I have bunch ot heroscape terrain. How do I make it less slick to metal based mechs???????? without having to redo it after each use
Buy a small paint roller, mix an appropriate colored, inexpensive craft paint in a roller tray with a small amount of PVA (school/Elmer's) glue, gently roll the mixture over the raised portions of the Heroscape hexes, and then either press the hexes into flock or dust them as you desire. Link as many hexes together as you see fit and lightly spray them with matte/dull coat; this will provide additional sealer for the flocking and linking them together beforehand prevents the relatively tight keys from glomming up and becoming unusable. It also dulls the natural plastic shine of the hexes.
Easier than it sounds and only mildly labor- and time-intensive.
The typical consensus used to be two Heroscape tiles per level, but that can add up quickly if you do not have a mass of them on hand. It does look better up against BattleTech miniatures, though.