Author Topic: ASF with LBX and Targeting Computers  (Read 898 times)


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ASF with LBX and Targeting Computers
« on: 07 June 2024, 01:08:12 »
LBX autocannons on the ground can shoot both slugs and cluster so they must be included when calculating the weight of a targeting computer in a mech because the targeting computer will grant -1 to hit while firing slugs but not cluster. However for ASF, LBX autocannons can only fire cluster and thus for ASF with LBX and targeting computer that targeting computer cannot grant -1 to hit to that LBX under any circumstances. However the construction rules for targeting computer (TM page 238) just says "The weight of a targeting computer is based on the weight of all non-missile heavy weapons of the pulse and/or direct-fire Types (not counting machine guns, flamers or TAG systems) used by the unit."

Does that mean for ASF with LBX and targeting computer, the weight of the targeting computer includes the LBX even though the LBX can never receive any benefits from it?