The Fusil is an attempt to take advantage of one of the biggest issues for capital weapons. The 500 ton targeting penalty. Even the subcaps have a lower penalty but they still have one. This would render any non laser cap or subcap effectively worth far less than it would for a heavier dropship. This design is also tech limited as much as possible.
Fusil Combat Dropship- A 490 ton dropship just squeaking in under the 500 ton limit. Its small size means that reasonably the ship should be carriable internally rather than spending drop collars on it. The design has 7/11 MP. This dropship mounts 8 AC-20 in a single nose bay. Combined with the fact that it will be going fast to limit chance of enemy hitting it this means high closing speed engagement giving it an effective 64 CAP damage bay matching a full HNPPC bay. Fairly cheap at about 140 Mil C-Bills each.
Ultra Budget Limited Tech Anti-Ship Dropship Fusil
Type: Military Spheriod
Mass: 490 tons
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Standard)
Introduced: 3050
Mass: 490
Battle Value: 4,838
Tech Rating/Availability: D/X-X-D-D
Cost: 138,097,400 C-bills
Fuel: 20 tons (1,400)
Safe Thrust: 7
Maximum Thrust: 11
Heat Sinks: 56
Structural Integrity: 11
Nose: 201
Sides: 169/169
Aft: 137
Bay 1: Cargo (11.0 tons) 1 Door
80 rounds of AC/20 ammunition (1 tons)
Escape Pods: 0
Life Boats: 0
Crew: 2 officers, 3 enlisted/non-rated, 2 gunners
Notes: Mounts 39.5 tons of standard aerospace armor.
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Heat SRV MRV LRV ERV Class
Nose (56 Heat)
8 AC/20 56 16(160) 0(0) 0(0) 0(0) AC
AC/20 Ammo (80 shots)