Author Topic: House Centrella-Liao or is it Liao-Centrella? (Sarna Question)  (Read 274 times)


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I was reading through IKEO making notes and noticed that the Danai Centrella-Liao profile has her listed as.. Well Centrella-Liao. I quickly grabbed the nearest other book I know has a profile (Legends) and she is listed as Liao-Centrella in the profile there. I grab a novel (Blood Will Tell) and it is Liao-Centrella and finally I open up the Dark Age - Dossiers and Pilot Cards PDF and find that both ways around are used.

I know that usually new trumps old... But this is a pretty major character that has been mentioned in dozens of sources, most often I suspect as Liao-Centrella. This has effects on how the name should be listed on Sarna. (Interestingly Centrella-Liao actually more closely matches with what my research is showing as Capellan norms for double barreled names being wife first.)

My questions are:
1. What is the correct order of precidence for the name?
2. If the switch in IKEO was intentional is this change going to be carried forward? (aka does Sarna need to realign our articles).



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Re: House Centrella-Liao or is it Liao-Centrella? (Sarna Question)
« Reply #1 on: 16 January 2025, 11:46:55 »
Danai Centrella-Liao is the correct spelling at this time (August 3152).
BeemerCon Summarized. Knightmare, end of turn: "How come none of my weapons fired?"
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