Author Topic: LFP Clan Wolf Tukayyid Campaign  (Read 1005 times)


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LFP Clan Wolf Tukayyid Campaign
« on: 28 December 2024, 13:03:50 »
Hello, I am looking to get some fresh blood into my next campaign, covering the Clan Wolf front in the Battle of Tukayyid.  My players and I have been refining a custom campaign system; this will be the fourth such iteration, so I feel things are in a pretty good state, though new perspectives are always nice.  About 90% of gameplay is regular Total War, though heavier on asymmetric scenarios and special rules than most people are probably accustomed.  Straight-up equal BV fights are the exception, not the norm.  The remaining 10% is Destiny with expanded TW integration and a slightly heavier logistics system.  This is a narrative-light campaign, so players are free to flesh out their characters as much as they wish, but just doing base stats is fine too.  Combat is also more lethal than a traditional RP campaign.  I wanted to capture the brutality of the battle as well as letting players look back at their unit's personal butcher's bill at the end.

The full system can be found here, though the TLDR will give you the gist of it.  Familiarity with Destiny is handy, but not necessary.  I have custom Google Sheets to assist character creation as well.

System:  Mostly Total War with custom Destiny integration.
Schedule:  Ad hoc based on player availability.  Historically about once a month at 1800 Central on Friday or Saturday.  I do not like to go past midnight, but not every session hits that limit.
Played Via:  Tabletop Simulator (currently 50% off in the Steam sale), Discord (VoIP)

If interested, reply/DM here or ping me on Discord (rekkonvatel).  I have room for 5 MechWarrior PCs.  You may also participate as OpFor with no formal commitment, just show up as able/willing.  None of the PC character stuff applies to ComStar either, so apart from things the players can use against you, OpFor only has to deal with normal TW play.

Shameless attention-getting image of a (relatively) recent session where the PCs dropped into a canyon to intercept ComStar reinforcements.


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Re: LFP Clan Wolf Tukayyid Campaign
« Reply #1 on: 26 January 2025, 21:27:51 »
Hello, I am interested in joining this if there is still availability.


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Re: LFP Clan Wolf Tukayyid Campaign
« Reply #2 on: 26 January 2025, 22:29:30 »
There is.  Shoot me a message on Discord (rekkonvatel), and I can get you up to speed.


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Re: LFP Clan Wolf Tukayyid Campaign
« Reply #3 on: 02 February 2025, 18:55:03 »
Campaign is currently full.