Author Topic: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court  (Read 29414 times)


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #120 on: 22 October 2022, 08:21:01 »
I'm surprised it wasn't Tombstone or Biteforce that won  ;D  Can you imagine a 2000-lb version of those? :o
Trombone Player, Lego Enthusiast, Engineer
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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #121 on: 22 October 2022, 22:08:24 »
I'm surprised it wasn't Tombstone or Biteforce that won  ;D  Can you imagine a 2000-lb version of those? :o
The competitions happened off-camera (so to speak), and yes, the classic names did appear.

As did a 7' tall humanoid 'bot called 'Determinator'...

Another famous 'bot was called the 'Punisher'; this one was armed with a .223-caliber microgun and a pair of mini-missile launchers
« Last Edit: 22 October 2022, 22:12:23 by Dreadpool »


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #122 on: 23 October 2022, 06:14:57 »
I'm surprised it wasn't Tombstone or Biteforce that won  ;D  Can you imagine a 2000-lb version of those? :o
Horrifying doesn't begin to cover it... >:D


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #123 on: 07 November 2022, 11:27:50 »
No fate but what we make
East Room, The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C, Terra
December 7th, 3050

Over the previous three months, no effort was spared in arranging for a meeting between the great houses of the Inner Sphere; by Field Marshal Hodges’ suggestion, the conference is being held in the East Room of the White House in Washington, D.C. The preparations were greatly aided by Hodges’ immense personal prestige.

As the designated host, Field Marshal Hodges arrives on Terra on December 3rd, with the lords of the Great Houses arriving over the next three days; last to arrive is Candace Liao, Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation. On the morning of December 7th, the attendees are driven from their lodgings in Blair House to the White House and are met by Hodges on the steps behind the columns of the north portico; on hand as an honor guard is a full company of infantry from the Black Watch.

First to arrive is the party from the Federated Commonwealth, consisting of First Prince Hanse Davion, his wife Melissa Steiner-Davion and their son Archon Prince-designate Victor Steiner-Davion. Following are Archon Katrina Steiner, Coordinator Takashi Kurita and his son Theodore. Thereafter are Candace Liao and her husband Justin Allard-Liao, Duggan Marik (who succeeded his father as Captain-General of the Free Worlds League upon the latter’s passing in June, 3035), Protector Thomas Calderon from the Taurian Concordat, Magestrix Emma Centrella from the Magistracy of Canopus and President Neil Avellar from the Outworlds Alliance; conspicuously absent is Caesar Sean O’Reilly from the Marian Hegemony. Greetings are exchanged among the attendees and, after a tour of the White House and its grounds, they are conducted to the East Room.

Field Marshal Hodges takes his place at the head of the table and gavels the meeting to order using the gavel formerly employed by the Speakers of the U.S. House of Representatives (before that nation was subsumed into the Terran Alliance).

“Friends of old, travelers from distant lands, you have been called here to chart the course that the nations of the Inner Sphere will take from now on. There hasn’t been such a gathering since the Star League Accords were signed in July, 2571; this is a precious opportunity; let’s make the most of it. Though I am sworn to the service of the Federated Commonwealth; in the matter of this conference, I am neutral. ” With this, Hanse Davion raises his hand; in response, Hodges gestures with his gavel and says “the chair recognizes the honorable gentleman from New Avalon.”

"Field Marshal, I'll be the first to agree that what we have here is an unparalleled opportunity to lay aside the darkness of the past and rebuild what was lost. You yourself have said that the Inner Sphere is now more united than it has been since before the fall of the Star League. Before the Clan Invasion, the several states acted as individuals; it's high time that the process of reunification begin. My fellow lords and ladies, I move that the High Council of the Star League be reformed and that membership in this body be extended to the states of the Periphery; pending the resolution of certain issues of course..."

Hanse Davion's words strike with all the effect of a bolt from the blue. A frisson of excitement runs around the table as Hodges announces "the honorable gentleman from New Avalon has moved that the High Council of the Star League be reformed. Do I hear a second?" Takashi Kurita boldly calls out "I second the motion." Hodges nods formally and announces "a motion to re-form the High Council of the Star League having been made and seconded, I now open the floor for debate." What follows next is 45 minutes of discussion among the attendees that is, at times, spirited. At the end of that time, Field Marshal Hodges calls for a vote.

"As regards the motion to reform the High Council of the Star League, all those in favor say 'Aye'; all those opposed 'Nay'." There isn't a single vote in opposition; so, after almost 270 years, the High Council is once again in operation. A round of applause runs around the table as Hanse Davion looks to Thomas Calderon, Emma Centrella and Neil Avellar saying "welcome to the council."

Once again, the meeting is gaveled to order, and Field Marshal Hodges says “ladies and gentlemen of the Council, the next item on the agenda is the reformation of the Star League. As I have stated on previous occasions (and the First Prince has acknowledged earlier in this meeting), the Inner Sphere is more united than at any point since before the coup of 2766. It now falls to you to decide yea or nay; the question is ‘shall the Star League be reformed?’

A pause, then “Hanse Davion, First Prince of the Federated Suns, how say you?”


“Katrina Steiner, Archon of the Lyran Commonwealth, how say you?”


“Takashi Kurita, Coordinator of the Draconis Combine, how say you?”

“Aye, Hodges-san.”

“Candace Liao, Chancellor of the Capellan Confederation, how say you?”


“Duggan Marik, Captain-General of the Free Worlds League, how say you?”


“Thomas Calderon, Protector of the Taurian Concordat, how say you?


“Emma Centrella, Magestrix of Canopus, how say you?”

“The Magestrix of Canopus is pleased to vote Aye.”

“Neil Avellar, President of the Outworlds Alliance, how say you?”


Field Marshal Hodges announces “in the opinion of the chair, the Ayes have it. Let the record show that the Second Star League came into existence on December 7th, 3050; at 1400 hours local time on Terra in the city of Washington, D.C. Ladies and gentlemen of this honorable council, it now falls to you to decide the Second Star League’s form of government. The chair stands ready to provide advice and counsel as requested.”

Before the discussion begins, Protector Calderon asks “Field Marshal Hodges, I can’t help but notice that the Marian Hegemony is absent from these proceedings? Might I know the reason why?”

“Protector, the Marians aren’t here because they weren’t invited; you see, the Marian Hegemony practices slavery upon captives of war, and I find that to be an offense against all common decency. At the close of this meeting, I’ll be asking the council’s permission to undertake a campaign against them. In other matters, there is also the question of the various pirate states and kingdoms in the Periphery. They have afflicted trade and commerce between the Inner Sphere and the Periphery for far too long; they are ’hostis humani generis’ and it is high time that they be brought to justice for their crimes.”

Another pause, then “ladies and gentlemen of the High Council, I am of the opinion that the Terran Hegemony should be-reformed and that membership in this honorable body should be expanded to include it; the Hegemony would be the personal domain of the First Lord, whomever that might be. This state would comprise all planetary systems within 60 light-years of Terra. Of course, this would need the cession of certain territories from each of the Great Houses…”

Takashi Kurita rises from his chair and says “you ask much, Hodges-sama. For such consideration, the benefits would have to be equally great.”

“Indeed there would be, Kurita-sama.” At this, Hodges gestures for his son Richard to come forward with an equipment case; it’s a matter of some curiosity that the case is handcuffed to his wrist. A moment later, the case is opened and the contents are displayed for all to see. Inside are a number of data storage modules, each bearing the Cameron Star.”

Archon Steiner asks “what are these, Field Marshal?”

“Why, nothing more than copies of the Prometheus Database. The original was given to me by the ship’s AI aboard my flagship SLS Admiral Halsey. It so happened that during the coup of 2766, it was foreseen by the SLDF’s High Command that the coming war would pose a general threat to the Star League’s knowledge base. Accordingly, this database was compiled and a copy of it was secured aboard SLS Admiral Halsey. The SLDF’s fear regarding the state of technological advancement in the Inner Sphere proved all too true, as almost all other copies of Prometheus were destroyed (either during the Star League Civil War or in the succession wars which followed); the few which survived fell into Comstar’s hands and disappeared. I later found out that when I was about to re-take Terra, Comstar’s First Circuit ordered that the Order’s copies of Prometheus be wiped; I have to assume that this was done to deny me (and the rest of the Inner Sphere) the contents of the database. I rectify that situation now by giving each of you a copy. Before anyone thinks to ask, I’m not quite done.”

Magestrix Centrella focuses her gaze on Field Marshal Hodges and asks “what do you mean by that?”

“Only this. Ladies and gentlemen of the High Council, it is a matter of historical fact that the First Lords of the Star League had amassed a personal fortune, the scale of which beggars the imagination. By the reign of Simon Cameron, the fortune had grown to some 24 quadrillion dollars; consisting of investments in stocks, bonds, exchange-traded mutual funds, real estate, mines, stockpiles of precious metals (gold, platinum, germanium, etc) that make Fort Knox look like the contents of a child’s piggy bank. There are also direct investments in such businesses as the Ryan Ice Cartel, Corean Enterprises, New Earth Trading Company, Kallon Industries and Magna Metals, Inc.”

“What happened to the fortune?”

“Well, in the aftermath of the coup in 2766, the Usurper was only able to lay his hands on half of it; twelve quadrillion, to be exact. This is how he was able to fund his war effort against General Kerensky. The other half seemingly disappeared; however, this was not the case. Simon Cameron’s most trusted financial adviser Lady Kodi Rosario took the funds and spread them out in such a manner that it would be all but impossible to track them. However, my forensic accountants are the best there is at what they do; even if what they do isn’t very nice. To make a long story short, the fortune is where Edgar Allen Poe’s ‘Purloined Letter’ is, hiding in plain sight. In a long, complicated and highly-circuitous route which began in New York and Zurich, then went through to Stewart IV in the Free World League, the funds were washed so many times that no one outside of Lady Rosario and her most trusted advisers could know where it all went; that is, until now.”

From Hanse Davion comes the question “where’s the money now?”

“The fortune is controlled from the Bank of Mars in Aphoros; as I am still the administrator of the Sol System (by virtue of not having been relieved yet), I will gladly turn over the system and the fortune to whoever will be appointed the new First Lord.”

“Are there no legitimate heirs in the Cameron bloodline?”

“None that I’m aware of, your highness. Only two members of the family survived the coup; one of these was Richard Cameron’s young daughter Amanda*. Contrary to popular belief, she was evacuated off-Terra by a detachment of the Blackhearts; she was then taken out of the system aboard the M6C robotic warship SLS Praetorian*. Thereafter, Amanda Cameron and Praetorian disappear from the historical record.”

“What of the other survivor?”

“That would be John ‘Jack’ Aloysius McKenzie-Cameron**. He was a distant relative of the First Lord who avoided getting killed with the rest of his family by the simple expedient of being off-planet when the family landhold in Scotland was raided by the Usurper’s goons. It didn’t help the bad guys that Mad Jack (or ‘Spring-Heeled Jack’, as some called him) was the top graduate in the Infantry course of the Gunslinger Program. When he came back to Castle Leod, John sword a blood oath over the bodies of his family and spent the next four years killing as many members of the Usurper’s regime as he could; some with a claymore, some with a longbow and still others with cruelly-imaginative traps.”

“What happened to Cameron? He carried out his vengeance like one of the 47 Ronin…”

“Indeed he did, Kurita-sama. Matters came to a head in 2770 when the Usurper found out who was responsible for the killings and sent his best hitters after him (along with battlemech and warship support). Unfortunately for them, McKenzie-Cameron knew they were coming and managed to lure them into a decommissioned bunker complex outside of the abandoned town of Auchnacluchnie on Scotland’s east coast. When the bad guys were in position, McKenzie-Cameron sent off a conventional explosion which was so large that the warships in orbit could see it unaided; the Usurper’s bully boys were wiped out and the next-highest surviving officer exercised the better part of valor and declared to Amaris that McKenzie-Cameron was dead; he wasn’t, of course. The last information on Mad Jack has him leaving Terra under an assumed name. After this, he disappeared from the historical record; just like Amanda Cameron.”

*: from the fanfic ‘Centurion’, by Drakensis on
**: from the fanfic ‘Follow the Money’, by JA Baker on

No Fate, part 2
December 8th-December 22nd, 3050

After Field Marshal Hodges’ latest revelations are considered by the members of the High Council, the meeting is adjourned for the day and resumed the following morning at 9:00 am. Over the next two weeks, discussions are carried out regarding the Second Star League’s governmental structure. After a great deal of consideration, the council decided that it was in the best interest of the people of the League that the worst excesses of the Cameron Regime were to be avoided. To this end, it was decided that the Second Star League’s form of government would be an executive monarchy; with more power than a constitutional monarchy but less than an absolute monarch. The position of First Lord is to be an appointed one, rotating among the great houses and the Periphery States; the term of office lasting for three years, and no one who has served as First Lord can assume the position again until all of the other houses have served.

The Second Star League’s legislative body is of bi-cameral form, composed of a Senate and a House of Representatives. The Senate is composed of three representatives from each member state, whose term of office is for six years; one member of each delegation being elected every two years. The presiding officer of the Senate (called the President Pro Tem) serves for a term of ten years, and is elected from among the membership of that body.

The House of Representatives has a total of 535 seats, with 70 seats each for the Lyran Commonwealth, the Draconis Combine, the Free Worlds League and the Federated Suns. For the Terran Hegemony, the Magistracy of Canopus, the Taurian Concordat, the Capellan Confederation, the Outworlds Alliance and the Free Rasalhague Republic there are 35 seats each. The remaining 45 seats are reserved for independent planets (such as Northwind) or small nations; membership in the House is by elections that are held every five years. The presiding officer of the House of Representatives is called the Speaker, who is elected form among the membership and serves for a term of five years.

Next on the agenda is the structure of the High Council. As with the first Star League, the High Council will be comprised of the First Lord and the head of each of the League’s member states (or his/her delegated representative). When the head of a member state is serving as First Lord, a representative must be appointed to serve on the council in his stead; the foregoing doesn’t apply in the case of the Terran Hegemony.

The last item to be discussed is who serve as the inaugural First Lord of the Second Star League. Hanse Davion rises from his seat and says “fellow members of the High Council, there is one among us here today who, by his inestimable record of service, has proven himself worthy of holding the position of First Lord. To this end, I hereby nominate Field Marshal Hodges for that office.” Normally unflappable, the nomination catches Hodges quite by surprise, and it is some little time before he recovers his composure.

“Your highness, I feel honored that you would repose such trust in me. However, I must decline the office. I’ve got my own little patch of ten planets to run, and I’m more of a soldier than a diplomat; like Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus of ancient Rome, I served when called upon and now I wish to return home. In my opinion, Protector Thomas Calderon of the Taurian Concodat would be a far better candidate for the First Lordship than I; if he were to be so chosen, he would have my full support.”

“Very well. Fellow members of the High Council, what say you to Field Marshal Hodges’ proposal?”

One after another, the other members rise from their seats and respond with one voice…’AYE!!’

Hodges once again gavels the meeting to order and says “Thomas Calderon of the Taurian Concordat, by common consent of the High Council of the Second Star League, you have been called to be the new First Lord. Will you now serve?”

“I will, and may God Almighty have mercy on me.”

“Very well. By the authority I have as Terra’s planetary administrator, I yield that office to you; I also grant you title to the Cameron fortune now held in the Bank of Mars, to use such monies in furtherance of the Second Star League. Congratulations, your highness.”
« Last Edit: 07 November 2022, 22:33:36 by Dreadpool »


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #124 on: 07 November 2022, 20:21:31 »
 Interesting, very interesting.  I see Hodges went with a very American Centric way of explaining things the new Star League.  I do like that TC will be the 1st First Lord.

I see you changed the position - Secretary General of Governing Council to presiding officer of the Senate (called the President Pro Tem) for a 10 year term.   Does this position still have the the combining the functions and responsibilities of an advocate, diplomat, civil servant, and chief executive officer.

What about the Secretariat constitutes the totality of the staff of the organisation under the direction of the Secretary General now the President Pro Tem, responsible for the day-to-day running of the Star League.  Is it still an idea?
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #125 on: 07 November 2022, 20:47:47 »
First to arrive is the party from the Federated Commonwealth, consisting of First Prince Hanse Davion, Archon Katrina Steiner, Archon Prince-designate Victor Steiner-Davion and his wife Melissa;

You might want to rewrite this portion as it makes it sound like Victor is married to Melissa
Wolf wins every fight but one, and in that one he dies, his fangs locked on the throat of his opponent.


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #126 on: 07 November 2022, 21:09:20 »
Can someone please explain to me how my wife is now married to our oldest son?
I am not dead, I have not divorced at all, so please explain to me?


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #127 on: 07 November 2022, 21:59:52 »
You might want to rewrite this portion as it makes it sound like Victor is married to Melissa


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #128 on: 07 November 2022, 22:02:54 »
Interesting, very interesting.  I see Hodges went with a very American Centric way of explaining things the new Star League.  I do like that TC will be the 1st First Lord.
As I'm an American and i have a good familiarity with our system of government, I decided to go with what I know

I see you changed the position - Secretary General of Governing Council to presiding officer of the Senate (called the President Pro Tem) for a 10 year term.   Does this position still have the the combining the functions and responsibilities of an advocate, diplomat, civil servant, and chief executive officer.
See above

What about the Secretariat constitutes the totality of the staff of the organisation under the direction of the Secretary General now the President Pro Tem, responsible for the day-to-day running of the Star League.  Is it still an idea?
That would be the several departments of the Executive Branch, which is headed by the First Lord


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #129 on: 07 November 2022, 22:03:30 »
Can someone please explain to me how my wife is now married to our oldest son?
I am not dead, I have not divorced at all, so please explain to me?
That was a bran cramp on my part; it has since been edited.


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #130 on: 07 November 2022, 22:05:48 »
Interesting, very interesting.  I see Hodges went with a very American Centric way of explaining things the new Star League.  I do like that TC will be the 1st First Lord.
Having Thomas Calderon becoming the inaugural First Lord of the Second Star League is my way of making up for how the Taurian Concordat got ****** over by the Star League the first time around

Taron Storm

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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #131 on: 07 November 2022, 22:06:25 »
Did Kai marry his mother as well?


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #132 on: 07 November 2022, 22:22:09 »
Did Kai marry his mother as well?
Another brain cramp on my part.

Candace Liao's husband is Justin Allard-Liao, and I have so edited the text.


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #133 on: 07 November 2022, 23:27:35 »
As I'm an American and i have a good familiarity with our system of government, I decided to go with what I know
See above
That would be the several departments of the Executive Branch, which is headed by the First Lord
Not a problem, I just had to ask...    8). I'm an American too
Having Thomas Calderon becoming the inaugural First Lord of the Second Star League is my way of making up for how the Taurian Concordat got ****** over by the Star League the first time around

"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #134 on: 08 November 2022, 00:30:11 »
Next up will be the campaign against the Marian Hegemony and the several pirate kingdoms in the Periphery.

Field Marshal Hodges will bring three of his Division Combat Teams and two of his Air Cavalry Divisions; to this will be added the 1st and 2nd Davion Guards RCTs, the 1st and 2nd Lyran Royal Guards, the 1st Genyosha and 2nd Sword of Light Regiments, the Eridani Light Horse plus the 5th Taurian Guard, the 17th Concordat Chasseurs, the Red Lancers and the St. Ives Armored Cavalry.

Sir Chaos

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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #135 on: 08 November 2022, 09:08:47 »
So the great houses get more than half the seats (315 out of 535)? And none of the periphery powers have a problem with that?

Never mind that the FedCom, plus the CapCon now run by their close ally Candace, have more half the seats reserved for the great houses.

I kind of have a hard time accepting that anyone besides Hanse, Melissa and Candace just agreed to all that without a single word of protest.

Hodges may say he´s a neutral party, but it´s quite clear who he´s favoring. To use a Romano Liao quote from one of the novels: "Your lips are moving, but it is Hanse Davion´s words that I hear."
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #136 on: 08 November 2022, 09:11:11 »
So the great houses get more than half the seats (315 out of 535)? And none of the periphery powers have a problem with that?

Never mind that the FedCom, plus the CapCon now run by their close ally Candace, have more half the seats reserved for the great houses.

I kind of have a hard time accepting that anyone besides Hanse, Melissa and Candace just agreed to all that without a single word of protest.

Hodges may say he´s a neutral party, but it´s quite clear who he´s favoring. To use a Romano Liao quote from one of the novels: "Your lips are moving, but it is Hanse Davion´s words that I hear."
The seats in  the House of Representatives are apportioned on the basis of population; it's in the Senate where every house is equal.

idea weenie

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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #137 on: 08 November 2022, 12:19:00 »
I would hope someone slips Caesar O'Reilly a copy of the new Star League's meeting notes.  Let him know that nearly every nation in the Inner Sphere has banded together in a new Star League, and the key thing everybody agreed upon was splattering his nation due to slavery.

Caesar would know that he has one year to do enough work to end slavery before his nation no longer exists.


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #138 on: 08 November 2022, 13:07:36 »
I would hope someone slips Caesar O'Reilly a copy of the new Star League's meeting notes.  Let him know that nearly every nation in the Inner Sphere has banded together in a new Star League, and the key thing everybody agreed upon was splattering his nation due to slavery.

Caesar would know that he has one year to do enough work to end slavery before his nation no longer exists.
It will take six months to put the campaign together, so the Marians would have that long to change their minds.

However, it would be prudent to make preparations for the campaign in case of the following:

Sir Chaos

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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #139 on: 08 November 2022, 14:02:00 »
The seats in  the House of Representatives are apportioned on the basis of population

The effect is the same - the Inner Sphere dominates (if it gets its act together), the Periphery can´t do shit about it, just like in the Good Old Days.

The Inner Sphere has decided that the votes of the Inner Sphere should outweigh the votes of the Periphery, and the Periphery says "yeah, sounds cool, where do we sign"?

it's in the Senate where every house is equal.

Except for House Steiner-Davion, which has twice the voting power, or three times if you count Candace.
"Artillery adds dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."
-Frederick the Great

"Ultima Ratio Regis" ("The Last Resort of the King")
- Inscription on cannon barrel, 18th century

idea weenie

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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #140 on: 08 November 2022, 18:03:36 »
It will take six months to put the campaign together, so the Marians would have that long to change their minds.

However, it would be prudent to make preparations for the campaign in case of the following:

The key is the Marians now know they have that timeframe before they get stomped, so they can either change their whole society or lose everything in one year.  The campaign prep will occur anyway, either to stomp the Marians or just conduct a deep-space training exercise.


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #141 on: 10 November 2022, 22:05:34 »
The key is the Marians now know they have that timeframe before they get stomped, so they can either change their whole society or lose everything in one year.  The campaign prep will occur anyway, either to stomp the Marians or just conduct a deep-space training exercise.
They can make nice, or they can get trampled.


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #142 on: 11 November 2022, 18:14:01 »
I think this was the only Battltech-Tread in Alternate-History.


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #144 on: 17 December 2022, 06:14:36 »
Re; economics

Much has been said elsewhere about the economics of the Inner Sphere.

The way I handled it for Field Marshal Hodges' territory was to use an average annual tax bill of 11,500 D-bills per inhabitant.

Upon further consideration, I mistakenly applied that figure to the entire population for each of Hodges' planets; I'll have to revise the figure to reflect an average family size of five (with two taxpayers), with the size of the defense budget being 16% of the total budgeted expenditures by the government. 
« Last Edit: 18 December 2022, 01:18:25 by Dreadpool »


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #145 on: 17 December 2022, 08:21:09 »
enjoy economics of the Inner Sphere, if you think about it too much
"For the Angel of Death spread his wings on the blast, And breathed in the face of the foe as he passed:And the eyes of the sleepers waxed deadly and chill, And their hearts but once heaved, and for ever grew still!"


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #146 on: 17 December 2022, 08:45:09 »
enjoy economics of the Inner Sphere, if you think about it too much
If you think about the economics of the Inner Sphere too much, your brain will explode like a breached fusion reactor.


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #147 on: 17 December 2022, 12:15:42 »
Which should not happen...

Just like an in-depth discussion or even postulation of economics of the BTU.
Thought I might get a rocket ride when I was a child.          We are the wild youth,                                And through villages of ether
But it was a lie, that I told myself                                          Chasing visions of our futures.                   Oh, my crucifixion comes
When I needed something good.                                         One day we'll reveal the truth,                    Will you sing my hallelujah?
At 17, I had a better dream; now I'm 33, and it isn't me.      That one will die before he gets there.       Will you tell me when it's done?
But I'd think of something better if I could
                           --E. Tonra                                                      --C. Love
--A. Duritz


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #148 on: 19 December 2022, 06:04:14 »
Which should not happen...

Just like an in-depth discussion or even postulation of economics of the BTU.
Speaking of other things related to economics, mining mechs already exist. It shouldn't be too hard to construct purpose-designed mining ships. These would be the size of a battleship and carry several NL-55s to be used for cutting up asteroids.

Alternately, the ship could be fitted with a large TBM; it would anchor itself to a target asteroid bow-first and deploy the TBM to dig into into it. The resulting  debris would be funneled inside the ship for processing in an automated factory.   

Mining stations would be identical in size and shape to a 'Behemoth'-class drop ship, so they could be moved from system to system by a jump ship. They would also be fitted with engines capable of a 2/3 thrust profile so the station could move within a system; beyond the engines and fuel bunkerage, the station would carry several automated factories for processing the harvested raw material.


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Re: An American Tanker in Prince Davion's Court
« Reply #149 on: 23 December 2022, 04:31:56 »
The Letter
East Room, the White House
Washington, D.C, Terra
December 22nd, 3050

At the close of the meeting that saw the founding of the Second Star League and the re-founding of the High Council, First Lord Thomas Calderon asks that the members of the Council bear witness as he composes a communication to be sent to Caesar Sean O’Reilly, ruler of the Marian Hegemony, to wit:


As First Lord of the Second Star League, I find that the practice of taking prisoners of war and making them slaves is an offense against all common dignity. Therefore, the throne requests that you cease this practice and release all captives; furthermore, these people will be compensated by the Hegemony with an amount commensurate to the length of time that they have been held as slaves.

To this end, the Marian Hegemony has six months to comply with this request; if you do, then the Marian Hegemony will be admitted as a full member-state of the Second Star League (with all the rights and privileges appertaining thereto. However, if you don’t see the wisdom of doing so, it then falls to me to see that the situation is rectified by other means at my disposal. 

Given under our hand and seal
This 22nd day of December, 3050
In the City of Washington D.C, Terra 

After signing the document and seeing that it is dispatched, Calderon speaks out loud and says “ladies and gentlemen of the High Council, let the record show that this letter is my first official act as First Lord. I hope that Caesar O’Reilly sees the light of reason; if he doesn’t, then we’ll have six months to prepare for the campaign.”; Field Marshal Hodges now raises his hand for recognition.

“Yes, Field Marshal?”

“Your highness, you should be aware of the fact that Sean O’Reilly was responsible for the death of his father, Imperator Marius O’Reilly. My sources tell me that he and his pals are planning a campaign against the Illyrian Palatinate and the Lothian League sometime within the next two or three years; his objective is to conquer those principalities and incorporate them into the Marian Hegemony.”

“I’ll take that under advisement. In the meantime, I suggest that the members of the High Council select the forces that will be participating in the campaign against the Marians. If, as I hope, Caesar O’Reilly complies with my request, then these forces will be employed to rid us of those pirate states and kingdoms that have been plaguing the Inner Sphere ever since the collapse of the first Star League, namely, the Tortuga Dominions , Satander V and the Greater Valkyrate. In the meantime, we’ll use the next six months to prepare for the campaign.”

As the members of the High Council prepare to leave Terra and return to their own realms, Firt Prince Hanse Davion takes Field Marshal Hodges aside and says “what are your thoughts on the planned campaign?”     

“Your highness, it’s about time that someone read O’Reilly and his bunch the Riot Act. As the First Lord said in his letter, the practice of slavery is an offense against all common decency. This kind of thing should have gone out in April, 1865; it certainly has no place in the present day and age. My ancestor John Hodges fought for the Confederacy, while other relatives fought for the Union; so, I’ve got a rather-personal connection to the whole issue of slavery.”

“Indeed, sir. What troops do you intend to contribute to the campaign against the Marians or the pirate states?”

“I’ve already made my choices, your highness. There will be five of my Division Combat Teams, three of my Air Cavalry Divisions; plus the necessary supporting arms and warship support. I firmly believe that it’s better to have too much combat power available than not enough. I think you’ll agree that Murphy is still as much of a demon as he was in the mid 20th century of Terra.”

“Just so. As for the Federated Commonwealth, I’ll include the Davion Heavy Guards RCT (commanded by Marshal Ann Adelmana), plus the 1st and 2nd Davion Guards. I don’t know what Archon Katrina has in mind, but I’ll prevail upon her to include the 1st and 2nd Lyran Guards; it would be a good idea to have the Draconis Combine, the Capellan Confederation and the Taurian Concordat, so I'll send messages inviting them to contribute accordingly”

“Your highness, I hope the Marians see reason and get with the program; if they do, so much the better. If not, then we’ll punch their collective ticket as well as those of the pirates thereafter; it’s worth noting that the Marian Hegemony’s capital world of Alphard-IV has some of the biggest germanium deposits to be found anywhere in the Periphery”

Within the next 48 hours, the several House lords depart Terra for their own realms. Last to leave is Field Marshal Hodges, who takes the time for a side trip to Washington National Cathedral and then to visit the grave of his Great Grandfather at Arlington National Cemetery.

Certain Complications
Caesar’s Palace, Nova Roma
December 30th, 3050

The First Lord’s message arrives at Alphard IV’s HPG station some eight days later and is delivered to Caesar’s Palace with all possible speed. Still fuming with indignation that the Marian Hegemony wasn’t invited to the meeting on Terra, Sean O’Reilly receives the letter, thinking that it carries the First Lord’s apology for the slight. As he begins to read, the expression on his face goes from one of smugness to titanic anger. One of the officials in attendance on Caesar O’Reilly is the Princeps Senatus Marcus Livius Drusus Aemilianus.

“Princeps Senatus, you are to call the Senate into emergency session. I., Director Svoboda and the commanding generals of the six legions will be in attendance.”

“Yes, Caesar; it will be as you say. May I know the reason for such haste?”

“The Star League has been re-founded and they are threatening the Hegemony over our practice of slavery.” 

December 31st, 3050

While recharging in the Epsilon Eridani system for the jump to Fletcher, Field Marshal Hodges calls his intelligence staff together to gain an understanding of what military forces the Marian Hegemony has to oppose the planned operation against them; shortly thereafter, the information is delivered. In sum, the Marian Hegemony Armed Forces (MHAF) comprise six legions, plus a penal unit called the Cohors Morituri and its guard force, the Auxilia Ripariensis. Each of the six legions is of regimental strength, with 3 battlemech battalions and the associated armor, artillery and infantry.

“That’s jus the kind of information I need, people. Now, tell me about the mineral resources of the Hegemony’s home planet Alphard IV. Specifically, the Germanium deposits; they’re supposed to be the biggest in the Periphery.” One of Field Marshal Hodges’ staff members consults the 3045 edition of the SME Mining Reference Handbook and says that the stockpile of germanium found by Johann Sebastian O’Reilly in 2930 and used to found the Hegemony came from two sources; mining of hard rock deposits and asteroid mining (both by Alphard Trading Company). ATC’s asteroid mining assets were destroyed in the Succession Wars, while those planetside deposits continue to be exploited. As of 3045 (the most recent year for which information is available), Alphard IV’s reserves of germanium are in the form of 1.75 billion tons of zinc-lead deposits (where the germanium content averages 21 ounces/ton, 160 billion tons of carbonate-hosted copper deposits (where the germanium content averages 2.25 ounces/ton) and germanium-enriched coal deposits, which amount to 1.61 trillion tons (with an ash content of 10%-20%, where the ash is anomalously-high in germanium, at 467-512 ounces/ton). As these figures relate to germanium abundance, the amount of gallium found in these sources is 9.9x greater).
« Last Edit: 09 January 2023, 19:20:32 by Dreadpool »

