Author Topic: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!  (Read 270717 times)


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #30 on: 02 July 2011, 19:47:42 »
Didi not get the log file but, in a Free-For-All where i had 8 mechs from lights to heavies, agains a full company (12 mechs) of pirates and a full company of Lyrans (12 Units)... Lyrans at North, Pirates at South and my force at Center (3x3 map) i decided to tackle the Pirates first as they were all Greens while the Lyrans were Regulars... moved my long-range mechs to a hill and the brawlers towards the enemy pirates... 3rd of 4th turn, no shots fired yet.... 2 pirate TBT-5N both target my ARC-2J-UK with LRMs... (each has 2 LRM15)... all of the 4 shots hit in a 11+ and 10+ roll... 2 of the shots manage to hit the Archer head, critting and headcapping the archer.... that until that moment had not received any damage.....

Managed to defeat the pirates (except for a STK-3F that was too far away), but ended losing to the Lyrans... only 3 of my units left the field... if my Archer had not been headcapped in that crazy shot i was sure that i could have won, as i only needed to destroy one more Lyran unit to achieve victory conditions when the bot managed to achieve its victory conditions...
Against-the-Bot Campaign Rules:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fireangel: hey, it's BT; nothing happens without a sinister reason or a healthy dose of stupid pills

consequences: nothing explains Fasanomics. Any attempt to do so generally results in the bandaid on the sucking chest wound turning out to be a carnivorous lifeform that only makes the bleeding worse.


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #31 on: 03 July 2011, 09:43:34 »
He didn't need those actuators anyway.

Weapons fire for Wolverine WVR-6R (Random)
    SRM 6 at JagerMech JM6-S (Laio); needs 8, rolls 10 : 6 missile(s) hit (using Rear table).
        JagerMech JM6-S (Laio) takes 2 damage to LTR. 1 Armor remaining.
        JagerMech JM6-S (Laio) takes 2 damage to LL. Armor destroyed, 14 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LL. Roll is 8; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Upper Leg.
        JagerMech JM6-S (Laio) takes 2 damage to LL (critical). 12 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LL. Roll is 6; no effect.

         Critical hit on LL. Roll is 5; no effect.
        JagerMech JM6-S (Laio) takes 2 damage to LL. 10 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LL. Roll is 9; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Hip.
        JagerMech JM6-S (Laio) takes 2 damage to LL. 8 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LL. Roll is 8; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Foot.
        JagerMech JM6-S (Laio) takes 2 damage to LL. 6 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LL. Roll is 8; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Lower Leg.


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #32 on: 03 July 2011, 16:48:45 »
Well, the Hip-hit negates all other modifiers anyway . .
Quote from one of the Mechwarrior: Living Legends Mod Developers:
'any kind of discussion of randomness ALWAYS WILL EQUATE to being able to critically hit a mech's reactor by firing a micro beam laser while facing 80 degrees to the side, shooting the ground, which would cause a random explosion which would randomly crit his entire team's reactors which would randomly cause the server itself to explode which would randomly generate a strange quark which would randomly hit the earth and randomly randomness ****** the shit ****** random!'

A. Lurker

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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #33 on: 03 July 2011, 18:02:24 »
Well, the Hip-hit negates all other modifiers anyway . .

Maybe. Using the TacOps (nee MaxTech) leg damage rule is an option, after all. ;)


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #34 on: 04 July 2011, 18:53:12 »
Not a crazy hits; but just finished a scenario in which an enemy Ostroc decided to stand up one last time.  There wasn't much left of it to begin with.  One last flurry of attacks, and Entity Status will tell the rest of the story.  NOT, by the way, an ammo explosion.

Code: [Select]
Model: Ostroc - OSR-2C
Pilot: Anna Horne (3/5)
--- Armor: 0/144-------------------------------------------
--- Internal: 12/99----------------------------------------
         FRONT                REAR                INTERNAL
         (xx)                 (**)                  (xx)
      /xx|xx|xx\           /xx|xx|xx\            /xx|xx|xx\
     (xx/ || \xx)         (   |  |   )          (xx/ || \xx)
       /  /\  \               /  \                /  /\  \
      (xx/  \xx)             /    \              (xx/  \12)


Does this REALLY still count for 2% value for salvage?  :D


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #35 on: 08 July 2011, 01:33:43 »
Not a crazy hits; but just finished a scenario in which an enemy Ostroc decided to stand up one last time.  There wasn't much left of it to begin with.  One last flurry of attacks, and Entity Status will tell the rest of the story.  NOT, by the way, an ammo explosion.

Code: [Select]
Model: Ostroc - OSR-2C
Pilot: Anna Horne (3/5)
--- Armor: 0/144-------------------------------------------
--- Internal: 12/99----------------------------------------
         FRONT                REAR                INTERNAL
         (xx)                 (**)                  (xx)
      /xx|xx|xx\           /xx|xx|xx\            /xx|xx|xx\
     (xx/ || \xx)         (   |  |   )          (xx/ || \xx)
       /  /\  \               /  \                /  /\  \
      (xx/  \xx)             /    \              (xx/  \12)


Does this REALLY still count for 2% value for salvage?  :D

I just picture a pair of boots, with smoke billowing out, when I look at that. 
Agent # 703


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #36 on: 08 July 2011, 03:40:28 »
Not even a pair of boots.  Just one!  ;D
Catalyst Demo Agent #679

Kansas City players, or people who are just passing through the area, come join us at the Geekery just off Shawnee Mission Parkway for BattleTech!  Current days are Tuesdays in the afternoon and evening.  I can't make every single week, but odds are pretty good that somebody will be there.


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #37 on: 10 July 2011, 15:24:52 »
See it as a comment to AC/2s and vehicle crit tables...
Code: [Select]
Weapons fire for Heimdall Ground Monitor Tank A (Bot1)
    ATM 12 at K501 MBT (Cat); needs 9, rolls 8 : misses.
        Checking for accidental fire; needs 3 or below, rolls 2 : possible fire.
        Needs 11 [9 (ATM 12) + 2 (accidental)] to ignite, rolls 7
    ATM 12 at K501 MBT (Cat); needs 9, rolls 7 : misses.
        Checking for accidental fire; needs 3 or below, rolls 6 : no fire..

Weapons fire for Athena Combat Vehicle (Bot1)
    Gauss Rifle at K501 MBT (Cat); needs 8, rolls 3 : misses.
    Gauss Rifle at K501 MBT (Cat); needs 8, rolls 6 : misses.

Weapons fire for Ku Wheeled Assault Tank (Bot1)
    ER Large Laser at K501 MBT (Cat); needs 10, rolls 7 : misses.
        Checking for accidental fire; needs 3 or below, rolls 6 : no fire..
    Ultra AC/10 at K501 MBT (Cat); needs 10, rolls 7 : misses.
        Checking for accidental fire; needs 3 or below, rolls 8 : no fire..

Weapons fire for Pyros Hover Tank UK (Bot1)
    ER Medium Laser at K501 MBT (Cat); needs 10, rolls 5 : misses.
        Checking for accidental fire; needs 3 or below, rolls 6 : no fire..
    ER Medium Laser at K501 MBT (Cat); needs 10, rolls 9 : misses.
        Checking for accidental fire; needs 3 or below, rolls 6 : no fire..

Weapons fire for Mk.XII LWC AAA (Cat)
    Autocannon/2 at Pyros Hover Tank UK (Bot1); needs 11, rolls 7 : misses.
    Autocannon/2 at Pyros Hover Tank UK (Bot1); needs 11, rolls 12 : hits  (using Left Side table) FR
        Pyros Hover Tank UK (Bot1) takes 2 damage to FR. 42 Armor remaining.

             Critical hit on movement system. Roll is 12; (w/ +5 bonus)
             Major damage, vehicle immobile.

Weapons fire for K501 MBT (Cat)
    LRM 5 at Pyros Hover Tank UK (Bot1); needs 11, rolls 8 : misses.
    LRM 5 at Pyros Hover Tank UK (Bot1); needs 11, rolls 4 : misses.

First turn of firing... ::)


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #38 on: 11 July 2011, 21:11:11 »
This was a tabletop game my wife and I played last night.

I ran an old school 3025 Awesome, with a total of 240 Armor points.

By the time she finally killed it (by ripping both legs and the left arm off) I had less than 24 total armor points remaining.  And I'd taken an IS MPL to the head, so there was only 3 armor there.

Zombiemech, go!

« Last Edit: 11 July 2011, 21:12:42 by Grave »

Yea, it really is that fast....


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #39 on: 20 July 2011, 01:11:47 »
Code: [Select]
Weapons fire for Hatamoto-Chi HTM-27T ID:9 (Coyote808)
    PPC at Patton Tank ID:22 (Defending Force); needs 8, rolls 10 : hits  TU (critical)
        Patton Tank ID:22 (Defending Force) takes 10 damage to TU (critical). 41 Armor remaining.

         Critical hit on TU. Roll is 12; Turret blown off!

*** Patton Tank ID:22 (Defending Force) DESTROYED by turret blown off! ***

Only hit the Patton took...  this is after many turns of serious bad luck with my company of Pos.

We are just watching the younger generation Warriors plan.  It gives the older ones of the Clan
time to pause and reflect on the future.  Well, that and I think we ran out of food in the Den... - Blackhorse 6


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #40 on: 20 July 2011, 15:36:25 »
This was a tabletop game my wife and I played last night.

I ran an old school 3025 Awesome, with a total of 240 Armor points.

By the time she finally killed it (by ripping both legs and the left arm off) I had less than 24 total armor points remaining.  And I'd taken an IS MPL to the head, so there was only 3 armor there.

Zombiemech, go!


Heh.  In the last scenario I played, something similar happened.  Specifically, two enemy 'Mechs:
-Archer: The standard 2R Archer spent about 20 rounds under continual PPC+LRM5 fire from my Merlin AFTER its right torso had been blazed down to 6 IS.  It finally died, but only after losing its right arm and then taking a TAC to the missing right arm.
-Phoenix Hawk: As soon as the above Archer went down, the scenario ended by sufficient kills.  This PXH-1 had closed to short range with a Valkyrie (QF,) Catapult (C1,) and Highlander (733.)  Surviving two kicks - two kicks! - from the Highlander, it managed to run away.  It had no arms (and therefore no weapons.)  No side torsos (and therefore no jump jets.)  17 armour points: 2 in the head, 12 CT front, and 3 in one of the legs.  ONE internal structure in the center torso.  Three pilot wounds.  And this Phoenix Hawk, as immortal as its namesake, walked off the field.


  • Warrant Officer
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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #41 on: 21 July 2011, 06:46:19 »
-Phoenix Hawk: As soon as the above Archer went down, the scenario ended by sufficient kills.  This PXH-1 had closed to short range with a Valkyrie (QF,) Catapult (C1,) and Highlander (733.)  Surviving two kicks - two kicks! - from the Highlander, it managed to run away.  It had no arms (and therefore no weapons.)  No side torsos (and therefore no jump jets.)  17 armour points: 2 in the head, 12 CT front, and 3 in one of the legs.  ONE internal structure in the center torso.  Three pilot wounds.  And this Phoenix Hawk, as immortal as its namesake, walked off the field.

The pilot´s name was not John McClane?
Against-the-Bot Campaign Rules:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Fireangel: hey, it's BT; nothing happens without a sinister reason or a healthy dose of stupid pills

consequences: nothing explains Fasanomics. Any attempt to do so generally results in the bandaid on the sucking chest wound turning out to be a carnivorous lifeform that only makes the bleeding worse.


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #42 on: 21 July 2011, 08:31:06 »
The pilot´s name was not John McClane?

If it was John McClane, he'd still have kicked some buttocks and said his famous line...  Yippee cayay... (I'll let you finish the rest).

We are just watching the younger generation Warriors plan.  It gives the older ones of the Clan
time to pause and reflect on the future.  Well, that and I think we ran out of food in the Den... - Blackhorse 6


  • Master Sergeant
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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #43 on: 21 July 2011, 17:58:49 »
Seeing what happens with ships, mechs, DFA's, and charges.

This is the result.

Code: [Select]
Physical Attack Phase

Physical attacks for Spider SDR-8X ID:2 (Coyote808)
    Attempting death from above on Tecumseh Monitor ID:1 (Scott) ID:1; needs -8, rolls 8 : hits.
    Tecumseh Monitor (Scott) is displaced into hex 1715.

    Defender takes 9 damage .        Tecumseh Monitor (Scott) takes 5 damage to TU. 47 Armor remaining.
        Tecumseh Monitor (Scott) takes 4 damage to FR. 75 Armor remaining.
            Possible breach on FR. Roll is 10: no breach.
    Attacker takes 6 damage.        Spider SDR-8X ID:2 (Coyote808) takes 5 damage to LL. 0 Armor remaining.
 Spider SDR-8X ID:2 LL BREACHED        Spider SDR-8X ID:2 (Coyote808) takes 1 damage to RL. 10 Armor remaining.
            Possible breach on RL. Roll is 11: Breach! Spider SDR-8X ID:2 RL BREACHED
    Spider SDR-8X ID:2 (Coyote808) is displaced into hex 1614.

Physical attacks for Monitor Naval Vessel ID:4 (Coyote808)
    Charging Ostscout OTT-10CS ID:3 (Scott) ID:3; needs 18, rolls 7 : misses.
    Monitor Naval Vessel ID:4 (Coyote808) is displaced into hex 1816.

Spider SDR-8X ID:2 (Coyote808) must make 9 piloting skill roll(s) (hip actuator hit; leg/foot actuator hit; leg/foot actuator hit; leg/foot actuator hit; hip actuator hit; leg/foot actuator hit; leg/foot actuator hit; leg/foot actuator hit; executed death from above).
The base target is 4 [0 (Base piloting skill) + 2 (Right Leg Hip Actuator destroyed) + 2 (Left Leg Hip Actuator destroyed)].
    Roll #1, (0 (Base piloting skill) + 2 (Right Leg Hip Actuator destroyed) + 2 (Left Leg Hip Actuator destroyed) + 0 (hip actuator hit) + 1 (leg/foot actuator hit) + 1 (leg/foot actuator hit) + 1 (leg/foot actuator hit) + 0 (hip actuator hit) + 1 (leg/foot actuator hit) + 1 (leg/foot actuator hit) + 1 (leg/foot actuator hit) + 4 (executed death from above)); needs 14, rolls 3 : falls.
    Spider SDR-8X ID:2 (Coyote808) falls on its right side, suffering 1 damage.
        Spider SDR-8X ID:2 (Coyote808) takes 1 damage to RL. 9 Armor remaining.

Pilot of Spider SDR-8X ID:2 (Coyote808) "Kemiriati Kartosuwiryo" must roll 14 to avoid damage; rolls 5 : fails.
        Pilot of Spider SDR-8X ID:2 (Coyote808) "Kemiriati Kartosuwiryo" takes 1 damage.       
Pilot of Spider SDR-8X ID:2 (Coyote808) "Kemiriati Kartosuwiryo" needs a 3 to stay conscious.  Rolls 8 : successful!

Coyote808: LIKE A BOSS
Scott: 9 psr's? jesus
Coyote808: 1 for each actuator and 1 for the DFA itself
Coyote808: not to mention 1 for entering the water
Coyote808: so it would technically be 10
Scott: lmao that's pure win

We are just watching the younger generation Warriors plan.  It gives the older ones of the Clan
time to pause and reflect on the future.  Well, that and I think we ran out of food in the Den... - Blackhorse 6


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #44 on: 26 July 2011, 23:54:41 »
Clearly, I wanted him dead...

Weapons fire for Tundra Wolf (Rickosaur)
    ATM 9 at Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot); needs 6, rolls 5 : misses.

    ER Medium Laser at Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot); needs 6, rolls 8 : hits  (using Left Side table) LT
        Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot) takes 7 damage to LT. 12 Armor remaining.

    ER Medium Laser at Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot); needs 6, rolls 4 : misses.

    ER Medium Laser at Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot); needs 6, rolls 6 : hits  (using Left Side table) LA
        Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot) takes 7 damage to LA.        7 damage transfers to LT.
        Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot) takes 7 damage to LT. 5 Armor remaining.

    ER Medium Laser at Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot); needs 6, rolls 5 : misses.

    Streak SRM 4 at Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot); needs 6, rolls 6 : 4 missile(s) hit (using Left Side table).

        Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot) takes 2 damage to HD. SECTION DESTROYED,

*** Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot) DESTROYED by damage! ***
         Critical hit on HD. Roll is 7; no effect.

        Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot) takes 2 damage to LA.        2 damage transfers to LT.
        Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot) takes 2 damage to LT. 3 Armor remaining.

        Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot) takes 2 damage to CT. 17 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on CT. Roll is 10; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Engine.
            CRITICAL HIT on Engine.

        Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot) takes 2 damage to LA.        2 damage transfers to LT.
        Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot) takes 2 damage to LT. 1 Armor remaining.

    LRM 20 at Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot); needs 6, rolls 7 : 9 missile(s) hit (using Left Side table).

        Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot) takes 5 damage to LT. Armor destroyed, 10 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LT. Roll is 10; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on SRM 6 Inferno Ammo (2).
*** SRM 6 Inferno Ammo EXPLODES!  24 DAMAGE! ***        Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot) takes 24 damage to LT. SECTION DESTROYED,
            remaining 14 damage prevented by CASE.

         Critical hit on LT. Roll is 11; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Machine Gun Ammo (200).
*** Machine Gun Ammo EXPLODES!  400 DAMAGE! ***        Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot) takes 400 damage to LT.            remaining 400 damage prevented by CASE.

            CRITICAL HIT on +SRM 6.

            CRITICAL HIT on SRM 6 Fragmentation Ammo (15).
*** SRM 6 Fragmentation Ammo EXPLODES!  180 DAMAGE! ***        Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot) takes 180 damage to LT.            remaining 180 damage prevented by CASE.

        Paladin PAL-1 Biglewater (BobBattleBot) takes 4 damage to CT. 13 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on CT. Roll is 8; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Standard Gyro.

There's no kill like overkill
Author of BattleCorps stories Grand Theft Agro and Zero Signal

How to Draw MegaMek Icons the Deadborder Way. Over 9000 so far. Determination or madness?


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #45 on: 30 July 2011, 14:52:22 »
"And stay down!"
"Just got to be sure..."
"Take no prisoners!"
Code: [Select]
Weapons fire for GunKing Heavy Tank T20 (Cat)
    AC/2 at Coyotl A (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 9 : hits  (using Left Side table) LA
        Coyotl A (Bot1) takes 2 damage to LA.        2 damage transfers to LT.
        Coyotl A (Bot1) takes 2 damage to LT.        2 damage transfers to CT.
        Coyotl A (Bot1) takes 2 damage to CT. 10 Armor remaining.

    AC/5 at Coyotl A (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 9 : hits  (using Left Side table) RA
        Coyotl A (Bot1) takes 5 damage to RA. 7 Armor remaining.

    AC/10 at Coyotl A (Bot1); needs 10, rolls 5 : misses.

    AC/20 at Coyotl A (Bot1); needs 10, rolls 10 : hits  (using Left Side table) RT
        Coyotl A (Bot1) takes 20 damage to RT. Armor destroyed, 5 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on RT. Roll is 10; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Streak SRM 4.
            CRITICAL HIT on Engine.

*** Coyotl A (Bot1) DESTROYED by engine destruction! ***

Weapons fire for Mk.XII LWC AC10 (Cat)
    AC/10 at Coyotl A (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 11 : hits  (using Rear table) HD
        Coyotl A (Bot1) takes 10 damage to HD. Armor destroyed, 2 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on HD. Roll is 9; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Standard Cockpit.

    Machine Gun at Vulture (Mad Dog) C (Bot1); needs 9, rolls 8 : misses.
    Machine Gun at Vulture (Mad Dog) C (Bot1); needs 9, rolls 8 : misses.

First you kill the mech... Then you kill the pilot! 8)


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #46 on: 30 July 2011, 16:05:47 »
"And stay down!"
"Just got to be sure..."
"Take no prisoners!"

First you kill the mech... Then you kill the pilot! 8)

Nah, needs a Transformers quote here.  "First we crack the shell, then we crack the nuts inside!"  :)


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #47 on: 31 July 2011, 06:22:13 »
Nah, needs a Transformers quote here.  "First we crack the shell, then we crack the nuts inside!"  :)
You mean like this? My armor crews apparently really hates mechjocks! ;D
Code: [Select]
Weapons fire for Cheiftain mk.II (Cat)
    Gauss Rifle at Crimson Hawk 2 (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 8 : hits  LA (critical)
        Crimson Hawk 2 (Bot1) takes 15 damage to LA (critical). SECTION DESTROYED,
        13 damage transfers to LT (critical).

         Critical hit on LA. Roll is 11; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Lower Arm.
            CRITICAL HIT on Hand.

         Critical hit on LA. Roll is 5; no effect.
        Crimson Hawk 2 (Bot1) takes 13 damage to LT (critical). Armor destroyed, 2 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LT. Roll is 6; no effect.

    Gauss Rifle at Crimson Hawk 2 (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 11 : hits  RL
        Crimson Hawk 2 (Bot1) takes 15 damage to RL. Armor destroyed, SECTION DESTROYED,
        7 damage transfers to RT.

         Critical hit on RL. Roll is 10; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Double Heat Sink.
            CRITICAL HIT on Double Heat Sink.
        Crimson Hawk 2 (Bot1) takes 7 damage to RT. SECTION DESTROYED,
LIMB BLOWN OFF Right Arm blown off.
        4 damage transfers to CT.

         Critical hit on RT. Roll is 5; no effect.
        Crimson Hawk 2 (Bot1) takes 4 damage to CT. 4 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on CT. Roll is 5; no effect.

Weapons fire for Cheiftain mk.II C (Cat)
    Gauss Rifle at Crimson Hawk 2 (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 8 : hits  (using Left Side table) HD
        Crimson Hawk 2 (Bot1) takes 15 damage to HD. Armor destroyed, SECTION DESTROYED,

*** Crimson Hawk 2 (Bot1) DESTROYED by damage! ***
         Critical hit on HD. Roll is 7; no effect.

    LB 10-X AC at Crimson Hawk 2 (Bot1); needs 8, rolls 4 : misses.

    Machine Gun at Phantom H (Bot1); needs 6, rolls 6 : hits  LT
        Phantom H (Bot1) takes 2 damage to LT. 9 Armor remaining.

    Machine Gun at Phantom H (Bot1); needs 6, rolls 7 : hits  HD
 (hit aimed location)        Phantom H (Bot1) takes 2 damage to HD. 1 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on HD. Roll is 8; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Sensors.

        Pilot of Phantom H (Bot1) "Max Tuck" takes 1 damage.
First you blow off one leg and both arms, making it a mission kill - then you blow off the head as well! ;)


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #48 on: 31 July 2011, 12:14:08 »
And you even put secondary fire on *another* 'Mech's head.  Sure, it was a shutdown, but it still counts.  Well done!   [rockon]


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #49 on: 31 July 2011, 13:32:24 »
The really absurd thing is that then it took 3 more turns firing the MGs and the LB10 before I managed to blow the head off the immobile mech... ::)


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #50 on: 31 July 2011, 19:29:01 »
Not really a crazy hit so much as a "Wow!  That must've hurt!" for the bot.  The Battle Hawk has spent a couple of turns receiving the loving attention of a couple of BA Karnovs who have dropped off their little ones at day care (well, left them to harass a PNT-10K2, at any rate...) and eaten a gyro hit.

I'm just impressed at its persistence.  Personally, I'd have given up after the double engine hit.

Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) must make a piloting skill check (getting up).
Needs 8 [5 (Base piloting skill) + 3 (Gyro damaged) + 0 (getting up)], rolls 5 : falls.
    Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) falls on its rear, suffering 3 damage.
        Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) takes 3 damage to CTR. 5 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on CT. Roll is 11; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Engine.
            CRITICAL HIT on Engine.

Pilot of Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) "Kushwaha Pankajakshan" must roll 8 to avoid damage; rolls 8 : succeeds.

Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) must make a piloting skill check (getting up).
Needs 8 [5 (Base piloting skill) + 3 (Gyro damaged) + 0 (getting up)], rolls 5 : falls.
    Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) falls on its left side, suffering 3 damage.
        Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) takes 3 damage to LT. 8 Armor remaining.

Pilot of Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) "Kushwaha Pankajakshan" must roll 8 to avoid damage; rolls 9 : succeeds.

Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) must make a piloting skill check (getting up).
Needs 8 [5 (Base piloting skill) + 3 (Gyro damaged) + 0 (getting up)], rolls 6 : falls.
    Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) falls on its rear, suffering 3 damage.
        Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) takes 3 damage to LTR. 2 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LT. Roll is 7; no effect.

Pilot of Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) "Kushwaha Pankajakshan" must roll 8 to avoid damage; rolls 5 : fails.
        Pilot of Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) "Kushwaha Pankajakshan" takes 1 damage.       
Pilot of Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) "Kushwaha Pankajakshan" needs a 5 to stay conscious.  Rolls 8 : successful!

Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) must make a piloting skill check (getting up).
Needs 8 [5 (Base piloting skill) + 3 (Gyro damaged) + 0 (getting up)], rolls 4 : falls.
    Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) falls on its left side, suffering 3 damage.
        Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) takes 3 damage to RT. 4 Armor remaining.

Pilot of Battle Hawk BH-K306 (Bot1) "Kushwaha Pankajakshan" must roll 8 to avoid damage; rolls 9 : succeeds..


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #51 on: 03 August 2011, 07:30:58 »
He really hated my poor arms... :'(

Round 6:
Code: [Select]
Weapons fire for Black Hawk (Nova) C (Bot1)
    Gauss Rifle at Trapper TP-6R (Cat); needs 5, rolls 8 : hits  LA
        Trapper TP-6R (Cat) takes 15 damage to LA. Armor destroyed, 2 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LA. Roll is 12;LIMB BLOWN OFF Left Arm blown off.

    Small Pulse Laser at Trapper TP-6R (Cat); needs 5, rolls 4 : misses.

    SRM 4 at Tangler TA-3R (Cat); needs 6, rolls 8 : 2 missile(s) hit.

        Tangler TA-3R (Cat) takes 2 damage to CT. 13 Armor remaining.

        Tangler TA-3R (Cat) takes 2 damage to LA. 8 Armor remaining.

Round 7:
Code: [Select]
Weapons fire for Black Hawk (Nova) C (Bot1)
    Gauss Rifle at Trapper TP-6R (Cat); needs 5, rolls 5 : hits  RA
        Trapper TP-6R (Cat) takes 15 damage to RA. Armor destroyed, 4 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on RA. Roll is 12;LIMB BLOWN OFF Right Arm blown off.

    SRM 4 at Trapper TP-6R (Cat); needs 7, rolls 4 : misses.

    Small Pulse Laser at Trapper TP-6R (Cat); needs 7, rolls 4 : misses.


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #52 on: 03 August 2011, 10:16:36 »
****** Pack Hunters. Seriously.

ER PPC at Warhammer IIC (Hellbie); needs 12, rolls 12: hits: HD
        Warhammer IIC (Hellbie) takes 15 damage to HD. Armor destroyed, SECTION DESTROYED,
       *** Warhammer IIC (Hellbie) DESTROYED by damage! ***
         Critical hit on HD. Roll is 4; no effect.

By the way. UNTOUCHED Whammy IIC, right at the edge of the PPC's max range.
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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #53 on: 03 August 2011, 10:21:08 »
****** Pack Hunters. Seriously.

By the way. UNTOUCHED Whammy IIC, right at the edge of the PPC's max range.

Well, I'm sure you deserved it :P
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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #54 on: 03 August 2011, 19:23:35 »
Water and light mechs don't mix.
Code: [Select]
Weapons fire for Orion ON1-VA (Jackals)
    AC/10 at Stinger STG-3R (DC_2); needs 5, rolls 8 : hits  (using Partial cover table) RT
        Stinger STG-3R (DC_2) takes 10 damage to RT. Armor destroyed, 1 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on RT. Roll is 7; no effect.

    Medium Laser at Stinger STG-3R (DC_2); needs 7, rolls 7 : hits  (using Partial cover table) LT
        Stinger STG-3R (DC_2) takes 5 damage to LT. 1 Armor remaining.

    Medium Laser at Stinger STG-3R (DC_2); needs 7, rolls 10 : hits  (using Partial cover table) HD
        Stinger STG-3R (DC_2) takes 5 damage to HD. Armor destroyed, 2 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on HD. Roll is 5; no effect.

        Pilot of Stinger STG-3R (DC_2) "Curt Jowett" takes 1 damage.       
Pilot of Stinger STG-3R (DC_2) "Curt Jowett" needs a 3 to stay conscious.  Rolls 11 : successful!

    SRM 4 at Stinger STG-3R (DC_2); needs 7, rolls 5 : misses.

    SRM 4 at Stinger STG-3R (DC_2); needs 7, rolls 11 : 4 missile(s) hit (using Partial cover table).
        Stinger STG-3R suffers no damage. (LL behind cover)

        Stinger STG-3R (DC_2) takes 2 damage to RA. 2 Armor remaining.
        Stinger STG-3R suffers no damage. (LL behind cover)

        Stinger STG-3R (DC_2) takes 2 damage to RT. SECTION DESTROYED,
LIMB BLOWN OFF Right Arm blown off.
        1 damage transfers to CT.

         Critical hit on RT. Roll is 8; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Jump Jet.
        Stinger STG-3R (DC_2) takes 1 damage to CT. 5 Armor remaining.

Stinger STG-3R (DC_2) must make 1 piloting skill roll(s) (20+ damage).
The base target is 6 [6 (Base piloting skill)].
    Roll #1, (6 (Base piloting skill) + 1 (20+ damage) + 1 (weight class modifier)); needs 8, rolls 6 : falls.
    Stinger STG-3R (DC_2) falls on its left side, suffering 1 damage.
        Stinger STG-3R (DC_2) takes 1 damage to CT. 4 Armor remaining.
            Possible breach on CT. Roll is 9: no breach. Stinger STG-3R HD BREACHED
*** Stinger STG-3R (DC_2) DESTROYED by hull breach! ***
*** Stinger STG-3R (DC_2) Pilot Drowned! ***
Pilot of Stinger STG-3R (DC_2) "Curt Jowett" must roll 8 to avoid damage; rolls 5 : fails.

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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #55 on: 07 August 2011, 18:55:51 »
Well, I just finished a game vs the bots. I was outnumbered about 18 to 10 (IS vs Clan). About 10 of their 14 mechs suffered headshots from Gauss Rifles or cockpit crits from Large Pulse Lasers. EVen post-mortem. Several mechs lost a CT and were summarily executed. I was in awe.

Code: [Select]
Weapons fire for Dire Wolf Lone Wolf-UK (dibblebill)
    Gauss Rifle at Kintaro KTO-21 (AbuseMe); needs 7, rolls 10 :  - Direct Blow -hits  (using Left Side table) HD
        Kintaro KTO-21 (AbuseMe) takes 16 damage to HD. Armor destroyed, <<<SECTION DESTROYED>>>,
*** Kintaro KTO-21 (AbuseMe) DESTROYED by damage! **

Weapons fire for Shadow Cat Prime (dibblebill)
    ER Medium Laser at Hunchback HBK-5M (AbuseMe); needs 1, rolls 9 :  - Direct Blow -hits  HD
        Hunchback HBK-5M (AbuseMe) takes 9 damage to HD. <<<SECTION DESTROYED>>>,
*** Hunchback HBK-5M (AbuseMe) DESTROYED by damage! ***

Large Pulse Laser at Vindicator VND-4L (AbuseMe); needs 6, rolls 7 : hits  HD
        Vindicator VND-4L (AbuseMe) takes 10 damage to HD. Armor destroyed, 2 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on HD. Roll is 9; 1 location.
            <<<CRITICAL HIT>>> on Standard Cockpit.

*** Vindicator VND-4L (AbuseMe) DESTROYED by pilot death! ***

 *** Wasp WSP-1D (AbuseMe) DESTROYED by damage! ***
         Critical hit on CT. Roll is (6+2) = 8; 1 location.
            <<<CRITICAL HIT>>> on Engine.
    Gauss Rifle at Wasp WSP-1D (AbuseMe); needs 0, rolls 2 : hits  HD
        Wasp WSP-1D (AbuseMe) takes 15 damage to HD. Armor destroyed, <<<SECTION DESTROYED>>>,

Their Rifleman 6D took a LPL to the head as well and ate it.

I'm not sure how they were salvageable. The last half of his lance was taking about 4-6 LB-10X's a turn from my mediums, and the others 6 Gauss, a LB-20X, and a Widow maker coming up behind them. The last 3 units had all of those firing. There was nothing left of anything but a leg here or there.
« Last Edit: 07 August 2011, 19:00:07 by Your Name Is »
I've heard that US freight trains move 1 ton of cargo 435 miles on 1 gallon of gas. I think this means we should all become hobos.

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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #56 on: 07 August 2011, 21:15:44 »
On the other hand, you'll be amazed at what kind of punishment 'Mechs can take.

Code: [Select]
Model: Stinger - STG-3R
Pilot: Gheorghe Ciungu (4/5)
--- Armor: 4/48-------------------------------------------
--- Internal: 4/33----------------------------------------
         FRONT                REAR                INTERNAL
         ( 4)                 (**)                  ( 3)
      /xx|xx|xx\           /xx|xx|xx\            /xx| 1|xx\
     (xx/ || \xx)         (   |  |   )          (xx/ || \xx)
       /  /\  \               /  \                /  /\  \
      (xx/  \xx)             /    \              (xx/  \xx)

Head        : Life Support,Sensors,Standard Cockpit,Sensors,Life Support
Center Torso: Engine,Engine,Engine,*Standard Gyro,*Standard Gyro,Standard Gyro
              *Standard Gyro,Engine,Engine,Engine,Machine Gun Ammo (195)
Right Torso : **Heat Sink,**Heat Sink,**Heat Sink,**Jump Jet,**Jump Jet,**Jump Jet
Left Torso  : ***Heat Sink,**Heat Sink,***Heat Sink,**Jump Jet,***Jump Jet,**Jump Jet
Right Arm   : *Shoulder,*Upper Arm,*Lower Arm,*Hand,**Medium Laser,**Machine Gun
Left Arm    : *Shoulder,*Upper Arm,*Lower Arm,*Hand,***Machine Gun
Right Leg   : *Hip,*Upper Leg,*Lower Leg,*Foot
Left Leg    : *Hip,*Upper Leg,*Lower Leg,*Foot
Machine Gun Ammo: 195

All that's left of this thing is a head, a little bit of metal ribcage, the intact engine, and some ammo.  Nothing else remains.  And the 'Mech is not destroyed according to Megamek.  It IS according to TW, but not according to MM.

Most of this happened in round 18:
Code: [Select]
Round 17
Weapons fire for Griffin GRF-1S (SXB)
    Large Laser at Stinger STG-3R (Marik L); needs 8, rolls 9 : hits  (using Rear table) RTR
        Stinger STG-3R (Marik L) takes 8 damage to RTR. Armor destroyed, SECTION DESTROYED,
LIMB BLOWN OFF Right Arm blown off.
        1 damage transfers to CTR.

         Critical hit on RT. Roll is 6; no effect.
        Stinger STG-3R (Marik L) takes 1 damage to CTR. 3 Armor remaining.

Round 18
    Medium Laser at Stinger STG-3R (Marik L); needs 6, rolls 8 : hits  (using Rear table) LL
        Stinger STG-3R (Marik L) takes 5 damage to LL. SECTION DESTROYED,
        1 damage transfers to LTR.

         Critical hit on LL. Roll is 3; no effect.
        Stinger STG-3R (Marik L) takes 1 damage to LTR. 1 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LT. Roll is 5; no effect.

    Medium Laser at Stinger STG-3R (Marik L); needs 6, rolls 7 : hits  (using Rear table) LA
        Stinger STG-3R (Marik L) takes 5 damage to LA. Armor destroyed, 2 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LA. Roll is 11; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on +Machine Gun.
            CRITICAL HIT on Hand.

    Medium Laser at Stinger STG-3R (Marik L); needs 6, rolls 7 : hits  (using Rear table) LL
        Stinger STG-3R (Marik L) takes 5 damage to LL.        5 damage transfers to LTR.
        Stinger STG-3R (Marik L) takes 5 damage to LTR. SECTION DESTROYED,
LIMB BLOWN OFF Left Arm blown off.
        4 damage transfers to CTR.

         Critical hit on LT. Roll is 8; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Heat Sink.
        Stinger STG-3R (Marik L) takes 4 damage to CTR. Armor destroyed, 3 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on CT. Roll is 11; 2 locations.
            CRITICAL HIT on Standard Gyro.
            CRITICAL HIT on Standard Gyro.

    Medium Laser at Stinger STG-3R (Marik L); needs 6, rolls 5 : misses.

Weapons fire for Locust LCT-1V (SXB)
    Machine Gun at Stinger STG-3R (Marik L); needs 11, rolls 12 : hits  (using Left Side table) RT
        Stinger STG-3R (Marik L) takes 2 damage to RT.        2 damage transfers to CT.
        Stinger STG-3R (Marik L) takes 2 damage to CT. 1 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on CT. Roll is 9; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Standard Gyro.

    Machine Gun at Stinger STG-3R (Marik L); needs 11, rolls 10 : misses.
    Medium Laser at Stinger STG-3R (Marik L); needs 9, rolls 8 : misses.

Stinger STG-3R (Marik L) must make 4 piloting skill roll(s) (leg destroyed; gyro hit; gyro destroyed; 20+ damage).
The base target is 5 [5 (Base piloting skill)].
    Roll #1, (leg destroyed); automatically fails.
    Stinger STG-3R (Marik L) falls on its front, suffering 2 damage.
        Stinger STG-3R (Marik L) takes 2 damage to RL. SECTION DESTROYED,

         Critical hit on RL. Roll is 5; no effect.

Pilot of Stinger STG-3R (Marik L) "Gheorghe Ciungu" must roll 15 to avoid damage; rolls 6 : fails.
        Pilot of Stinger STG-3R (Marik L) "Gheorghe Ciungu" takes 1 damage.        
Pilot of Stinger STG-3R (Marik L) "Gheorghe Ciungu" needs a 3 to stay conscious.  Rolls 8 : successful!

JR7-F Jenner rocks.


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #57 on: 08 August 2011, 07:13:57 »
How is it destroyed according to TW?
It is a mission-kill according to TW, but not destroyed.


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #58 on: 08 August 2011, 09:25:57 »
TW p258, under crippling damage:
"If all of a 'Mech's weapons are destroyed and it can no longer move, the 'Mech is considered destroyed."  So perhaps it's my reading half a step too far into "considered destroyed."  Certainly, an engine, a head, and 195 belts of machine gun ammo aren't going anywhere.

The other Stinger actually fared worse: jumping behind my Jenner, it got the arm flip surprise for two engine hits.  That's rather bad enough when you have all 10 of yer heat sinks; but when one of those was already taken out...


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Re: The Crazy Hits Thread - Reborn!
« Reply #59 on: 08 August 2011, 09:40:08 »
Now, new scenario.  This is an employer contract breach (on the grounds of intentional acts taken to reduce salvage.)

Scenario: Standup battle.
SXB (Southern Cross Brigade - me) - Awesome 8Q, Thunderbolt 5SS, Stalker 3F, Stalker 4Y (custom, 6x SRM6.)
Steiner (employer) - Shadow Hawk 2H
Marik H (opfor heavier lance) - Stalker 4N, Stalker 3F, Quickdraw 4H, Archer 2R
Marik L (opfor lighter lance) - Griffin 1N, Phoenix Hawk 1, Spider 5V, Wasp 1A

At this point, the STK-4N has already been scragged by a pair of headshots, and would not be the only one.

Code: [Select]
Weapons fire for Stalker STK-3F (SXB)
    Medium Laser at Quickdraw QKD-4H (Marik H); needs 4, rolls 9 : hits  (using Right Side table) HD
 (hit aimed location)        Quickdraw QKD-4H (Marik H) takes 5 damage to HD. Armor destroyed, SECTION DESTROYED,

*** Quickdraw QKD-4H (Marik H) DESTROYED by damage! ***
         Critical hit on HD. Roll is 6; no effect.
The pilot had already taken five hits.  Now, the contract breach:

Code: [Select]
Weapons fire for Shadow Hawk SHD-2H (Steiner)
Medium Laser at Quickdraw QKD-4H (Marik H); needs 6, rolls 8 : hits  (using Rear table) LTR
 (hit aimed location)        Quickdraw QKD-4H (Marik H) takes 5 damage to LTR. Armor destroyed, 11 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LT. Roll is 9; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on Heat Sink.

SRM 2 at Quickdraw QKD-4H (Marik H); needs 6, rolls 7 : 1 missile(s) hit (using Rear table).

        Quickdraw QKD-4H (Marik H) takes 2 damage to LTR. 9 Internal Structure remaining
         Critical hit on LT. Roll is 9; 1 location.
            CRITICAL HIT on LRM 10 Ammo (10).
Note the intentional shot toward an ammo location first.  The SRM alone would only have stripped the armour, with no internal damage.

As for the other head shots:
Code: [Select]
Weapons fire for Awesome AWS-8Q (SXB)
PPC at Stalker STK-3F (Marik H); needs 3, rolls 4 : hits  (using Right Side Partial cover table) HD
        Stalker STK-3F (Marik H) takes 10 damage to HD. Armor destroyed, SECTION DESTROYED,

*** Stalker STK-3F (Marik H) DESTROYED by damage! ***
         Critical hit on HD. Roll is 7; no effect.

PPC at Archer ARC-2R (Marik H); needs 6, rolls 9 : hits  (using Rear table) HD
 (hit aimed location)        Archer ARC-2R (Marik H) takes 10 damage to HD. Armor destroyed, SECTION DESTROYED,

*** Archer ARC-2R (Marik H) DESTROYED by damage! ***
         Critical hit on HD. Roll is 4; no effect.

Weapons fire for Thunderbolt TDR-5SS (SXB)
SRM 6 at Griffin GRF-1N (Marik L); needs 5, rolls 5 : 2 missile(s) hit.

        Griffin GRF-1N (Marik L) takes 2 damage to CT. 18 Armor remaining.

        Griffin GRF-1N (Marik L) takes 2 damage to HD. SECTION DESTROYED,

*** Griffin GRF-1N (Marik L) DESTROYED by damage! ***
         Critical hit on HD. Roll is 5; no effect.

Boom headshot.
« Last Edit: 08 August 2011, 11:11:59 by Sandslice »