Author Topic: Battletech Long Island III  (Read 109238 times)


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1170 on: 21 January 2024, 22:20:48 »
My unit list for next week will be as follows: Both Hammers, the Po (Lt Gauss), and Goblin Bravo (Anya's tank).

And now for something completely different:

"That is extensive."  Harald said as he examined pictures of Charles' immobilized Regulator.  "Stabilizer blown, motive system out of commission.  That will take at least a month in the repair bay."

"That's what my crew says too."  Said Charles.  "Lucky I got you and not Warrant Officer Goodbrother.  She'd have kittens if she saw this."

Harald laughed.  "Perhaps.  She works so hard to keep everyone's machines fully operational.  So, was there anything else you wanted to report, Sergeant Major Wynch?"

"Well, we're coming back with a legless Locust 5M and a heavily damaged Star League-era Mercury."  Charles returned.  "We couldn't stop the Hermes after it hit its MASC, so it got away.  The Mongoose I think went a different direction and wasn't even there.  Oh, and Fuka got a couple of hits on the enemy.  I guess all that target practice paid off."

"Excellent."  Harald smiled.  "Glad to hear that Suzaku will do the future Hilo City Defense Forces proud."

"We'll be back in a few hours.  Tell Julia that her protege did well."

"I will."  Said Harald.  "I'll see you when you get back."
« Last Edit: 21 January 2024, 22:27:48 by IronbornGreyjoy »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1171 on: 22 January 2024, 21:33:37 »
“Precentor Wilkes will any of your security forces be using TAG and/or semi-guided LRM munitions?”
“No why do you ask Sho-sa?”
“The Pegasus I am sending does had TAG and I was wondering if any other units would be as well.”
“You can check with the GSF commanders to see if any of them are. I do have to ask why?”
“My unit uses semi-guided LRM for this style of mission and would need to know what codes so that others can use the TAG as well.”
“I see. I can have my two heavy units each take a ton of that type of munitions so that we can get more bang for our buck if needed.”
“Very good, I will see what they GSF commanders will have to offer.”

Group calling all GSF commanders Sho-sa Kalakaua. “I request to know if any of your security units will be using TAG and/or semi-guided LRM munitions. If yes I think we should setup a standard encoding for the TAG locks.”

So the Ghost will be sending
AV1-OB Avatar
Raiden Battle Armor
Pegasus Scout Hover Tank (‘58)
Blizzard Hover Transport (SRM)
Raiden Battle Armor
Rifle Foot Infantry Squad
SRM Foot Infantry Squad
Bandit Hovercraft H
Kanazuchi Assault Battle Armor
Raiden Battle Armor

ComGuard will be sending
SD1-OA Sunder
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor
AV1-OB Avatar
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor
Karnov UR Transport ’58
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor
Jump Infantry Squad
Karnov UR Transport ’58
Standard Inner Sphere Battle Armor
Jump Infantry Squad
The BA squads have 6 troopers as per ComGuard setup.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1172 on: 23 January 2024, 19:01:22 »
Group calling all GSF commanders Sho-sa Kalakaua. “I request to know if any of your security units will be using TAG and/or semi-guided LRM munitions. If yes I think we should setup a standard encoding for the TAG locks.”

Kiah’s Hammer will co-ordinate with all of the security detail so that the Tag of the Maxim will work with everyone.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1173 on: 23 January 2024, 19:39:59 »
anyone got unit mix suggestions?

To restate Kiah's hammers will be bringing

My Quads will be riding in the Maxim until I see the lay of the terrain, Then they will be deployed where they will be of most use.

My Maxim has tag and is coordinating with all other units so that the tag can be used by any of the security forces that can utilize its tag.  I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that anyone else who has tag state they too are coordinating with all other security units so that the tag can be used, otherwise we all will not have the needed codes to work together.

The Karnov’s will hopefully give us an aerial heads up of any OpFor units or movement

some questions I have

This mission is taking place in the evening so is the area well lit?

Are there any special rules for evening missions?

Will sight be affected &/or restricted?



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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1174 on: 23 January 2024, 22:42:12 »
"clown car"(fulcrum)(Groucho, Emett Kelly, Bozo, and Wizzo)

L.F. CO w/ redhead
L.F. XO w/ date
fire team of Infantry(4)

The entire delegation from L.F. will be dressed in an "old world", think 18th century Prussian, formal attire w/ a sash color affiliated with branch of service, medals and ribbons that will be less offensive to hosts and other guests.
« Last Edit: 26 January 2024, 21:24:53 by Fyall »
Windage and elevation Mrs. Langdon. Windage and elevation."


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1175 on: 24 January 2024, 17:09:29 »
Unfortunately, I do not have TAG.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1176 on: 24 January 2024, 22:26:18 »
Unfortunately, I do not have TAG.

do you have guided missiles that could use my tag? if so we need to coordinate our signals 


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1177 on: 25 January 2024, 05:54:31 »
I don't have guided missiles.  Do you have any to share?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1178 on: 25 January 2024, 15:47:25 »
Potential snow for Sunday night.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1179 on: 25 January 2024, 16:29:47 »
hey gang -

thanks for the info shadhawk.

funny how we're all talking about semi-guided lrms and tag...  great minds think alike  :smilie_happy_thumbup:

Albatross or Quickdraw (Albatross if we need a backstop mech, quickdraw if we need mobile response)
Schiltron Bravo with Beta pods (lrm)
Blizzard with 2 squads achilleus tag
LRM carrier
all lrm equipped units will be carrying Semi-Guided and FASCAM rounds as well as standard,  exact proportions tbd and finalized on sunday.

will integrate all TAG and SG with all other defending units.

I should also point out in case there is some argument about it that Marik dress uniforms include sidearms and blades and are made of highest grade flexible body armor since that was specifically mentioned by the Canopians, figured I should be as specific.  (and such equipment cleared with security also) 

Jim, I'd offer to share SG rounds, but replacing them is non-trivial in the current supply situation even if I DID have enough to share. :sad:

Also, want to point out to folks that TAG is a SEPARATE combat phase BEFORE declaring fire so SG's are only to be used if TAG is successfully accomplished.

As for infantry OP's, we're going to have to ask shadhawk to let us determine where they will be pre-positioned once we can actually see the terrain on sunday...  AND that their locations will be written secretly so they are actually a surprise.  We would have that ability in such an event as this since in game the people would have plenty of time to establish optimum locations and slowly move troops into place unobserved before the event occurs. 


P.S. - Shadhawk, can you print out a set of record sheets for my guys?  not sure if I have all of them


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1180 on: 25 January 2024, 20:53:16 »
Albatross or Quickdraw (Albatross if we need a backstop mech, quickdraw if we need mobile response)
Schiltron Bravo with Beta pods (lrm)
Blizzard with 2 squads achilleus tag
LRM carrier
all lrm equipped units will be carrying Semi-Guided and FASCAM rounds as well as standard,  exact proportions tbd and finalized on sunday.

Dude pick one. All the others have posted the 4 they are using. I will only print one of them.

Also that Schiltron is in the feild (mission 84)

so for the mission on 1/28/24

To all GSF commands
All units will need to provide a security unit for the upcoming event of the new young master’s presentation to the people of Nijero. These units will be held in the area in case of trouble by others.
Elisio Aguiar Tekeda
GSF Liaison Officer

ALL GSF units need to pull standard forces.
1 BattleMech
1 Armored
1 Infantry
1 Your pick

Any units that are at Plant 1 (Missions 83 and 85) can not be used as they are still in the field.
Any units from mission 84 are also still in the field.
ALL unit commanders will not be in the mix as they are at the presentation with a guest and small security team.
Militia forces will be on hand as well.

Your Alpha Shiltron can play

« Last Edit: 25 January 2024, 21:01:00 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1181 on: 27 January 2024, 21:18:14 »
Before all of the guests arrive for Yasha’s presentation banquet.
“I looked over you report and I think you are on to something with GSF units at the different production sites. I will keep this in mind when I next get together with the GSF commanders.”
In her blue and gold trimmed dress Gulia gives a formal bow to Meiyo. “Dōmo arigatōgozaimasu Meiyo-sama. I am just doing as you requested.”
“That and much more, tell me how are you adjusting to your new work?”
“I find it very rewarding and with some challenges as you said when you offered me the chance.”
“I hope not too challenging.”
“Īe Meiyo-sama. It is good to have work that is not allowing me to relax and be part of something importin once more.”
“Yoi Gulia-san. I look forward to your working with the GSF even more.” Meiyo looks over Guila’s dress. “That is very becoming on you, the color and pattern of the trim is beautiful. Who made it for you?”
“A Yōsaishi in Hilo that Amalaa-sama recommended. I put some of your very generous compensation to use.” She smiles. “I know that I will be using this dress more times then I think.” She gives a different type of smile. “Having a security for me is something that will also take time. After all I was normally the one providing the security not the charge.”
“Just one of the many things that will be different with your new work.” Looking over at patterns of the gold trim in the dress that has been woven in that Meiyo can see is the insignia of the Devil Dogs and the Kamon of the Saganami Ichizoku and this crest of the Sato family. “I am honored by what you and the Yōsaishi did. The blue is very close to that of the Dog’s dress uniform.” Stepping back a couple of steps to take in the full design of the dress. “Do you miss your old service to them?”
“Hai Meiyo-sama but my new work fills the void and I know with time I will be just as happy with it.”
“Well please go inside and enjoy.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1182 on: 27 January 2024, 21:22:15 »
Saganami Yasha’s presentation.

At the main entrance of the Governors Palace will be members of the Saganami Household Guard in full Samurai dress armor. Standard NPO and other security officers will be seen at all points, all in dress uniforms and well-armed.

Meiyo and Jack will greet all at the entrance of the main hall. Jack will be in a simple black Kimono with the Saganami Kamon done in black thread on the back. Meiyo is in a red Kimono with the Saganami Kamon and flowers covering it. The stich and paint work is very well matched and the flowers are all local to Nijero. To say it is stunning is an understatement.

The local DCMS units will all be in dress uniform, Tai-sa Westfield and Tai-i Roberts from the DCA. Sho-sa Kalakaua and Tai-i Yomidia from the Ghosts for the ground units of the DCMS.

Precentor Wilkes and Adept Wood will both have on Gray Kimono’s. The Precentors will be of a light Gray with White along all the edges. The Adepts will be a bit darker with white flowers of local plants on the sleeves. Both will have a deep Blue sash with Gold stitching wrapped around their waist.

All Koichizoku and Ichizoku will be in a form of dress that shows the origin of the clan. The bodyguards will be in the dress armor/uniform of said clan. The large open space that all will enter will have workers that will show the guests to the tables they are to be seated at for dinner. As they different parties get settled in they will move to talk with other groups. The colors and types of dress are a sight to behold the range from the Russian Court of the 1900 – 1700’s, the British Iles of the 1500 - 1600’s, South East Asia of the 1600’s, and the native dress of the Pacific Islanders to that of the different era of Samurai from Japan.

All the guests will have about two hours to meet and greet, enjoy drinks and light foods of the different clans.

Just before dinner Meiyo and Jack will present Yasha to all and have everyone sit and enjoy all the foods and drink.

Servers will bring out carts with foods from the different clans for all to try.

After dinner each of the Clan leaders will present gifts for Yasha.

Just some of the items for Yasha:

Sugai Keiji will present some investments from Su Tamago Shikin as well as other gift items. The last items will be a Katana, Wakizashi and Tanto with a display rack made of Iron Wood and Blue Bird Turquoise.

Jahan Tikhonvich will have some investments from Drakon'yego Klada and plans from Honeyscape for a special planting garden for the young master. Other items will be also given.

Ffransis ‘Frankie’ Thyra Conchobhar will have a pair of Cu Fao puppies that will be protectors for the young master. Plus other items from the Ichizoku.

Aodh Kasai will present a traditional Koa wood outrigger canoe from Malia. Other local made items from the Ichizoku craftspeople will be in the out rigger.

Hanohano Mahelona will present a waka Katea (double canoes) from Lapita. Special foods and items from the Ichizoku will be given as well.

Hazel Rosslyn will have plans from Butterfly Koi for a pond for the young master that will be setup at the Governor’s office in Yousai. The Ichizoku will have other items from its craftspeople as well.

The NPO, Fire Brigade and Trade Guilds will have people with gifts for Yasha. They will be placed on tables setup on the side.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1183 on: 27 January 2024, 21:24:23 »
After all of the Koichizoku and Ichizoku have presented the gifts they have for Yasha Tai-sho Tanaka will have the gifts from the Dragon presented and then he will bring in a group of DCA Marines.

“Each of these Samurai has requested the honor to be the Escort/Honor Guard for the young master Saganami Yasha.” Meiyo will recognize all sixteen Female Marines as they have served under or with her at different points during her time with the DCA. Each of them has taken a demotion so they could be part of this special unit. “The Dragon and these Samurai hope that you will accept this humble offer of service from them.”

DCA Security for Yasha presented by Tai-sho Tanaka Kei.
A group of sixteen (16) Female Marines will enter the hall and behind them in a seated position on dollies eight (8) Raiden and eight (8) Kage Battle Armor suits will be brought in and each will have a tech standing next to it. All sixteen suits are painted in Saganami household colors.

The leader of the unit will step forward. “We would request the mistress to allow us the honor to take the Saganami name as our own” Chu-i Hein will ask as she and then she along with the other fifteen ladies kneel and present Meiyo with the Katana blades they each were awarded from the Wisdom of the Dragon.
“Watashitachiha aijin no musuko o mamoru tame ni watashitachi no jinsei o chikaimasu.” They all say as one.
(We pledge our lives to protect the mistress's son.)

The members of the Honor Guard are:
Chu-i Hein Raiden Battle Armor (Laser)
Kashira Asuka Raiden Battle Armor (Laser)
Shujin Shun Raiden Battle Armor (Laser)
Shujin Moriko Raiden Battle Armor (Laser)
Sho-ko Yasu Raiden Battle Armor (MG)
Shujin Ayako Raiden Battle Armor (MG)
Shujin Izumi Raiden Battle Armor (MG)
Shujin Hana Raiden Battle Armor (MG)
Kashira Kazuko Kage Light Battle Armor
Shujin Haunani Kage Light Battle Armor
Shujin Binna Kage Light Battle Armor
Shujin Ji-Hye Kage Light Battle Armor
Kashira Tuyn Kage Light Battle Armor
Shujin Suzume Kage Light Battle Armor
Shujin Emi Kage Light Battle Armor
Shujin Kelea Kage Light Battle Armor

“The Dragon has arranged for all the service needs for this group. May they serve the young master well.” The Tai-sho finishes he will give a deep bow to Meiyo, Jack and Yasha.

After all of the gift presentations all of the different groups will mix more.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1184 on: 27 January 2024, 21:33:57 »
Kona and Tsubasa will spend some time with Meiyo and Jack as the party goes on. She will hand them an envelope with a Phoenix on it. “This is a personal gift from me to Yasha when he is five. I offer him the fun of the board. You have many places that he will enjoy what this world has to offer when he know the board. I will also offer this to you two as well so that all can enjoy what Nejiro has to offer with him.”
“Fun of the board?” Tsubasa asks with an eyebrow raised.
“Surf Board.” Meiyo answers. “She is very good. Someday you will have to join her.”
“Something new for us to try also.” Jack looks at his wife.

Nicolas will work his way to Meiyo and Jack as the night moves along. “I would like to wish the very best for your son and his future. I hope that he will bring you two much joy.” Nicolas will hand them an ornate box. “This is for the young master’s security force. With the ladies offering service to you and you son I will offer to have them fitted with ironwood armor so they will have the proper dress uniform.”
“You have previous information on them?” Jack looks at Nicolas.
“Well how do you think most of their support equipment made the trip?” Nicolas looks at both of them. “I still have contracts and contacts with the DCA after all.” He smiles at both.
“I do not see them turning down such a generous offer.” Meiyo takes the box.
“It is my pleasure.” He smiles and bows. “If you do not mind I see someone that I do need to speak with.”

A young lady in her mid-teens dressed in a red with yellow/gold trim dress in the style of early 1800 Imperial Russia will walk up to Euron and introduce herself.  “Colonel I am Tatiana Militza Konstantinovich …. Ana. We met a little over a year ago. I would like some time to talk with you.” She looks to Nicolas who will give her a bow. “When you have some free time that is, Spasibo.” She will return to her family.
“When did you meet her?” Nicolas asks Euron. “I did not know you had dealings with the Konstantinovich Koichizoku.”
“I do not recall.” Looking at Nicolas. “As for dealings with Konstantinovich my people and I have had none that I can recall.” Watching as she sits at the table. “She is very self-assured for someone of her age.”
“That she is. She will be a fine leader of her family when it is her time.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1185 on: 27 January 2024, 22:21:55 »
“Tai-i Tan you keep the household safe, I will take care of the security at Yousai.” Tai-i Enyo will inform him.
“OK but what units are you taking so I know what we have here.”
“I will go in my No-Dachi. I will take my number two Striker and both Karnovs. The others will be told you in command here.”
“Very good, I just hope that you and the others do not have to do anything other than walk around all night.”
“I agree.”

Bully will pull Dan Cannon to the side. “Dan you and the BA you normally work with will take the Musketeer, Banger and Bumbles to be the Warriors part of the security for Yasha’s presentation gala. The Maxim and jump infantry should be ready to cover a large area as they can move. The Moth will be top cover. Have the techs load semi-guided ammo for the LRMs for you and the Maxim. Looks like they will be of use this time out.”
“Will do Boss.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1186 on: 28 January 2024, 04:31:06 »
A young lady in her mid-teens dressed in a red with yellow/gold trim dress in the style of early 1800 Imperial Russia will walk up to Euron and introduce herself.  “Colonel I am Tatiana Militza Konstantinovich …. Ana. We met a little over a year ago. I would like some time to talk with you.” She looks to Nicolas who will give her a bow. “When you have some free time that is, Spasibo.” She will return to her family.
“When did you meet her?” Nicolas asks Euron. “I did not know you had dealings with the Konstantinovich Koichizoku.”
“I do not recall.” Looking at Nicolas. “As for dealings with Konstantinovich my people and I have had none that I can recall.” Watching as she sits at the table. “She is very self-assured for someone of her age.”
“That she is. She will be a fine leader of her family when it is her time.”

Euron tries to remember where he could have met this girl before.  Was it perhaps as a result of a mission?  Or maybe someone had brought her to the base when he had elevated Fuka, Jurgen, Theon and Asha to Mechwarriors? 

OOG: since Anya was part of security for the Elevation Ceremony, perhaps she had seen her before and would recognize her?


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1187 on: 28 January 2024, 10:16:15 »
Euron tries to remember where he could have met this girl before.  Was it perhaps as a result of a mission?  Or maybe someone had brought her to the base when he had elevated Fuka, Jurgen, Theon and Asha to Mechwarriors? 

OOG: since Anya was part of security for the Elevation Ceremony, perhaps she had seen her before and would recognize her?

Not so much but the "Hammer" boys do  :evil:


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1188 on: 28 January 2024, 10:22:54 »
“Guten Abend, Herr Bosche, Ich mag deine Kleidung.” A very heavy Japanese accented female voice from behind.
“Arigatō, redi Sagui. Anata wa anata no doitsugo de watashi o shōsan shimasu.” In his very heavy German.
“It is you who honors us with working so hard to speak Japanese. But English we have to do as we both do better with it.”
“True, what is it that you like of my attire?”
“How you show your former service but not to insult. I also like the time frame of your outfit, 1800’s Prussian?”
“Why yes.” Looking somewhat surprised. “You do know your fashions.”
“When you have the events that I do you get to know and understand the statement one makes with the way they dress.” She looks around the room.  “I do love when the families on world get together for events like this. We get all the color and styles.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1189 on: 28 January 2024, 10:33:39 »
“Major Cranson, how are you doing this evening?” Tai-sa Taka of the Devil Dogs will ask. “I see that Nejiro has been keeping you active.” He looks over the Majors Dress uniform. “Not too much desk time.” With a smile. “Paperwork can make one get soft.” With a bigger smile.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1190 on: 28 January 2024, 10:42:43 »
“Major Franks that dress looks wonderful on you, who made it?” Esfir Zakharovich Matrona of Zakharovich Dai Ichizoku ask.
“One of the dressmakers from Starfall.” Kiah answers.
“I hope you will introduce me to this dressmaker soon.”
“I will be very happy too.”


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1191 on: 29 January 2024, 06:04:15 »
Gencon housing registration is February 25.  If we're playing that day, I will not be able to attend.


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1192 on: 29 January 2024, 10:39:14 »
Gencon housing registration is February 25.  If we're playing that day, I will not be able to attend.

Next mission date is Feb 18


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1193 on: 02 February 2024, 09:37:50 »
Nejiro ComStar AP News Services

(7 October 3068)

Galatea (DBC) - The MRBC has declared Mobile Fire a rogue unit. It has now been confirmed that Mobile Fire broke off negotiations to extend their contract and have taken service with Word of Blake.

["Listen not to these lies! Know that Word of Blake offers honest coin for faithful service. We salute the skill and courage of contract military advisors, and offer a wide variety of employment opportunities."]   

With Mobile Fire abandoning their post, the LAAF has been caught flat footed. A Blakist invasion force struck New Earth mere days after Mobile Fire jumped out of the New Earth system. Amid confused reports coming from New Earth has been news that the Blakists have repeated the atrocities they inflicted on Outreach, Tharkad, and Dieron. Neighboring systems are also reported to be under attack.

["Still the unbelievers besmirch our reputation! Know for all time we did not use nuclear weapons on Tharkad. Nor have Murphid, Thorn, and New Earth been subjected to the kind of intensive bombardment reported."]   

The MRBC has reminded all mercenary commands that any who accept service with the Blakists will be branded rogue.   

« Last Edit: 04 February 2024, 03:32:21 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1194 on: 04 February 2024, 02:48:49 »
ComStar AP News Services, Nejiro

(28 October 3068 - System Error 0404 - Backup Transmitted 20 November 3068)

Arc Royal (INN) - Last year the Word of Blake unleashed an armada of WarShips on an unsuspecting Inner Sphere. The "Ruins of Gabriel" unquestionably played a role in creating that fleet. Whispers of a Star League cache or depot located in Lyran space circulated for years, but with the discovery of Camelot Command the issue was thought closed. Apparently, however, the Word of Blake discovered another SLDF facility.

["Blake's holy light guides our steps."]   

Locating the Ruins of Gabriel and cutting the Word of Blake off from its resources is now a matter of the highest priority.

["The eyes  of unbelievers shall be clouded. Only the Faithful may find the way!']   

The Blakists recovered enough resources to kick start the Free Worlds League WarShip program and provide aide to the Capellan Confederation.

["The time when we receive payment for our services approaches."]

In addition, the Ruins probably contributed to the Blakist efforts to increase their own fleet strength. Some reports estimate no less than fifty capital ships. 

["Tremble before Blake's might!"

Inconsistent sighting reports, weird jump signatures - evidence is growing that the Word of Blake vessels have K-F drives whose performance is hitherto un-dreamed of. If this is true, then estimates of enemy fleet strength could be grossly exaggerated. But the implications are frightening. The ability to rapidly concentrate forces to achieve local superiority would effectively throw conventional strategic thinking out of the airlock, much as the wide scale deployment of lithium-fusion batteries did during the Reunification War.

["The Warriors of Blessed Blake shall fight with the strength of Five!" ]

What other technological marvels (or nightmares) could emerge from the Ruins? Wild stories of 200-ton BattleMechs or AI combat computers replacing Mechwarriors may need to be re-evaluated.

["As foretold, the anvil of knowledge is used to forge the weapons of redemption."]

« Last Edit: 04 February 2024, 03:33:50 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1195 on: 04 February 2024, 03:10:50 »
ComStar AP News Services, Nejiro

(29 March 3068)

Coventry (DBC) - The playgrounds are safe again, but how long until the children can watch the stars without fear? 
Though the valiant Coventry Militia has driven the Word of Blake invaders from our home soil - gloriously shattering their ground forces in the effort - the danger seems far from over. Obviously unwilling to accept defeat, Blakist ships remain in-system, showing no intent to leave and continuing their illegal blockade. 

["We offered a path to peace and prosperity to those deserving of it. We offer it again, for that very path to enlightenment can be a rocky one. Decide, or be still forevermore!"]   

But even while the local aerospace defense is rallying its assets for a decisive excursion, one question is on everyone's mind. Can it really be that easy?
Despite all prejudices and appearances, the Word of Blake military command isn't ignorant and is well aware of Coventry's industrial importance. So, their empty fleet loitering around could be a harbinger of things to come.

["May Blake's wisdom come upon you in a blaze of light, people of Coventry!"]   

May the universe have mercy on our souls.

« Last Edit: 04 February 2024, 03:36:39 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1196 on: 04 February 2024, 03:25:05 »

ComStar AP News Services, Nejiro

(18 December 3068)

Andurien {ANDURIEN CHRONICLE) - A year ago today, I was a citizen in the realm with the largest navy known to humanity. It contained some of the most advanced vessels ever built. The centerpiece was the Thera, a WarShip that had no equal. 

Today no such navy remains to keep the sky above me safe. In fact, I wonder if I ever had one.

The reports are almost as numerous as the pieces into which our League is crumbling. Our fleet and our military are fragmenting into regional components. Some are said to have joined the Word of Blake. 

So how did they do it? How did an outside organization compromise us to this extent? It seems particularly inconceivable that our navy has been subjugated as much as it has. Members of the League navy are picked after a careful vetting process, in which not just skill is judged, but loyalty as well - loyalty to the whole Free Worlds League, not just to one or the other portions of it. Yet now, at the first real challenge our nation has faced since the last civil war, everything just falls apart again? And an unknown number of our naval vessels side with a group of religious fanatics rather than with the League government, or even a regional government?

I don't know how they could have done that. I just know that the nation I once called mine doesen't exist anymore.   


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1197 on: 04 February 2024, 16:08:50 »
To Colonel Euron Greyjoy
Re school assignment
From Gulia Sato - military liaison GSF

Yorokobi-san has assisted me in providing the proper documents for the acceptance of Pyke-san and Botley-san in their placements at the Philip Exeter Academy - {school crest image}, school colors navy blue, white, sky blue, and school mascot Loqui {speak - pronounced Loki} the Hippogriff {image}, [An exclusive private boarding/day school in the Yousai university ward Morningside Heights neighborhood - a select upscale beautiful metropolitan learning environment where arts and culture are just as important as academics and athletics. For gifted students of primary through secondary school levels that maintain rigorous academic and leadership standards. Small learning groups of no more than sixteen develop individual education tracks tailored for each students needs. The school has a high security but open campus (thirteen thousand square meters that covers six city blocks and has its own maglev subway station and light rail station) with over four thousand students and staff], where Miss Konstantinovich also attends pursuing an academic regimen that this term includes classical guitar, intelligence analysis and information technology, history, calligraphy, and civil service courses in math, leadership, logistics, communications, and the martial arts (kendo, eskrima) in her pursuit of Meritous status. Her extracurricular activities include the junior varsity competitive dance team, school rock band 'Itzy', speech and debate club, and the Tile Club (competitive chess, xianqi, sanguoqi, pai sho, mahjong, pai gow, and go). Pyke-san shall be matriculated into classes within the week (and may move into the dorm-suite the day after tomorrow - first class Via Rail shinkansen rail ticket included), slightly late in the term, but manageable to catch up (the newly admitted students and staff meet and greet days will be the last weekend of the month). Pyke-san will share a learning group (Hoshi Anchikar, Yasmin Beckhit, Hua Chen, Wei Chen, Jiaying Chiba, Aarav Kago, Seojin Kim, Tatiana 'Ana' Konstantinovich, Ami Li, Audra Pyke, Serana Ross, Ishaan Ryuzoji, Samuel Sanada, Ren Synklar, Daibhidh Zadov, Elora Zheung - attached background checks) and a four bedroom dorm-suite with Miss Konstantinovich (who after great argument did not bring additional personnel) in the secondary level student housing quadrangle along with Hua Chen-san and Yasmin Bekhit-san. Enclosed please find Pyke-san's student welcome pack, and other necessities. {The welcome kit includes a large box and full garment bag containing: a secure Philip Exeter Academy picture/biometric (with both magstrip and rfid chip plus several matrix codes) access control school ID with school colors and logo lanyard plus meal plan and 3000 Ryu allowance for school store and cafe items, Philip Exeter Academy acceptance letter signed by the Dean of Students Dr. Anisa Neel (background check), President Yeon Lee (background check), and Trustee Board Chair Amalaa Sugai (background check) (who are aware - only these three have been informed - of your assignment at the request of the Chiji to provide low key and surreptitious security for Miss Konstantinovich - who is not aware at this time (but may become so at your discretion) - after the amber alert and other threats were issued, notice of final interview - what do you want/need from your education? - and personal class schedule build date in three days, notice of cutoff date for on campus arrangements of personal security and/or staff, notice of medical checkup date (basic physical plus official acknowledgement of any medical conditions, allergies, injuries, disabilities), map of the campus, map of the Yousai university ward, map of the public transport system in Yousai plus one year multipass, packing checklist, list of acceptable footwear and casual apparel, the do not bring list, school guide, school wall calendar with important dates and holidays picturing notable campus architecture and landscapes, campus and community resource guide, student handbook, school class catalog, history of the school, guide to Yousai, logo imprinted school colors journal and stationary set, school extracurricular guide, lastest print issue of the Loquacious Hippogriff (the student newspaper), logo imprinted tablet and wireless earbuds in school color stripes preloaded with school essentials (school social media links, school class links, the accepted office program, library and lab links, digital copies of included print materials etc.) with a logo imprinted school color hardcase rated for drops and waterproof, logo and mascot school spirit wear and athletic apparel (t-shirts, hats socks, zip hoodie etc.), logo imprinted backpack, logo imprinted 'streetwise serpent' taser, logo mascot one liter insulated water bottle and covered tumbler, logo mascot refillable bento box, colorful reusable swag box with local favorite snacks and goodies, logo and mascot charms and zipper pulls, lanyards, pop-sockets, wristbands, stickers, and stress toys, as well as a school color logo imprinted frisbee, jogging strap, sleep mask, lip balm, tote bag, reusable metal straw set, portable waterproof wireless speaker, wireless charger, and power bank. In the navy blue logo imprinted garment bag are five days' worth of merino wool and linen female Philip Exeter Academy uniform separates (navy blue herringbone and sky blue and navy pinstripe suit pieces - slacks, skirts, skorts, jackets, sweaters) with embroidered school mon just under the shoulder blade and school crest embroidered on the front pocket, white blouses and tailored shirts, sky blue polo (long and short), navy, sky blue, white red, and green plaid sport jacket, trousers, skirts, and sweaters, navy blue workout apparel and PE uniforms (from pool to field) (plus tailoring allowance and seamstress appointment)} Botley-san has a similar box except there are no uniforms and it has two copies of a one year employment contract with Philip Exeter Academy {teacher's assistant with class and office hours, tutoring/mentor sessions, and assistant coach to the e-sport team/club 'Excelsior Faux PMC' playing 'Mechs and Mercs' in the varsity intramural e-league (mixed arms lance combat and bounty/pirate hunting) (link to team profiles and play statistics and annals)} only needing Botley-san's signature/hanko and legal filing for a forty thousand ryu salary plus three thousand ryu school store and cafe allowance, and an employee handbook. Botley-san will share teaching duties for Miss Konstantinovich's learning group with Professor Yeji Moon, teacher Darun MacDermott-Watt, and teacher's assistant Anita Camaron (attached background checks) (attached schedule of classes and teaching/coaching activities). Botley-san will be housed in a single bed-set furnished garden apartment in campus faculty housing. Extra storage has been arranged in private warehouse storage in 'The Neath' (NeathYousai - the under-city and utilidors etc.) within quick walking distance of the campus with easy up-city access for any additional equipment and gear needed for your security. Access is keyed to the secondary secure chip in your school ID's, which may also access the included list of Saganami Security access ports, and will identify you and your assignment to the NPO and the NDT.   

« Last Edit: 10 February 2024, 11:58:10 by eilidhdawn »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1198 on: 04 February 2024, 20:00:43 »
Nejiro News 1
Yesterday was the presentation day for Saganami Yasha’s and many were at Saganami Shiro.The Chiji Saganami looked stunning in her Red Kimono with beautiful paint and stich work of flowers here on Nejiro. The young master also looked the part in his kimono of blue and gold with the Kamon of Saganami, the planetary flag of Nigero, The crests of the MSAW, NPO, NFB and Nejiro Militia. The Dragon also sent good wishes for the health and life of our governor’s first born.

HBC News
Saganami Yasha’s presentation day was yesterday and the movers and shakers of the system and close by systems were on hand for our governor’s son’s big day. The young master also looked the part in his kimono of blue and gold with the Kamon of Saganami, the planetary flag of Nigero, The crests of the MSAW, NPO, NFB and Nejiro Militia. Our Chiji and proud mother looked fabulous in a wonderful red kimono with many of the local flowers painter and stitched on it.  The Dragon sent his fondest wishes to the young one.

The Moro Sun-Times
The Dragon sent his most warm wishes to Saganami Yasha’s on his presentation day. This happened yesterday and I was one of the lucky ones to be on hand. With all the well-wishers on hand this was one of the major events of the year. Both mother and son liked fabulous. He in his kimono of blue and gold with the Kamon of Saganami, the planetary flag of Nigero, The crests of the MSAW, NPO, NFB and Nejiro Militia and she in her red kimono with local flowers both hand painted and stitched all over it.

The Dakuu-orianyusu
Saganami Yasha’s presentation day … Ha. It was just a way for the She-Demon to force control over you the good people of Nejiro. It looks like the she has nothing better to do with her time and your money than have a party. Good people she is just using you for her own ends.

Shin no wadopuresu
We have seen from others that Saganami Yasha’s presentation day was used as a major propaganda event for one only reason to look good in the press. She only looks out after herself and a select few. She spends large amounts of money so she looks good. People of Nejiro, how is this looking out for your good? She acts like the petty House Lords of the Inner Sphere.

« Last Edit: 04 February 2024, 20:02:29 by shadhawk »


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Re: Battletech Long Island III
« Reply #1199 on: 04 February 2024, 20:02:43 »
“Sir I do not understand why we did not strike.”
“You forget why we are here. We have a mission and if we had attacked as you think we should have we would have united all on this world.”
“But if we did strike we would have taken out all of the leaders of this world.”
“Would we have? You do not think that others would fill in for the ones we had taken out?”
“I do not understand.”
“You forget the nature of these people. They come from backgrounds that would have them looking for the ones that took their blood. They would want our blood. They would work together to strike at the ones that harmed them. We would have been the ones that all of them would be looking for. I for one would not like that.”
From the other side of the room. “This is why you now are in charge of our ground operations. You understand what your former commander could not. You do not look for personal gain.”
“Thank You. I am doing what needs to be done so that we will do our mission.”
“We will do what we are here to do and depart as we should have done from the start.”