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I like that this is still doable on the base 4/6 movement.  You can give it dhs and endosteel to give it jump and the upgrades at the base speed.  The mech is specialized enough that it could serve as a weapons carrier type mech.
The Inner Sphere / Re: Unique Tactics by Faction
« Last post by Wrangler on Today at 15:25:17 »
Ice Hellions specialty formation is flurry,  but I not what precisely it does
BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Crossbow W, Burrower and Gabriel
« Last post by jimdigris on Today at 15:21:01 »
MechWarrior Hall / Re: Word Association 36: SAY WHAT AGAIN!!!
« Last post by Wrangler on Today at 15:20:00 »
Release THE BEES
The Inner Sphere / Re: Machines of the First Princes?
« Last post by Mendrugo on Today at 14:55:07 »
Plus, they call it a Marauder about 30 times.  You could, I suppose, handwave that as the name he gave to his 'Mech, like "Dark Lady," "Grinner," or "Wepwawet."
Fan Art / Re: My 8-year-old's first attempt at drawing 'Mechs
« Last post by garhkal on Today at 14:53:37 »
For an 8 yr old, they are not bad..
Honestly, I'd have been much happier if the 4" Mad Cat had been an Urbanmech instead...or pretty much any other mech.
What about a McKenna instead?
Honestly, I'd have been much happier if the 4" Mad Cat had been an Urbanmech instead...or pretty much any other mech.
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