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BattleMechs / Re: Royal Rifleman (60 ton)
« Last post by Dave Talley on Today at 23:35:54 »
No royal rifleblazermonster?
MegaMek Games / Re: Where do I find sponson turrets in MegaMekLab?
« Last post by Hammer on Today at 23:24:02 »
Well curiously, the version I have doesn't list sponsons as available equipment, but still recognizes them in files made in other versions that had them.  So, I loaded in a file for a Challenger variant that used them, stripped out all the weapons and equipment except for the sponson, and changed all the options step by step until I made what I wanted:



Nope, 49.7, that's what it says in the Info dialog box.



Ok, that's a very old version and we did have some equipment issues back then. You should update to the new MILESTONE it runs on Java 11.

We also just dropped the new 0.50.0 release but the requires Java 17
The Inner Sphere / Re: Machines of the First Princes?
« Last post by MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on Today at 22:54:36 »
If that is true then that has got to be some serious short sightedness on his part.

He was going off to face the clans.  What if he died?  So the one he feels best to lead temporarily is then not eligible to take over?

Yes, there were many other people he could have picked.  People who were older, more experienced (that is to say, they actually had experience), and not in the line of succession.  But the numerous problems with all the events leading up to the FedCom Civil War has been argued many times and is off topic for this thread.
Fan Fiction / Re: A Long Journey
« Last post by wolfcannon on Today at 22:41:08 »
a DOME team could fix that.  js.   also not sending those 2 Mechanized divisions could help take care of those pesky pirates 😉.
The Inner Sphere / Re: Machines of the First Princes?
« Last post by Hellraiser on Today at 22:29:00 »
No, she was calling herself First Princess in spite of lacking the necessary service.  And all the yes men in court went along with it, proclaiming that she was the legitimate ruler.  Somehow.

To be fair, Katie was doing that far more than Yvonne ever would have.
I mean, she was regent for less than 2 years, or was it Less than 1?   I forget.
The Inner Sphere / Re: Machines of the First Princes?
« Last post by Hellraiser on Today at 22:27:44 »
Melissa did go infantry. Did she ever actually serve in Katrina's Warhammer though, doubtful.
Do you have a source for that?
The entire Melissa Infantry thing is about her testing scores as an early Teen.
It's from the LyrCom 80's book & also said the Archon isn't about to let her daughter join the Jump Infantry.

She wouldn't have had time to MechWarrior.
So the Archon has no nannies?  Really?   LOL.
Either Wo39 or 20 Year Update she did learn how to pilot her Mother's Warhammer passably IE...  Regular Not Elite.
I'd assume the Archon has plenty of time to drill with the 2 Royal Guards regiments on Tharkhad any time she wants.

Love that Blue Thunder. I had a big one as a kid--the GI Joe helos were way out of our price range--that soldiered on an on (sans rotor blades) for years. Good times, and thanks for the memories, Kamas.

That was FASCINATING! :)

Seriously, I LOVE combined arms down to the Company level! :D

It's a way to life, for sure.

If the Russians could ever follow their own doctrine, they notionally had ways of doing it down to the platoon-level (at least in their Combat Recon Platoons (see Attachment 1 below)). Incidentally, you can read all about it here, which is a pretty neat site.

Soooo...trailers. I'll be pushing out a revised Tankreator with buildable trailers, but they won't be pretty, and they won't have the breadth of accuracy the rest of the program has. There are a lot of trailers in the world, and they all weigh different proportions of their gross-weight. Tankreator works because there are so many variable there can be a minimal amount of cheating that gets you where you want or need to be, and it's unnoticeable on a gamebord.

Trailers, well, there is nothing to cheat. It's a frame, wheels, and a load-weight. That is it. I shall not be trying to parse out axles, tongue-design, or even if it has a ramp, etc. After two-plus days of wrapping myself around those scanty axles, I had to face up to the fact that trailers are--almost unarguably--a niche feature of the program, and there are more important things to do, like wrap up Fire Support, add in the last infantry-support weapons, look into aircraft and tighten up helos and their own load-carrying capabilities.

There are two types of trailers, now: Utility and Combat. The Utility trailers adhere closely to the percentages I could find after sifting through a dozen websites to get trailer-weights, load-capacity, and correlating them. The combat trailers I have not messed with yet other than to allow them to be made. As asked-for, they used Tracked structural requirements/fundamental data (but the program doesn't say that; I will assume all trailers are Wheeled, for convenience's sake; if one wanted a Tracked Trailer, just make it with improved Mobility and move onwards).

Oh, field artillery/towed guns: they probably won't work out perfectly (okay, at all, yet). So far, they seem to be 1-2 tonnes heavy, but the real problem is the system weights. It is hard to make an M777 (which has an all-up weight of 4.2 tonnes) when the gun in Tankreator is already 6. Sigh. And no, the answer is not to change the system weights, because they seem to work with everything else. I have toyed around with a modifier for towed guns where the systems weigh appreciably less...

The Record Sheet gained an extra row--the first time it has changed in size in years! It should not invalidate any previous RS's because nothing will show other than the Trailer Hitch under the Systems block. Speaking of which: if you build a tractor-unit, you put the pull-weight (using the Trailer Hitch line under Systems) you want as part of your Design's Overall Mass, and that mass will be accounted for throughout the process (including the plussed-up engine)...but subtracted from the "Free Mass". That way, we can have 11.9 tonne MT-LB that can pull a 6.5 tonne load, but not have to look like it is 18.4 tonnes on the Record Sheet.

To recap, Tankreator is still awesome, and the additions of trailer-specific data to the RS went better than expected. Now, if only I could be as ecstatic about the trailers themselves. Grumble, grumble.

EDIT: One can see the massaging one can do with an AFV: the MT-LB came in very slightly light. I had originally just upped the MMG ammo, but decided to give it some proper Russian flair.
Fan Fiction / Re: A Long Journey
« Last post by Moriarty74 on Today at 22:22:35 »
I see one very big issue that is going to be rearing its head soon.  When the extent of the atmospheric sulfur issue becomes known, they're going to want to relocate all these new industries that are just setting up or arriving to set up.  Convincing those companies to set up IN pirate space will be next to impossible.  They're going to want to go to some other AFFS world instead, regardless of being fully bought or just relocating.  They're more likely to want to relocate to Crofton, Sherwood, or Filtvelt as safer options while also informing the FedSuns government that Mitchell is bugging out of FedSuns space.  It's going to be a tough knot to untangle.
The Inner Sphere / Re: Machines of the First Princes?
« Last post by Hellraiser on Today at 22:22:34 »
IIRC, Victor appointing Yvonne regent was what caused her to become ineligible for First Princess.

If that is true then that has got to be some serious short sightedness on his part.

He was going off to face the clans.  What if he died?  So the one he feels best to lead temporarily is then not eligible to take over?

Not saying your wrong, since, well, that is a great way to stop a regent from killing an Heir that is a Minor.
But it is an issue in the case of an absent leader.
MegaMek Games / Re: Where do I find sponson turrets in MegaMekLab?
« Last post by gyedid on Today at 22:11:55 »
Well curiously, the version I have doesn't list sponsons as available equipment, but still recognizes them in files made in other versions that had them.  So, I loaded in a file for a Challenger variant that used them, stripped out all the weapons and equipment except for the sponson, and changed all the options step by step until I made what I wanted:


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