So if you look around on the internet for a bit you can find some of the pre-release versions for mechs presented in TRO 3055. In addition to discovering that the Phoenix Hawk IIC was originally going to be named the Matador and have nothing to do with the Phoenix hawk, you can also find in these entries some honestly very detailed statistics of the original Behemoth.
This information indicates that the mech was supposed to be 175 tons, carry four autocannon 5s in the torso and PPCs in the arms, and had a design speed of up to 30 KPH (which it never achieved because of breakdowns).
(This, of course, is obviously a nod to the Behemoth minis of the battledroids era and the Robotech Monster that inspired them)
So I took those stats, and imagined someone trying having a look at the original plans and trying to make them work with modern superheavy technology (probably purely as an engineering puzzle).
Then I made this. The weapons are meant to reflect the art of the original Monster (or Mac II if you played the original Palladium RPG), with the guns attempting to cosplay for the gloriously huge artillery cannons on the back and the PPCs matching the tri muzzled arms (actually artillery missile launchers, or giant tri-barrel laser canons in the early version of the Palladium RPG).
The resulting design... works? That is all the parts fit and it can move under its own power and it doesn't need the "illegal design quirk". But it's clearly inefficient, even beyond the problems of being a superheavy mech in the first place, and it would need a lot of refinement before it could be considered fit for duty. Certainly no modern superheavy would be allowed to hit the field with such an archaic weapon load, if nothing else.
But it was a fun little way to put off cleaning the kitchen for a bit.
(Also, my personal headcannon is that both the Behemoth described in the unreleased version and the Matar we got in XTRO boondoggles existed, with the Matar being a second pass at the concept in the hopes that shaving off a bunch of weight might result in a machine that actually functions)
Behemoth SA-RS-5X
Mass: 175 tons
Chassis: Endo Steel Superheavy Biped
Power Plant: 350 XL
Cruising Speed: 21.6 kph
Maximum Speed: 32.4 kph
Jump Jets: None
Jump Capacity: 0 meters
Armor: Standard
1 Medium Laser
4 AC/5
Manufacturer: Unknown
Primary Factory: Unknown
Communication System: Unknown
Targeting & Tracking System: Unknown
Introduction Year: 3125
Tech Rating/Availability: E/X-X-F-F
Cost: 55,467,042 C-bills
Type: Behemoth
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
Tonnage: 175
Battle Value: 2,940
Equipment Mass
Internal Structure Endo Steel 17.5
Engine 350 XL 15
Walking MP: 2
Running MP: 3
Jumping MP: 0
Double Heat Sink 23 [46] 13
Superheavy Gyro 8
Superheavy Cockpit 4
Armor Factor 530 33.5
Internal Armor
Structure Value
Head 4 12
Center Torso 53 80
Center Torso (rear) 26
R/L Torso 37 56
R/L Torso (rear) 18
R/L Arm 29 58
R/L Leg 37 74
Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm
Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm
and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage
Double Heat Sink LL 3 - 1.0
3 Double Heat Sink CT 9 - 3.0
CASE RT 1 - 0.5
Double Heat Sink RT 3 - 1.0
2 AC/5 RT 8 1 16.0
AC/5 Ammo (80) RT 4 - 4.0
Double Heat Sink LA 3 - 1.0
3 PPC LA 9 10 21.0
CASE LT 1 - 0.5
Double Heat Sink LT 3 - 1.0
2 AC/5 LT 8 1 16.0
AC/5 Ammo (80) LT 4 - 4.0
Double Heat Sink RL 3 - 1.0
Medium Laser HD 1 3 1.0
Double Heat Sink RA 3 - 1.0
3 PPC RA 9 10 21.0