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Ground Combat / Cover-All-Your-Bases Layout
« Last post by OatsAndHall on Today at 12:05:05 »
I've been trying to get better about fielding a mix of weapons that check numerous boxes when I play. I don't focus as much on units anymore; I dial in on having a variety of weapons on the field. Here's what I've been putting on the table as of late:

LBX-10- such a versatile weapon
LRMs- I like my IDF
ERML or ML- you just can't go wrong here.
Standard Gauss or Clan ERPPC- 15 damage at range plus the ability to take someone's head off is a plus.
CLPL- sniping, sniping and more sniping.
MegaMek Games / Re: Coming Soon to MegaMek
« Last post by beachhead1985 on Today at 11:44:20 »
Been a while since I checked in, has fractional accounting been implemented in MML yet? It shows up in odd places from time to time, but not as an option in say; fractional ammo bins or cargo spaces.
Catalyst Game Labs Demo Team / Re: Demo Team access
« Last post by SFC_Ando on Today at 11:43:20 »
#1265 - Field Agent David "SFC_Ando" Anderson Requesting Access.
Aerospace Combat / Re: FC Naval Command Decision
« Last post by Minemech on Today at 11:36:32 »
(the idiocy of LAAF planning is worthy of  a whole separate thread-what kind of moron invests in producing heavy needlers when forty percent of your realm's been conquered by people in battle-armor that ignores needler fire? Lyrans, that's who..)

Yes, but in black
UK backer here - I contacted CGL about VAT being charged on the books in my order, and gave them a breakdown of what was VAT-able and what was not and showed the correct VAT for my order, and they gave me a credit equal to the excess VAT being charged. I had a much smaller value of books on my order though.

Nice gesture on their part.  When I lived in Europe I was always shocked to see VAT added to stuff.
Similar feeling when you come from a state without sales tax and move to a state that has it, the first time you see it you are shocked.     
Well as I feared the shipping cost update and charging occurred while I was on holiday so wasn't able to check until now - it does appear they have made a major error on VAT for the UK as books are zero-rated for VAT but VAT has simply been applied to the full amount of pledge + add-ons. In most cases this would be relatively minor however in my case I had $899.99 in books as addons so this did make a big difference in what was charged compared to what should be charged. I have raised this with Catalyst via the contact me button on kickstarter so hopefully it will be sorted soon but figured I'd post here in case there are any other UK backers who may be in a similar situation.

Some people mentioned contacting CGL about their VAT via the same process as used to contest the shipping charges and got a discount or store credit.  Might be worth still trying?

UK backer here - I contacted CGL about VAT being charged on the books in my order, and gave them a breakdown of what was VAT-able and what was not and showed the correct VAT for my order, and they gave me a credit equal to the excess VAT being charged. I had a much smaller value of books on my order though.
MegaMek Games / Re: Coming Soon to MegaMek
« Last post by Hammer on Today at 11:21:55 »
Do you have any estimates as to when this will appear in MHQ? 0.49.20?

We are aiming for Education module and Auto Awards to be in 0.49.20. We don't have a date for that but I'd guess later in June.
Fan Fiction / It's a family curse.
« Last post by Cannonshop on Today at 11:01:23 »
"Your prognosis...

...isn't good, Duchess, you're not getting better."  Dr. Huyn stated, "maybe a decade and you'll be unfit to serve in any role in society."

"a Decade."  Elizabeth sighed, "a decade, that's it?"

"ten, maybe twenty years before what happened to your great uncle, and your great aunt, happens to you..."

"How do I slow it down?" Liz asked.

"You know how.  The real question you're asking, is if there's any alternatives.  Answer's no."

"Human Blood."

"or flesh. Yeah, that's how you hold it off.  You can hunt live victims, which is what got your great-grandmother killed, or you can dine at the all-you-can-eat Mortuary deli, it'll maybe slow the progression for up to thirty years, but you're going to end up a beast before you hit seventy.  Push past that, and you'll be fit to rest in the Archives."

There'd been a chance, dammit.  Dad even married a foreigner to thin the bloodline!

"how do we hide it?" Liz asked.  "for as long as we can hide it, doc?"

"one way you're NOT going to hide it, is if you release what you did to Colonel Stonecipher."  Dr. Huyn stated.

True, tearing a man's throat out with your teeth and drinking his lifeblood isn't exactly something you want to advertise to the Steiner-Davions. 

Hell, it doesn't make good politics with the people here.  "I need an heir...and I'm a ****** monster."

"You'll still look human for most of that time, if you keep up your feeding." Huyn told her, "Your grandfather lasted seventy years..."

if only Pat lived...  she sighed, "Okay, I guess I should visit the old family and we can talk it out, then, start making prep, get advice..."

"Shuttle to Spider Moon's on the pad.  Did Evelynn see?"

"She was there, Doc, she got it in tridee video."


"not really.  I don't think, anyway. Pat loved her, she's not on the menu.  But it means I need to bring her with me so Colonel Ngo can make the final call on it."


"The Clans." Liz said, "They're the Star League's descendants, did they keep records? do they know?"

Huyn shrugged, "My contacts at Heimdall don't think so, Ms. Whyte's people concur-it's likely only DeChevalier, Gilmour, and McEvedy knew about Henry confirmed?"

"He's still considered KIA, at least, so far as anyone's been willing to tell me.  Pat was confirmed on Tamar by the Wolves." Liz said, "I doubt there's a vector of info from either of them-both of them were clear of the markers, as far as the rest of the Commonwealth knows, I've got a degenerative, fatal disease that nobody's gotten a cure for, and I'm the last Ngo...unless I can figure out how to have a kid who won't get the thirst when they hit puberty, maybe The Colonel will have some ideas, he lived in those times, after all."

"If you want him rational when he wakes up, you're going to need something to give him..."

"We've got some of Stonecipher's ****** in holding still, right?  I'll take a few prisoners.  we'll have a nice dinner date, and I'll hopefully get useful answers."  Elizabeth tried to keep he tone light, but the words made her wince, the idea of what she was going to do, feeding men and women to ancient monsters for a few hours of rational discussion? even worse.

but it has to be done...
Aerospace Combat / Re: FC Naval Command Decision
« Last post by Minemech on Today at 10:58:05 »
 From the bureaucratic angle I believe that there is already consensus as to why the Fox ended up the way it did. We agree on the mentality that existed and that it would likely affect all newcomers. A potential gamechanger could exist in a successful Yamato if it were to be perceived as a threat by the High Command. There are other potential gamechangers that could be justified such as the Clan fleet's adjustment.

 On the escort angle, you will almost assuredly have more than one dropship escort acting in defense of the ship, some lucky Foxes would add a Vengeance (Technically acting as its escort), and all Foxes would rely on a cargo vessel or two which would in turn feed the system. A Fox carrying more than one Vengeance might happen, but it would be an extraordinary exception, plausibly guarding a capital or Hesperus.   
Challenges and Gatherings / Re: Any presence at Origins 2024?
« Last post by CranstonSnord on Today at 10:57:00 »
Historically Grinder runs Sunday 10 AM - 4PM, but I haven't seen the schedule yet.
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