations, and a full aero regiment with nuclear bombardment support
is expected to be adequate to deal with planetary defenses operating
relatively limited transatmospheric wings.
Given the collar-limitation assumption, it is likewise assumed that small
dropship types (Union, Leopard, Fury, Gazelle, etc) will be removed from
production in favor of larger units making worthwhile use of available
jumpship collars. For moderately defended worlds, or ones on which the
defending transatmospheric element exceeds one-third of the basic invasion
force, assigning a second jumpship to ferry legacy landing or assault
dropships in-system will allow staged assaults, with the Invasion Stations
orbiting outside of reasonable strike range of the planetary surface while
ferry elements carry out a 'last mile' delivery leg.
For major assaults against defended worlds such as regional capitals or major
production centers, Invasion Stations may be assumed as the ground-element
transport, providing the primary carry capacity while the actual landing and
assault operations are carried out by dedicated new-production large dropships
(Colossus, Excalibur, Vengeance, or down-teched equivalents, along with some
assault-platform design equivalent to 2838-B53-G).
Class/Model/Name: Invasion Station
Mass: 60,000 tons
Equipment: Mass
Power Plant, Drive & Control: 720.00
Thrust: Safe Thrust: 0
Maximum Thrust: 0
Structural Integrity: 1 600.00
Total Heat Sinks: 496 Single 414.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps: 7,276.00
Bridge, Controls, Radar, Computer & Attitude Thrusters: 60.00
Fire Control Computers: 108.00
Food & Water: (262 days supply) 1,815.50
Armor Type: Standard (204 total armor pts) 254.50
Capital Scale Armor Pts
Location: L / R
Fore: 34
Fore-Left/Right: 34/34
Aft-Left/Right: 34/34
Aft: 34
Bay 1: Unmanned Small Craft Bay (12) with 3 doors 2,400.00
Unmanned Battlemech Bay (36) 5,400.00
Cargo (1) 3,600.00
Bay 2: Unmanned Small Craft Bay (36) with 3 doors 7,200.00
Unmanned Light Vehicle Bay (72) 3,600.00
Cargo (1) 3,600.00
Bay 3: Unmanned ASF Bay (18) with 2 doors 2,700.00
Cargo (1) 3,600.00
DropShip Capacity: 1 Docking Hardpoints 1,000.00
Grav Deck #1: (95-meter diameter) 50.00
Grav Deck #2: (95-meter diameter) 50.00
Life Boats: 232 (7 tons each) 1,624.00
Crew and Passengers:
18 Officers (16 minimum) 180.00
39 Crew (39 minimum) 273.00
33 Gunners (33 minimum) 231.00
54 1st Class Passengers 540.00
162 2nd Class Passengers 1,134.00
576 Steerage Passengers 2,880.00
504 Marines 2,520.00
Weapons and Equipment Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
1 Autocannon/10(20 rounds) Nose 1(10) 1(10) -- -- 3 14.00
2 Autocannon/5(40 rounds) Nose 1(10) 1(10) -- -- 2 18.00
2 LRM 15(40 rounds) Nose 2(18) 2(18) 2(18) -- 10 19.00
3 SRM 6(60 rounds) Nose 2(24) -- -- -- 12 13.00
2 PPC Nose 2(20) 2(20) -- -- 20 14.00
4 Medium Laser Nose 2(20) -- -- -- 12 4.00
1 Autocannon/20(20 rounds) Nose 2(20) -- -- -- 7 18.00
6 Autocannon/2(135 rounds) Nose 1(12) 1(12) 1(12) -- 6 39.00
1 Killer Whale(20 msls) Nose 4 4 4 4 20 1,150.00
4 Small Laser Nose 2(24) -- -- -- 4 2.00
6 Machine Gun(200 rounds) 0 4.00
1 Autocannon/10(20 rounds) FL/R 1(10) 1(10) -- -- 6 28.00
2 Autocannon/5(40 rounds) FL/R 1(10) 1(10) -- -- 4 36.00
2 LRM 15(40 rounds) FL/R 2(18) 2(18) 2(18) -- 20 38.00
3 SRM 6(60 rounds) FL/R 2(24) -- -- -- 24 26.00
2 PPC FL/R 2(20) 2(20) -- -- 40 28.00
4 Medium Laser FL/R 2(20) -- -- -- 24 8.00
1 Autocannon/20(20 rounds) FL/R 2(20) -- -- -- 14 36.00
6 Autocannon/2(135 rounds) FL/R 1(12) 1(12) 1(12) -- 12 78.00
4 Small Laser FL/R 2(24) -- -- -- 8 4.00
6 Machine Gun(200 rounds) 0 8.00
1 Autocannon/10(20 rounds) AL/R 1(10) 1(10) -- -- 6 28.00
2 Autocannon/5(40 rounds) AL/R 1(10) 1(10) -- -- 4 36.00
2 LRM 15(40 rounds) AL/R 2(18) 2(18) 2(18) -- 20 38.00
3 SRM 6(60 rounds) AL/R 2(24) -- -- -- 24 26.00
2 PPC AL/R 2(20) 2(20) -- -- 40 28.00
4 Medium Laser AL/R 2(20) -- -- -- 24 8.00
1 Autocannon/20(20 rounds) AL/R 2(20) -- -- -- 14 36.00
6 Autocannon/2(135 rounds) AL/R 1(12) 1(12) 1(12) -- 12 78.00
4 Small Laser AL/R 2(24) -- -- -- 8 4.00
6 Machine Gun(200 rounds) 0 8.00
1 Autocannon/10(20 rounds) Aft 1(10) 1(10) -- -- 3 14.00
2 Autocannon/5(40 rounds) Aft 1(10) 1(10) -- -- 2 18.00
2 LRM 15(40 rounds) Aft 2(18) 2(18) 2(18) -- 10 19.00
3 SRM 6(60 rounds) Aft 2(24) -- -- -- 12 13.00
2 PPC Aft 2(20) 2(20) -- -- 20 14.00
4 Medium Laser Aft 2(20) -- -- -- 12 4.00
1 Autocannon/20(20 rounds) Aft 2(20) -- -- -- 7 18.00
6 Autocannon/2(135 rounds) Aft 1(12) 1(12) 1(12) -- 6 39.00
1 Killer Whale(20 msls) Aft 4 4 4 4 20 1,150.00
4 Small Laser Aft 2(24) -- -- -- 4 2.00
6 Machine Gun(200 rounds) 0 4.00
1 Lot Spare Parts (5.00%) 3,000.00
TOTALS: Heat: 496 60,000.00
Tons Left: .00
Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 228,420,660 C-Bills
Battle Value: 15,304
Cost per BV: 14,925.55
Weapon Value: 10,675 (Ratio = .70)
Damage Factors: SRV = 942; MRV = 377; LRV = 108; ERV = 23
Maintenance: Maintenance Point Value (MPV) = 92,562
(7,522 Structure, 70,740 Life Support, 14,300 Weapons)
Support Points (SP) = 109,386 (118% of MPV)
BattleForce2: Not applicable