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I haven't seen a single copy delivered yet. I thought there were delivery problems or something. Where did you find the reviews? As a German, I'll probably have to wait quite a while for my copy. Well, I'm patient.

No formal reviews, as far as I know. Someone uploaded a short video on Youtube, briefly showing off their copy. Other than that, it's mostly been backers sharing how they felt about the edition.

No for varies reasons I didn't.  And the truth is I am going to regret not having the second book in that set.

I believe a few copies will be available on the CGL store for a limited time at some point.


Haven't gotten.   :sad:

Same boat.
30 years ago this month I was working my first full-time job.  10 hour days, probably just had shifted to 6-days-on-2-days-off rotation on an assembly line.  While this cartoon wasn't my introduction to Battletech, I had started learning of it by the time I saw it, and saw a few problems, like the Jumping Centurion.  Probably got rid of his LRM rack to do it.
Alpha Strike / Combat Intuition, when in the movement phase does it happen?
« Last post by JugernautJedi on 11 September 2024, 23:53:08 »
Alpha Strike Commanders Edition, SPA Combat Intuition page 93.

The part of the statement that says “before any target units can act” has created a little confusion. Are units with CI required to activate at the beginning of the movement phase, prior to any enemy units activation? Or, may they activate at any point during the movement phase?
« Last post by Natasha Kerensky on 11 September 2024, 23:49:33 »

The Spheroidtech version of the Wolf Hawk, the HH-1 Headhunter, is now posted.

My come back and add Quirks — Battlefists is an obvious one — and some Notable MechWarriors later.
« Last post by Natasha Kerensky on 11 September 2024, 23:47:43 »
Looks pretty sharp

Thanks, W.

are you going make a homemade TRO for your stuff your making?

No, I have neither the time nor inclination/talent for layout, website, and such.  I get the most satisfaction from just getting a design right, followed by the writing.  “Publishing”, even here, is somewhat secondary.  If I can just get the designs that I have off my spreadsheets, posted here, and maybe linked together, I’ll consider that a major victory.

Lame, but I know my limits.  ;-)
« Last post by Natasha Kerensky on 11 September 2024, 23:41:50 »
If you're looking for art, Matt Plog has very reasonable rates for commissions... :)

I’m not yet that vain about my designs... ;-)
The -87 is adorable, no doubt of that.

I guess I really need to get cracking on Aircreator, eh? Getting the basic numbers to make an airframe isn't all that hard--time consuming, but not hard if you choose a good range of exemplars--but it's the things like maneuverability that is vexing.
Off Topic / Re: Source On Modern Armor?
« Last post by Failure16 on 11 September 2024, 23:29:54 »
Cable-news I saw on TV about 20-yeas ago.  Let me look.,_Oct_2008

Two things: in this context, armored vehicles, "penetration" is rather a different animal than "going through" something. I'm with Daryk and Hellraiser on this one (and their converging points)...WikiLeaks is a poor source at best, and that link is nothing more than someone talking about an incident that is not even itself discussed. Not a primary or even official source. No offense, Prospernia--and I appreciate the link for what it is--but I remain unconvinced. I searched for something contemporaneous or official but came up with nothing more than that post.

Back many years ago, in a certain school, the US Army used to show a certain video of some goats inside what was reputed to be an M2 Bradley, which is then hit with a penetrator rod. It was...not pretty, due to vacuum and suction, and other related phenomena and physics. You push something going several thousand feet per second* through one side of an enclosed chamber and then out the other and you will have some serious second-order effects going on inside that chamber. But tanks are sturdier than many people give them credit for, and getting your munition through the far side is going to be a tall order indeed.

*About 5000 for the old M829 round
By the way. Regarding fiction rewards from the KS....

Did we get any word yet on the "Tales of the Bounty Hunter" and the "Eclipse" audio book, that were supposed to be distributed to backers at the end of the campaign?

I can't remember any update on these items.
Tales of the Bounty Hunter is expected to go out around the end of the month, the Audio books are being held up by the technical limits of Backerkit so they are trying to figure out the best way to send them out.
Off Topic / Re: Shavers, sound off
« Last post by MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 11 September 2024, 23:21:12 »
Although the conditions are obviously different, one of the interesting aspects about my wife, that I learned after I married her, is that she sometimes shaves her armpits with a naked razor blade, without a safety razor or anything. I was both astonished & impressed...


Yeah, she's got the double effect that pit hair is generally less course than facial hair, and a woman's hair is usually significantly less course than a man's due to the differences in hormone levels.  I've known other women who shaved their armpits using the same method- it takes virtually no pressure if the blade's sharp enough.
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