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Clan Chatterweb / Re: Clan Nova Cat - Zombie Catgirl Extravaganza
« Last post by cmerwin on Today at 09:17:32 »
Hopefully some of you can help me parse some things out. For a while now I have been inspired by @parable's ceremonial Nova Cat uniform, and coupled with a bunch of friends who religiously attend DragonCon, I've been thinking of putting together a Nova Cat field uniform.

I'm trying to figure out some of what Randall meant in his descriptions though. The field uniform is described as a "full-length body suit", which I actually take to mean something like a one-piece flight suit or coveralls rather than a form fitting spandex body-suit. I was thinking something like this or this with "banded collar".

And the "thin-black stripe", I just imagine as a single, maybe 1/2 inch (1cm) wide stripe starting at the collar and going down the center of the left arm sleeve, torso, and leg?

Does that seem right?
I really like that Grizzly!
Agreed, with that camo scheme the Grizzly is a beauty. Any tips or suggestions for making your camo colors so clean and sharp, please? I've struggled painting ghostbear winter schemes.
Fan Fiction / Re: It's a family curse.
« Last post by monbvol on Today at 09:09:40 »
Fan Fiction / Re: It's a family curse.
« Last post by paulobrito on Today at 08:57:51 »
So, monster/truly nightmare variant of the Ngo's? Call me interested.
Aerospace Combat / Re: Fleet Recon
« Last post by Cannonshop on Today at 08:46:01 »
I think the problem of pirate points is more complex than just knowing where the target area exists mathematically.

Other problems to solve:

A. Your precise location when you decide to jump. Not as easily determined as you might like to think, and we don't know what accuracy tolerance you need to achieve. 1,000,000km? That'd be 'easy'. 1,000km? Trickier. 10 meters? Impossible.
B. Navigation for K-F jumps likely isn't as easy as knowing what 'gps' coordinate to select. Your current location and your target location have a different vector, and you have to 'cast' yourself to it with a degree of accuracy. If it was as easy as typing in 23 x 99, calculations wouldn't take any time.
C. K-F jumps may not be inherently precise even if you get all your math right. If the target you're aiming for is 1,000km wide, and the jump has an error of 990km, then your math better be good up to 10km. Going for standard jump points means you can be wrong by 100,000s of kms, and it won't really affect anyone. And from fluff it seems errors of that size are actually considered the norm, but irrelevant. Odds of overlapping another vessel are negligible small, and it wouldn't affect travel time meaningfully to the planet.
But when aiming for a much tinier margin of error, it literally becomes life or death. The difference between hitting a bullseye or just hitting the wall the board is hanging on.

I keep trying to leave the Pirate Point argument-because it's irrelevant to the topic.  No, really, it is.  Zenith and Nadir 'points' are there, because they're the biggest, closest, safe zones. there are a bigger 'safe zone' in every system, but not nearly as close.

But then, that's why you pack fuel and consumables-because your spy ships don't NEED to arrive that close, to do their job.  Their job benefits from arriving at a distance outside the detection grid, then coming in at newtonian under it.

and that's only if you REALLY want to get close to get those real-time images instead of light delayed.

We're discussing RECON here, not commercial shipping.

You don't drop your pathfinder INTO the enemy base to find things out, you arrive up the coast where he's not patrolling.

and walk in.

same thing.
Fan Fiction / Re: It's a family curse.
« Last post by Cannonshop on Today at 08:37:41 »
3053, Clan Homeworlds...

"That thing used to be a human being.  He had a name."


"and I think it might still have some ability to reason left, despite the tortures you've put it through...put him through."  Scientist Wendi was a biologist specializing in weaponised disease, the Clan Watch knew her 'labname' as one of the darker jokes among the criminals in the Society.

Mengele, because her specialty was horrifying and she did not seek employment in less horrifying fields, even when openings were available.

Etienne found the woman to be appropriately humble with her betters, and a little bit disturbing on a personal level.

"I have known  you for over a decade, and this is the first time you have volunteered to look into something that was not a weaponized virus, prion, or fungus, Wendi." Etienne said, "Why?? why this case?"

"because the better doctors are losing their minds trying to grasp what is happening to this man and why he continues to refuse to die." she said.  "Locked box, first decent one in decades.  The first puzzle anyone has brought us that is not boring."

"what is your direction of investigation, remember, we have to report to the warrior caste on this..."

"first, to find out if there's still a man in there after all." she said, "then find a way to bring the man out, and put the beast back...barring that, figure out how to put both out of their misery permanently and efficiently."

"and what makes you think you can do this, where better scientists have not?" Etienne asked in an oily tone.

"because I remembered to do enough due diligence to identify some of the symptoms.  There are records of ancient projects that had...similar...outcomes.  Banned researches from before the Amaris Coup, work in fields of human augmentation and lifespan extension, I think I know where to start looking, and it is not in a gas chamber filled with cyanide."

"Why should I stick my neck out for you on this?" He demanded.

"Because the warriors would have dropped this man in the nearest sun if they didn't want some of what he has, without the drawbacks." she asserted.  "What we do not know, yet, is whether that is even a remote possibility."

"Do you think it is?"

"I don't know.  what I 'think' is worthless, only what I can demonstrate and prove has meaning, the first question hs to be working out if there is even a man in that mutating shell to save, if not, then the answer must be 'no'...but if there is,.?"

The Avalanche had that amazing offensive blitz in the first round, never scoring less than five goals in a game in all five games, but against Dallas it all dried up- their top players have been all but shut down (those that still play for them...), and the loss of Val Nichushkin- again- obviously rattled them before their game on Monday night- the team collectively looked totally off their game. It would have been understandable, even expected, that Dallas would slam the door shut and end Colorado's season for Game 5- with the Avs' top scorer lost for at least six months, and the rest of their weapons stifled, what's left to do but finish it?

Just one teensy little problem... All Hail Cale.

Just another one of those nights where you watch Cale Makar and start thinking this is a true generational talent, the kind of player that entirely changes how a position is played for years to come. A two-goal performance really only tells the bones of the story- he was everywhere at once all night long making life miserable on both ends of the ice. And on the strength of that performance, we have a Game 6 in Denver coming up.

There was a time that I thought Colorado got screwed out of the top pick in that draft, and dropping down to #4 despite having the worst record in the league was absolutely ridiculous. I'm not sure that they didn't get the best player in that draft at this point- I'd go so far as to say the best defenseman in the NHL, in fact.
Make a huge list of mechs you want, and possible secondary replacement units for it.   If you are wanting to kit bash  again make a list of those who have the parts you want.  IE  kit bashing a mech with jump wing. look up mechs that have it  Titian II wraith  spider  etc. The list should be the IWM number and name.  It's not hard to drop a couple hundred $$$ or more.   Plan on at least  3 hours of looking.
Aerospace Combat / Re: Fleet Recon
« Last post by Paul on Today at 08:18:13 »
I think the problem of pirate points is more complex than just knowing where the target area exists mathematically.

Other problems to solve:

A. Your precise location when you decide to jump. Not as easily determined as you might like to think, and we don't know what accuracy tolerance you need to achieve. 1,000,000km? That'd be 'easy'. 1,000km? Trickier. 10 meters? Impossible.
B. Navigation for K-F jumps likely isn't as easy as knowing what 'gps' coordinate to select. Your current location and your target location have a different vector, and you have to 'cast' yourself to it with a degree of accuracy. If it was as easy as typing in 23 x 99, calculations wouldn't take any time.
C. K-F jumps may not be inherently precise even if you get all your math right. If the target you're aiming for is 1,000km wide, and the jump has an error of 990km, then your math better be good up to 10km. Going for standard jump points means you can be wrong by 100,000s of kms, and it won't really affect anyone. And from fluff it seems errors of that size are actually considered the norm, but irrelevant. Odds of overlapping another vessel are negligible small, and it wouldn't affect travel time meaningfully to the planet.
But when aiming for a much tinier margin of error, it literally becomes life or death. The difference between hitting a bullseye or just hitting the wall the board is hanging on.
Archer is back on Netflix so...
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