Author Topic: (Answered) Tank Motive Hits and Variable Damage  (Read 2558 times)


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(Answered) Tank Motive Hits and Variable Damage
« on: 15 February 2024, 12:52:19 »
When a tank takes damage in AS, does it work in the same way as a critical hit would work, meaning 1 roll per attacker on a successful hit or do motive hits roll for each point of damage landed.

For example, a Banshee hits a tank with an attack of 4 and lands 2 hits. Does the tank only roll motive hit once or does it roll twice?

My group has been playing it in the same way as crits, but none of us were sure if we were doing it correctly.
« Last Edit: 15 February 2024, 13:00:51 by nckestrel »


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Re: Tank Motive Hits and Variable Damage
« Reply #1 on: 15 February 2024, 13:00:39 »
It's a single attack.   Even if using multiple attack rolls, all the damage is added together from the attack rolls and applied to the target as a single attack.
Only one critical or motive hit roll per attack, regardless of the amount of damage.  The Banshee in your example is making a single attack, regardless of the amount of damage done (2 in your example), and the tank rolls one motive hit.
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