Author Topic: How do you create the planetary maps in the "Touring the Stars" series?  (Read 359 times)


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I would love to make my own maps for some of the planets not currently done esp to try and get some Battleforce games going. I have most of the Campaign Cartographer w/ add ons.
My question is how do you all as the developers/publishers create these maps? It would be cool to be able to submit one occasionally to Shrapnel esp for a planet that has a pretty vanilla history.
Do you have any advice/tips/files you can share?
Demo Agent #77

Adrian Gideon

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Been years since I started the process off, and I'm sure it's been refined. It's a Frankenstein's monster of Fractal Terrains, Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign. Trying to create/replicate maps or space images of the planets (we call them "beauty shots") is friggen' test of valor and patience. Completely new planets can still be difficult to match all the details necessary in the planetary writeup.

I'll ask David Kerber to chime in on the current process.
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