Author Topic: What Could Go Wrong  (Read 126150 times)


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What Could Go Wrong
« on: 15 August 2022, 22:19:24 »
19 November 3039
Breed (Federated Commonwealth)

 Captain David Mitchell stood looking over the destroyed equipment being brought in from all over the planet now that the fighting had finally ended. The Combine forces had been using Battlemechs and equipment not seen in many years and that equipment was being carefully separated from the more common equipment. His current job was to just make sure nothing walked off from the ever growing "salvage" piles. He pointed to a burnt-out hulk "Davis, take a look at that hunk and see if anything is worth pulling."

 With a nod, Corporal Davis ducked into the hatch of the vehicle. He grimaced at the smell inside, but quickly went about his task. He pulled several portable computers and map cases from the interior rubble, lightly tossing them out the open hatch. The captain can give those to the intel squirrels, he thought as he scanned the interior a little closer. His eyes slowly focused on the bank of computer displays, all were busted all up. Down near the floor panels, he saw some writing, extremely faded. He wiped away the soot as best he could and read "Bac_u_ D_i_e". He pulled a screwdriver and started opening the panel. He might be a simple grunt, but his first love was anything to do with computers. His goal after serving his time was to enroll in a university and get a degree in computers. With the screws removed, he pried open the access panel and found several very old looking computer drives, but they were not even hooked up. Shrugging he pulled the drives and tucked them into his field jacket. Maybe I can make a few bucks off them, he thought.

 Emerging from the vehicle, he carried the portable computers and map cases over to Captain Mitchell. "Here you go sir, nothing else worth a damn inside that vehicle."

 "I am not stupid or blind Davis, what are you holding back?" Captain Mitchell asked, while pointing to the small bulge inside Corporal Davis's field jacket.

 "Just a couple dud drives. They were not even hooked up to anything sir, honest." Corporal Davis pulled one of the drives out and showed his Captain. "See, there is some serious dirt in the data ports. No cable has seen any of these drives in a really long time."

 "So, you want to either tinker with them or sell them." Captain Mitchell asked with a slight grin

 "You know me sir, if it has anything to do with computers, I just have to play with it." Corporal Davis replied

 "Fine, go stash them in your pack. BUT, if anything important is on those, you bring them right to me. We do not need the intel folks up our ass over this." Captain Mitchell said

 "You got it sir, and thanks." Corporal Davis said and moved quickly to stash his little find. Captain Mitchell was a great officer, only got on someone's case if they deserved it. He would follow the captain anywhere, and he was not alone, most of the Company would and probably the entire Battalion. He knew from scuttle butt that the captain had been passed over for promotion to Major. Mainly because the Battalion commander was a total jerk and Captain Mitchell had a habit of pointing out just how stupid the BC was. Hell, if it was not for Captain Mitchell, most of the Battalion would have been killed during the fighting, instead they had inflicted losses on the Combine forces while using hit and run actions after Major Burlow had been "knocked" out of action with a serious concussion. Funny how when the fighting ended, after several months, Major Burlow had retaken command of the Battalion, just as the last of the Combine troops departed the planet.

Dave Talley

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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #1 on: 15 August 2022, 23:10:51 »
Resident Smartass since 1998
“Toe jam in training”

Because while the other Great Houses of the Star League thought they were playing chess, House Cameron was playing Paradox-Billiards-Vostroyan-Roulette-Fourth Dimensional-Hypercube-Chess-Strip Poker the entire time.
JA Baker


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #2 on: 16 August 2022, 00:40:32 »
Tag 2 pings
I wish I could get a good grip on reality, then I would choke it.
Growing old is inevitable,
Growing up is optional.
Watching TrueToaster create evil genius, priceless...everything else is just sub-par.


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #3 on: 16 August 2022, 01:06:50 »
Glad to see you posting again, good sir!  :thumbsup:


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #4 on: 16 August 2022, 11:08:20 »
Holy moly!  Its nice see 2nd Acr is back.
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #5 on: 16 August 2022, 11:08:53 »
indeed, WB 2ACR!!
"If you have to ask permission, then it's no longer a Right, it has been turned into a Privilege-something that can be and will be taken from you when convenient."


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #6 on: 16 August 2022, 11:48:31 »
Thanks guys. I'm rusty, so bear with me. Work is still chaotic and life in general is a hassle. I wanted to bring Fate back to life, but so many smaller story arcs inside it I am not sure I can do it justice. So decided to just start another one.


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #7 on: 16 August 2022, 12:15:07 »
Starting a smaller arc and working up is a sound strategy.  Just let us know if you want any help!  :thumbsup:


  • Captain
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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #8 on: 16 August 2022, 12:39:39 »
9 December 3039
Breed (Federated Commonwealth)

 Corporal Nathan Davis had spent days cleaning all the built-up dirt, dust and assorted debris from the 3 data drives. During the cleaning, he had located a small ID tag which simply stated its manufacture date as 2762. This had excited him; he had never played with anything from the Star League era. Of course, then he wondered if anything he had would even run the drives, much less read them. Today he would find out as he slowly connected a power cable to the first drive, followed by a data cable. This was hooked up to his home-built computer. He turned on the power feed and smiled as the drive made a slight whirring noise.

A dedicated monitor slowly came to life and on it was displayed a mass of code and text, all jumbled up, but after studying the screen, he was slowly able to make out lines of the text buried in all the code. The first line read "Periphery Report 2765, Outworlds Alliance 18th Army Deployments". While this itself meant nothing to him, the fact that he was reading something from so far back in the past, excited him. Though reading was not the correct phrase, more like deciphering. He pulled out a pad and slowly began making notes as he painstakingly deciphered the text intermingled with code.

18th Army Deployment

XLV Corps

287th BattleMech Division - Alpheratz
292nd BattleMech Division - Jordan Wais
52nd Infantry Division - Brasha
110th Mechanized Infantry Division - Crestoblus
116th Mechanized Infantry Division - Tellman IV
206th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division - Quartre Belle
208th Mechanized Infantry Division - Ramora

Independent Regiments
279th Light Horse Regiment - Patrol
128th Hussar Regiment - Patrol
150th Hussar Regiment - DOME
192nd Royal Hussar Regiment - Finse
395th Dragoon Regiment - DOME
396th Dragoon Regiment - DOME
199th Striker Regiment - DOME
587th Battle Regiment - DOME
247th Heavy Assault Regiment - Calish II
125th Independent Aero Wing - Toten

LXIV Corps

298th BattleMech Division - Cerberus
311th BattleMech Division - Milligan's World
209th Mechanized Infantry Division - Halla
217th Mechanized Infantry Division - Dneiper
226th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division - Devil's Breath
252nd Mechanized Infantry Division - Gitarama
61st Royal Jump Infantry Division - Wynn's Roost

Independent Regiments
27th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment - Port Krin
167th Light Horse Regiment - Cerberus
178th Light Horse Regiment - Bannerhoft
288th Hussar Regiment - DOME
45th Dragoon Regiment - False Dawn
68th Dragoon Regiment - False Dawn
238th Striker Regiment - Cerberus
512th Striker Regiment - DOME
201st Battle Regiment - DOME
125th Royal Hover Armor Regiment - Raetia


315th BattleMech Division - Baliggora
318th BattleMech Division - Valasha
48th Infantry Division - Braben's Frontier
135th Mechanized Infantry Division - Blommestein
147th Mechanized Infantry Division - Puttalam
149th Mechanized Infantry Division - Gaeri
157th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division - Onverwacht

Independent Regiments
199th Light Horse Regiment - Thazi
200th Royal Light Horse Regiment - Wokha
205th Light Horse Regiment - Pilon
258th Hussar Regiment - Carmelita
74th Royal Dragoon Regiment - Joshua
89th Dragoon Regiment - Rondon
361st Dragoon Regiment - Sornath
228th Striker Regiment - Mandeville
231st Striker Regiment - Domeyko
963rd Independent Aero Wing - Linden

 It took him 12 long hours to decipher a page of information on the note pad. What he assumed were locations really meant nothing to him, having heard of only Alpheratz. He scrolled down various pages, he could make out numbers, possibly manpower numbers, maybe equipment totals. He was not sure, but his eye's ached, so he powered down the drive and decided to get some sleep, it was a duty day tomorrow. Plus, he had to tell Captain Mitchell what he found.


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #9 on: 16 August 2022, 12:57:24 »
Clearly the good corporal has no prospector blood in him... that list would otherwise be "JACKPOT!"...  ^-^


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #10 on: 16 August 2022, 13:19:58 »
Depends on if those forces were redeployed for Liberation & Operation Exodus
"Men, fetch the Urbanmechs.  We have an interrogation to attend to." - jklantern
"How do you defeat a Dragau? Shoot the damn thing. Lots." - Jellico 
"No, it's a "Most Awesome Blues Brothers scene Reenactment EVER" waiting to happen." VotW Destrier - Weirdo  
"It's 200 LY to Sian, we got a full load of shells, a half a platoon of Grenadiers, it's exploding outside, and we're wearing flak jackets." VoTW Destrier - Misterpants
-Editor on Battletech Fanon Wiki


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #11 on: 16 August 2022, 15:05:02 »
The data alone is jackpot for a prospector.

Taron Storm

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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #12 on: 16 August 2022, 15:12:46 »
Wonder what is on the other two drives.... :excited:


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #13 on: 16 August 2022, 15:19:44 »
Probably more C2 information, but that's ultimately up to 2ndACR...  ^-^


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #14 on: 16 August 2022, 16:00:57 »
Tagged for sure, glad to see your back!


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #15 on: 16 August 2022, 18:24:06 »
13 December 3039
Breed (federated Commonwealth)

 Master Sergeant Harry Caldwell took a long pull of his beer while eyeing Captain David Mitchell sitting across the small table from him. He wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve. "Sir, you're not asking for much are you? You trying to get me hung or shot? I thought we were on good terms."

 "Nothing will go missing, I just want to get Corporal Davis into that Mech those techs have been swooning over." Captain Mitchell replied

 "Not just the techs sir, word is there is a team from the NAIS coming to take possession of it. It's under lock and key, WITH armed guards posted." Master Sergeant Caldwell pointed out

 "You seem to forget; those armed guards are from my company. So that is not going to be an issue. But we are not techs, no clue on powering up a Mech, but you are a Master Technician, trained on Battlemech, Vehicles and even Aerospace if I recall your file correctly. We just want access to the computer system for a little while." Captain Mitchell said

 "Master Mechanic sir, not even close to a Master Technician on Battlemechs or Aerospace. Of course, weapons and fusion engines are all pretty much the same along with repairing armor." Master Sergeant Caldwell stated

 "Close enough for our needs. Will you help us?" Captain Mitchell asked

 "Nothing gets taken from the Battlemech. I am there the entire time watching. I respect and like you Captain Mitchell, but damned if I risk a treason charge." Master Sergeant Caldwell replied

 "Nowhere close to treason Master Sergeant Caldwell. We have some ancient data drives that we think that fancy computer might be able to read correctly. Nothing on them has anything to do with current events. If we find anything current, you may accompany me to turn the drives over. That sound fair?" Captain Mitchell asked

 "Okay. Tomorrow night. I will power up the Battlemech and Corporal Davis can do his thing. I know he knows computers; he has helped me out a few times with buggy software updates." Master Sergeant Caldwell said

14 December 3039

 "Everything quiet Sergeant Harris?" Captain Mitchell asked

 "Boring as ever sir. I can promise you 5 hours, after that, this area starts to wake up and folks start moving about." Sergeant Josh Hogue said

 "We should be long gone before then. Call me on TAC 2 if anything comes up." Captain Mitchell said as he waved the others inside the hanger.

 Master Sergeant Caldwell looked at the equipment Corporal Davis had brought along. "A printer? Really, you need a printer?"

 "I only get one shot at this Top, I have to be ready if this plays out right." Corporal Davis replied

 With a grunt, Master Sergeant Caldwell helped load the equipment onto the lift next to the Battlemaster BLR-2C that all the Mech techs had been going ape over. Once everything was aboard, he engaged the lift which started rising to the cockpit hatch. Reaching the hatch, he climbed inside and sat down in the pilot's couch. Flipping a few switches, he felt more than anything the THRUM as the Battlemasters fusion reactor powered up. It only took a few seconds before the cockpit controls began lighting up. He did not have the password hack to do more than power up the cockpit fully. Finally, he turned slightly towards the hatch. "Let's go Davis, get this over with."

 Wasting no time, Corporal Davis entered the cockpit and moved to the couch next to Master Sergeant Caldwell. He started pulling out various cables and located the correct places to plug them in. He then began plugging in the 3 drives. As they slowly spun up, the computer he was sitting at began coming to life. Reading from the various drives at what seemed like the same time, the computer screens began displaying the information in its proper format. He quickly realized that he could select each command and drive deeper into information on each command listed. Quickly, he began connecting the printer and did a test print to see if it worked. Sure enough, the printer quickly printed 2 pages of information. He looked at the 2 reams of paper he had brought. "Captain Mitchell, we have a problem here."

 Sticking his head inside, Captain Mitchell asked "What is wrong?"

 "I do not think this is going to be enough paper. Hell, I might not have enough ink for the printer." Corporal Davis said

 Master Sergeant Caldwell grunted "Jesus Davis, I thought you came prepared. Sir, go over to the office over there, should be a full box of printer paper. You can steal the ink from the printer in there also, maybe find some extra cartridges. Davis, get back to work, we are on a time crunch here."

 "Wish we could just steal this computer. This thing has more processing power than my own rig and it is top of the line." Corporal Davis replied, as he got back to printing pages of information.

 "Keep wishing, not going to happen. They shoot folks over tech like this. You just stay focused on the task at hand and no surfing the computer. No telling what kind of logs this thing will make and I am not keen on explaining anything to a NAIS team or MI6." Master Sergeant Caldwell replied as he made sure everyone was gloved, no need in leaving fingerprints.

 While the printing had been going on, Corporal Davis had begged Master Sergeant Caldwell to let him carefully take a few access panels off and look at the guts of the computer. Just look, no touching was the reply. After 20 minutes of carefully looking the inside over, Corporal Davis let a low whistle out. "Man o man, this is one sweet computer. I count at least 8 separate processors. Graphics suck, but this baby has more raw crunching power than anything I have ever seen. I think it is even tied into the comm system. Might even be able to get real time updates. Sir, we are not going to get all the information on these drives. No way, unless you break into base supply and steal all the paper and ink to be had. Probably going to kill my printer even."

 "Just hit the highlights Davis, we don't need all the individual unit info and such. Scan for what looks important and copy those." Captain Mitchell replied 


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #16 on: 16 August 2022, 18:38:34 »
Coordinates, Davis... COORDINATES!  ::)


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #17 on: 16 August 2022, 22:34:27 »
Why is he printing it, instead of copying the data to a drive he can read?

David CGB

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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #18 on: 16 August 2022, 22:50:45 »
Why is he printing it, instead of copying the data to a drive he can read?

Data may be read only.
Federated Suns fan forever, Ghost Bear Fan since 1992, and as a Ghost Bear David Bekker star captain (in an Alt TL Loremaster)

Taron Storm

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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #19 on: 17 August 2022, 13:59:54 »
digital camera with record function


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #20 on: 17 August 2022, 14:14:30 »
digital camera with record function

Remember, we are talking about the Future of the 80s here.


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #21 on: 17 August 2022, 14:17:44 »
Think of the Star League language like Macintosh trying to run a Windows app. They do not like to talk to each other. I figure Star League computer language is not compatible with current 3040 computer systems. It's Lostech. Only at great time spent can you glean items of text from the jumble of information displayed.

 Exactly, our stuff now a days is way more powerful than anything the original writers had in 1980.

 PS, Spoiler, gleaning information to actually use is going to be a recurring theme in this story.


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #22 on: 17 August 2022, 15:30:12 »
15 December 3039
Breed (federated Commonwealth)

 With 7,500 pages of printed data recovered from only 2 of the drives, they had exhausted their readily available paper and ink supply before even touching the 3rd drive, the monumental task of reading thru the information was now at hand. Drive 1 currently held 280 megabytes of information, drive 2 held 438 megabytes of information and drive 3 held a whopping 3.6 gigabytes of information. With a single megabyte equaling 500 pages, they had not even scratched the surface of what the drives actually contained. They had only taken a quick glance at drive 3 and it was graphic intensive that even the command computer could not display correctly.

 Once the duty day was over, Captain Mitchell and Corporal Davis began the task of wading thru the mountain of paper to determine exactly what they had recovered. It was not a task either of them enjoyed, not in the least. While reading, it became obvious to Captain Mitchell that all this information came from a long "lost" Mobile HQ left by the SLDF, probably one assigned to the 18th SLDF Army. He had found supply requisitions, unit updates, assignments and a mountain of other information no different than what his own Company generated, just much more of it.

 He was currently flipping thru a stack of papers at random when he came to a page titled "Periphery Report 2766, Outworlds Alliance 18th Army Deployments". He paused and started digging under a small mountain of paper until he found the original 2765 handwritten report and compared them. Several items leaped off the page at him. First, the 18th Army had taken some serious losses. Second, several units were identified as destroyed with no confirmation. This really piqued his interest. These he highlighted for further study.

18th Army Deployment

XLV Corps

287th BattleMech Division - Alpheratz - 33% Losses
292nd BattleMech Division - Jordan Wais - Destroyed
52nd Infantry Division - Brasha - Destroyed
110th Mechanized Infantry Division - Crestoblus - Destroyed
116th Mechanized Infantry Division - Tellman IV - 29% Losses
206th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division - Quartre Belle - 41% Losses
208th Mechanized Infantry Division - Ramora - Destroyed

Independent Regiments
279th Light Horse Regiment - Patrol - 22% Losses
128th Hussar Regiment - Patrol - 29% Losses
150th Hussar Regiment - DOME - 19% Losses
192nd Royal Hussar Regiment - Finse - Destroyed
395th Dragoon Regiment - DOME - Destroyed
396th Dragoon Regiment - DOME - 36% Losses
199th Striker Regiment - DOME - Destroyed/No Confirmation
587th Battle Regiment - DOME - 33% Losses
247th Heavy Assault Regiment - Calish II - Disbanded
125th Independent Aero Wing - Toten - 53% Losses/Destroyed Early 2766

LXIV Corps

298th BattleMech Division - Cerberus - Disbanded
311th BattleMech Division - Milligan's World - Destroyed
209th Mechanized Infantry Division - Halla - 41% Losses
217th Mechanized Infantry Division - Dneiper - Destroyed
226th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division - Devil's Breath - 28% Losses
252nd Mechanized Infantry Division - Gitarama - 30% Losses
61st Royal Jump Infantry Division - Wynn's Roost - 24% Losses

Independent Regiments
27th Royal CAAN Marine Regiment - Port Krin - 17% Losses
167th Light Horse Regiment - Cerberus - 22% Losses
178th Light Horse Regiment - Bannerhoft - Destroyed/No Confirmation
288th Hussar Regiment - DOME - 23% Losses
45th Dragoon Regiment - False Dawn - 43% Losses
68th Dragoon Regiment - False Dawn - 44% Losses
238th Striker Regiment - Cerberus - 39% Losses
512th Striker Regiment - DOME - 35% Losses
201st Battle Regiment - DOME - Disbanded
125th Royal Hover Armor Regiment - Raetia - 46% Losses


315th BattleMech Division - Baliggora - 41% Losses
318th BattleMech Division - Valasha - Disbanded
48th Infantry Division - Braben's Frontier - 36% Losses
135th Mechanized Infantry Division - Blommestein - Destroyed
147th Mechanized Infantry Division - Puttalam - 36% Losses
149th Mechanized Infantry Division - Gaeri - Destroyed/No Confirmation
157th Royal Mechanized Infantry Division - Onverwacht - 37% Losses

Independent Regiments
199th Light Horse Regiment - Thazi - 44% Losses
200th Royal Light Horse Regiment - Wokha - Destroyed/No Confirmation
205th Light Horse Regiment - Pilon - 39% Losses
258th Hussar Regiment - Carmelita - 42% Losses
74th Royal Dragoon Regiment - Joshua - 33% Losses
89th Dragoon Regiment - Rondon - 32% Losses
361st Dragoon Regiment - Sornath - 28% Losses
228th Striker Regiment - Mandeville - Destroyed/No Confirmation
231st Striker Regiment - Domeyko - 27% Losses
963rd Independent Aero Wing - Linden - 18% Losses

 What he really wished for is a working computer that could actually read and display the cross references like the Command Computer on that Battlemaster, but short of going rogue and stealing it, he felt he was shit out of luck on that account. That would make this task so much easier.

 "Davis keep an eye out for anything concerning these units I have highlighted here. Or anything on the last known locations of those units." Captain David Mitchell said, tapping each unit on his list.

 "Yes sir. What we need is someone to type all this into a computer so we can cross deck it faster. I could do it, but it would take at least a week if I did not have duty." Corporal Davis replied

 "Well then, I am sorry to report to your platoon that you are restricted to quarters. Should not have drunk all my beer." Captain Mitchell said while handing over another beer.

 "Gee, thanks. Me and my big mouth." Corporal Davis said taking the offered beer. "Tell me sir, what are we going to do with this information once we figure out all the ins and outs?"

 "That Corporal Davis is a really good question. Ever heard of Snord's Irregulars?" Captain Mitchell asked, taking a sip of his beer

 "Mercenary unit, has made a name for itself finding lots of long-lost items." Corporal Davis replied

 "Well, why can someone like us maybe find some long-lost items too? Heck just finding any bases might turn up god knows what from the Star League era." Captain Mitchell replied back

 "That could cost a ton of money sir. We would need a way to get there, it's probably dangerous as hell, going to take more than just us two. That is going to cost." Corporal Davis said

 "Yes, it is all of that you say. One thing at a time. First we have to have some good hard intel to act on, that is what we are doing now." Captain Mitchell replied


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #23 on: 17 August 2022, 16:35:26 »
So, is this Mitchell in this story related to the Mitchell's in the Fate storyline?
Why does everyone "Fire at Will"? Is he really that bad of a person? And what did he do to make everyone want to shoot him?

If a group of necrophiliacs met a group of zombies, who would do the chasing?

Bacon is Life! Even vegaterians eat bacon.


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #24 on: 17 August 2022, 16:42:27 »
 No, different.


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #25 on: 17 August 2022, 17:47:32 »
18 December 3039
Breed (Federated Commonwealth)

The knock at the door brought Captain David Mitchell's head up from reading an after-action report from the 205th Light Horse Regiment and their actions before pulling out of the Periphery. He laid the report down and walked to the door.

"Yeah, who is it." He said through the door

"Master Sergeant Caldwell sir." Came the reply, at which Captain Mitchell unlocked the door and opened it up.

"Come on in Master Sergeant. What can I do for you." Captain Mitchell asked while closing the door behind his unexpected guest.

"Thought you would like to know that the NAIS team will arrive via command circuit on the 28th. We got word that they will be taking the Battlemaster and every other piece of advanced tech we recovered." Master Sergeant Caldwell replied

"We knew they were coming, so no surprise there." Captain Mitchell said while reaching into a cooler beside his chair and handing the cold beer to Master Sergeant Caldwell "Take a seat Master Sergeant Caldwell."

Master Sergeant Caldwell took the offered beer and picked up some books from a chair and sat down. He glanced at the titles. History of the Outworlds Alliance, History of the Star League Defense Force, The SLDF: A Study of the Largest Military, Department of Meta Engineering: Doing the Impossible. He grunted, "Doing a little light reading I see?"

"I like to broaden my knowledge when I can." Captain Mitchell said, taking a pull on his beer

"From the looks of that stack of books and all that paper we carried over here the other night, well it looks like you're doing more than broadening your knowledge. You're planning something, something big I reckon. Well, I want in on its sir." Master Sergeant Caldwell said

"Nothing is confirmed yet Master Sergeant. Truth is, I am broadening my knowledge right now. I like to have some idea of what I am about to get into before diving in headfirst." Captain Mitchell replied

"Yeah, well I have been around you over 4 years now and I know when something is up. Whatever you're moving towards, you're bound to need a good mechanic with a working knowledge of other trades. I am that person. I might even be able to convince others to join up, when that time comes." Master Sergeant Caldwell said

"Okay Top, your in. But I am being honest here, nothing is set in stone. Not yet. This stays between us, no further. Is that clear?" Captain Mitchell replied

"Yes sir. So what are we moving towards?" Master Sergeant Caldwell asked

"Well right now, we are in the early research phase. But if we can locate a good target for our resources, well we might head out and see what we find. It could be a bust or it could make us all rich. Either way, it might be one hell of an adventure." Captain Mitchell said

"Outworlds Alliance huh, Periphery. Dangerous territory. I hope you plan on more than just us three, I assume Corporal Davis is all in on this." Master Sergeant Caldwell said

"That is where our source is pointing us. To be honest, I have not given that much thought since I have not located a good target yet. We have some leads, but their locations do not appear on any star maps I have looked at. How do you find something that no longer exists on any maps?" Captain Mitchell explained

"Well, running to Comstar and asking for help is probably out the window. Problem is, who the hell do you trust with? This kind of information gets people killed." Master Sergeant Caldwell said

"It sure could. And going to Comstar would be a really bad idea. I have toyed with approaching High Command to maybe sponsor a recovery mission. But even then, I have reservations. I do not want to get screwed if we did find something of value." Captain Mitchell replied


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #26 on: 17 August 2022, 19:45:14 »
Think of the Star League language like Macintosh trying to run a Windows app. They do not like to talk to each other. I figure Star League computer language is not compatible with current 3040 computer systems. It's Lostech. Only at great time spent can you glean items of text from the jumble of information displayed.

 Exactly, our stuff now a days is way more powerful than anything the original writers had in 1980.

 PS, Spoiler, gleaning information to actually use is going to be a recurring theme in this story.
;D...  I am currently trying to find away to read a bunch of older Appleworks documents.  I understand the issues
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #27 on: 17 August 2022, 20:23:04 »
It's odd they're having that conversation AFTER learning NAIS will be there in 10 days...   8)


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #28 on: 18 August 2022, 12:13:07 »
25 December 3039
Breed (Federated Commonwealth)

 They had decided to use Christmas Day for their next and last use of the Battlemasters command computer. They wanted to maximize their time and do as many cross references as they could for any useful information. Once Corporal Davis had Drive 1 and 2 hooked up, he surrendered his seat to Captain Mitchell. It took a few minutes for Captain Mitchell to get a grasp on navigating the computer itself with helpful tips from Corporal Davis. He started with the first highlighted unit on his list, the 199th Striker Regiment. After ten minutes of surfing among different files, he found that they had been assigned to support a DOME operation in the system Salvende and were not heard from again. He made some notes and moved to the next unit listed, the 178th Light Horse Regiment stationed on Bennerhoft. After 20 minutes, he found a note directing him to the 45th Dragoon Regiment. Searching that unit, he located an after-action report that stated the 45th Dragoon had entered the Bannerhoft system where they found the remains of the 178th Light Horse Jumpships at the Nadir Jump Point. After 2 days in orbit of Bannerhoft, the 45th Dragoon Regiment had not been able to communicate with anyone from the 178th Light Horse Regiment. The arrival of several Pinto Corvettes had forced them to abandon the search and depart the system.

 Captain Mitchell made more notes next to the 178th Light Horse Regiment before moving on to the 149th Mechanized Infantry Division stationed on Gaeri. It took almost an hour before he found another foot note to see the 252nd Mechanized Infantry Division. Once again, he began a new search which led him to an after-action report. The 252nd Mechanized Infantry Division had arrived at Gaeri and quickly located several destroyed SLDF warships and several destroyed Jumpships. Orbits around the planet failed to get a response from the surface, but several Aerospace recon flights indicated nuclear detonations on the primary space port along with strikes on the 149th Mechanized Infantry Divisions main base. The commander of the 252nd Mechanized Infantry Division had made the decision to proceed with his recall orders. More notes were made.

 The next unit was the 200th Royal Light Horse Regiment stationed on Wohka. For 30 minutes he searched among the various reports filed by the commander of the 200th. "HOT DAMN!!" Captain Mitchell said suddenly. This startled both Master Sergeant Caldwell and Corporal Davis. "I think we have hit the jackpot boys. Listen to this report."

 "17 March 2765. The commander of the 200th Royal Light Horse reports that SLDF engineers with DOME support have completed building their base located in the Heavens Mountain. Initial housing and maintenance facilities more than enough for the entire Regiment and supporting Battalions. Excavations have been completed to provide for an additional Regiment if needed. Base is on internal power with its own secure water source from deep aquifer. Fuel tanks are full, with enough to last 5 years at full capacity.

 He goes on to describe the populations mood to the SLDF presence on Wohka, which he reports as getting better after initial deployment. He asks about his request for equipment replacement per his previous approved request. That leads me to the reply and an arrival date."

 "Well, we now have a firm location of one command on this list. Heaven Mountain. That at least narrows our search some if we ever get there. But where the hell is Wohka." Captain Mitchell said more to himself than anyone else. He was making furious notes and then stopped. "Davis, get your printer hooked up, let's print everything we have on the 200th Royal Light Horse Regiment. I mean everything."

 "Need to evict you from the seat sir. Give me a few minutes and I will start printing everything out. So, this lead looks promising?" Corporal Davis replied as he began setting everything up.

 "Damn sure does. At least we have some extra time so we can do this right. You still think there is no hope on this computer displaying Drive Three?" Captain Mitchell said

 "No way. I do not know what is on that drive, but this computer damn sure does not like it. From the amount of data on the drive, it has got to be graphic intensive." Corporal Davis said as he sat down and started the printing process

 "Well shit. You have any thoughts Top?" Captain Mitchell asked

 "Corporal Davis is the expert on the computer stuff sir. I don't fool with computers. I swap them out, maybe use them to run diagnostics, but this is way beyond my abilities." Master Sergeant Caldwell replied

 It took 2 hours to print out all the archived information on the 200th Royal Light Horse Regiment. Corporal Davis had even printed out the base supply requisitions on file. "Thats it sir, that is everything I can find related to the 200th."

 "Good enough. You start storing that stuff while I finish up the list." Captain Mitchell replied while taking the seat. He consulted his list and pulled up the 228th Striker Regiment. He surfed the information for 30 minutes but found nothing nearly as tangible as what they found previously. Not even a after action report anywhere. With time to kill still, he started randomly pulling up units from his list. He spent four hours scanning reports, any after action reports he found until he started looking at the 125th Independent Aero Wing. "HOLY SHIT!!! THIS ONE MIGHT EVEN BE BETTER THAN THE 200th. Listen to this."

"16 November 2765. System attacked by 4 Pinto Corvettes and 2 Liberty Jumpships carrying 6 Leopard CV Dropships and 2 Achilles Assault Dropships. SLS Fogerty and SLS Forest Ridge, Lola III Destroyers engaged hostile warships and Dropships, managing to destroy all before being destroyed themselves. The 125th Aerospace took 53% losses and requests immediate reinforcement to help protect the Germanium mining operations in the systems out belt. Reports several of the mining stations suffered damage and requests replacement mining equipment from Inner End, 26Ly away."

 "Guys, that gives us a very narrow search pattern. Any Germanium deposit will make us filthy rich. Hell, find it and then just sell it to a mining operation. I say if do this, we make this our first stop." Captain Mitchell said

 "Uh sir, you might be forgetting something very damned important. We are all ground pounders. As far as I know, not a one of us or anyone around here has any Zero G training. Outer Belt does not indicate ground operations but Zero G operations." Master Sergeant Caldwell said

 "We have all travelled in Zero G. It cannot be that much different. Besides, we can practice on the trip out. We will have months of travel time." Captain Mitchell replied

 "You say so sir. Which brings up the next question. How the hell are we going to get out there? And who the hell is crazy enough to take us into the Periphery?" Master Sergeant Caldwell said, throwing more water on Captain Mitchells ideas


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Re: What Could Go Wrong
« Reply #29 on: 18 August 2022, 12:25:52 »
I'm sure NAIS would foot the bill...  ::)