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That really isn't an issue for the Taurians, as they only have two assault class suits, the Marauder and bought/salvaged/captured Grenadier 1s.  The Marauders have magnetic clamps, and you'll have to use converted Planetlifters or split your squads up in multiple carriers. The latter would require some give on the rules since you usually take groups of BA, but I'd allow it.
Fan Fiction / Re: Guided by the light of a (Red) Cameron Star
« Last post by mikecj on Today at 23:30:58 »
I'm sure the Primus enjoyed the news to everyone else that he had 8 Divisions...

I don't think that was ever spelled out to the Houses in the original timeline.
BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Winterguard (Non-Battletech)
« Last post by DOC_Agren on Today at 23:30:09 »
Very nice work..
Challenges and Gatherings / Re: Any presence at Origins 2024?
« Last post by garhkal on Today at 23:26:45 »
SO whats the time(s) for the Sunday grinders?

If you don't mind me asking.
BattleTech Miniatures / Re: Deckard_2049s Battletech stuff
« Last post by MightyBolamite on Today at 23:05:06 »
That is an incredible blue for that Nova Cat.
Let me point you to the Puma entry in Rec Guide 3, and notable pilot Star Commander Evgeniy (Kell). Also, Shrapnel Issue 4, and the Story "The Weight of a Name", featuring Star Captain Lana...Kell.
Fan Articles / Re: Mech of the Week: HEL Helios
« Last post by MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on Today at 22:34:25 »
I'm sure it'll get revised art eventually.  And honesty, I don't think it's that bad.  The art in 3060 was in general a big step up from 3058.
LRM Carrier (WoB)

Recent revision of the Conversion Rules saw the downgrading of the Indirect Fire value to follow the non-Artemis value, and this one looks like it slipped through the cracks.
3x LRM20s (with sufficient ammo) should be 3.6 net damage (1.2 per launcher), rounding normally to IF4 instead of IF5
This should only offset the OFV (and also PV) by 1, or from 35 to 34.  No other adjustments at this time.

OFV ~24.2
 Damage (3+[5+5]+5)
 +4 for IF4
 x1.1 subtotal (c3 connectivity)
DFV ~8.25
  6.6 (tracked vee)
  x1.1 for TMM+1
  MF +0.75
GFB +2 (MHQ)

manual estimate PV = 34.2 ~ 34
Fan Articles / Re: Mech of the Week: HEL Helios
« Last post by DragonKhan55 on Today at 22:29:14 »
Great writeup, and I have a soft spot for the HEL - wish it got better artwork than it did in TRO: 3060. It's not a bad mech in a heavy lance with other people covering for it - a lance of a Helios, Crusader, Marauder and Cestus offers plenty of long-range firepower that can then be exploited by the SRMs of the CRD and HEL.
Fan Fiction / Re: Hidden Hope (Golden Lion AU, Part 4)
« Last post by AlphaMirage on Today at 22:28:15 »
Ranna adjusted the cooling vest, her now SLDF Olive Drab Warhammer’s weapons had been disabled by a software lock until she completed her Trial of Position. Star Colonel Kerensky found it cumbersome to carry her bondswoman around, thus Ranna found herself on a lengthening leash tied to her bondholder or her Hellbringer. That Omnimech was configured similarly to Ranna’s Warhammer, and she couldn’t shake that was likely a purposeful choice. Her leash even extended to the Mech’s DI computer, locked as it was in low power mode with just enough sensors to operate safely and a remote kill switch.

Antares City looked more like a ruin now than when she had landed nearly a month ago before Katya’s forces defeated them. She looked around for familiar insignias but found none, most of them had redeployed to the forward operating bases the Adders established after occupation. Mongoose Epsilon Galaxy had fully deployed their ground contingent of lightweight high speed Mechs for which they were known who moved in strange bird-like formations across the cleared ground.

They passed by a high razor fenced area that looked much like a POW camp. Some prisoners milled about in the square under the close observation of watch towers manned by auxiliary infantry. To her relief they didn’t seem to be in overt distress, but they did stare at her Warhammer. Their looks which filled her with guilt at having the privilege of watching TV in a comfortable college dorm when not doing Katya’s gopher work while they suffered. She whispered to herself, “I’ll find a way to get you out. Don’t give up.”

The airspace above the Starport was thick with aerodyne Nova Fox dropship freighters and the spheroid combat transports of the 37th Strikers and Epsilon Galaxy. Green and Red running lights revealed their presence in an otherwise light disciplined site as the freighters pulled into their established parking ramps. Aft cargo ramps were lowered to disgorging an army of well-drilled quadruped war machines. These machines, the SXR Autonomous Battlemechs, followed a signals truck to the marshalling area before setting down like so many big cats at rest, their bug like camera arrays followed Katya and my Battlemechs as we passed between them.

The only thing that she knew about them was that they were the same types of robots that had exterminated the 12th Star Guard, utterly fearless, and equipped with some of the most advanced weapons and sub-systems in the Touman’s inventory but possessed limited tactical acumen. Katya didn’t trust them preferring Drones under the control of operators rather than Scientist’s projects, knowing Diana Pryde that seemed reasonable.

At Central Command Asa Taney presented his grand plan to stop the Wolf Dragoons which was good because Alba’s Deep Space Sensors picked up the Jump Signatures of the Charlemagne, Tokugawa, and Nelson escorting a massive AMC multi-unit task force later that night.

General Maeve Wolf issued her batchall,

Complete Surrender


Total Annihilation.
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