Author Topic: (Answered) When does a swarm attack begin?  (Read 1283 times)


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(Answered) When does a swarm attack begin?
« on: 26 January 2024, 20:22:09 »
Tw pg 220 says "a unit performing a swarming attack may not be the target of weapon attack".  When is the unit considered to be performing a swarming attack, when the attack is declared or the turn after the roll for success is resolved?  Can the opponent declare weapons fire at the battle armor and then I declare them to be swarming and avoid the shot? 

Also, if an infantry unit is firing at a prone mech or executing a leg attack from the same hex, does it have a +1 or -2? the chart of Pg 117 of TW says "Target:  –2 from adjacent hex; +1 from all others" and the same hex would fall under all others so be +1, but this doesn't seem reasonable.   
« Last Edit: 24 March 2024, 10:26:18 by Hammer »


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Re: When does a swarm attack begin?
« Reply #1 on: 24 March 2024, 10:25:53 »
Tw pg 220 says "a unit performing a swarming attack may not be the target of weapon attack".  When is the unit considered to be performing a swarming attack, when the attack is declared or the turn after the roll for success is resolved?  Can the opponent declare weapons fire at the battle armor and then I declare them to be swarming and avoid the shot? 

A unit is considered to be performing a swarming attack the turn after it has rolled successfully to swarm.

Also, if an infantry unit is firing at a prone mech or executing a leg attack from the same hex, does it have a +1 or -2? the chart of Pg 117 of TW says "Target:  –2 from adjacent hex; +1 from all others" and the same hex would fall under all others so be +1, but this doesn't seem reasonable.   
-2. But beware of thrashing attacks.
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Re: (Answered) When does a swarm attack begin?
« Reply #2 on: 10 October 2024, 17:03:37 »
Should we also consider all shots fired from the same hex (from infantry etc) on a prone mech to get the "Adjacent hex" -2 modifier and not the "any other hex" +1 modifier?

