So, on page 188-189 of MW: Destiny, under Plot Points in Total Warfare and Alpha Strike, it describes... well, using plot points in Total Warfare and Alpha Strike.
However, it looks like it only provides rules for Total Warfare, and the Alpha Strike is... missing? Partially missing? (I'm not sure what's going on, actually.) Looking at the Defensive and Offensive actions, many refer to concepts that don't apply in AS. Specifically:
Under "Defensive Actions":
Avoid Ammo Explosion references location slots, which Alpha Strike does not have.
Avoid Critical Hit references Limb Blown Off, which AS does not have.
Avoid Fall/Crash references falls and piloting skill rolls, which AS does not have.
Avoid Shutdown references shutdown rolls, which AS does not have.
Under "Offensive Actions":
Trigger Ammo Explosion references critical hit locations and heat-based ammo explosions, which AS does not have.
Trigger Critical Hit references rolls to determine whether a critical hit occurs, which AS does not have.
Trigger Fall/Crash and Trigger Shutdown (see Avoid Fall/Crash and Avoid Shutdown, above)
Blow Limb Off references limbs being blown off, which AS does not have.
Under "Spending Plot Points: Gamemaster":
Avoid Fall/Crash and Avoid Shutdown are listed again, with the same issue as previously described.
Were any of these listings supposed to apply to Alpha Strike? If so, how should they be used in AS?