Author Topic: Why make a LAM, when you can make a StrikeMech?  (Read 2470 times)


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Why make a LAM, when you can make a StrikeMech?
« on: 09 August 2018, 12:17:30 »
Some rules I have been coming up with myself for AirMech-only mode, modifying the rules in Interstellar Operations. I call them StrikeMechs because they are more about speed and hitting hard and are essentially unstable flying cannons:

Code: [Select]
Weighing up to 75 tons
Limited to bipedal Mechs
Minimum Jumping MP = 3
No Conversion Equipment necessary
No Landing Gear Critical Slots
Avionics Critical Slots in Head, LT, RT
A critical hit on any Avionics section reduces Cruise MP by half.
A second critical hit on Avionics, or the loss of either side torso, causes the loss of ALL Cruise MP.

Prohibited Technologies: same as LAM except those relating to additional critical slots (the lack of conversion equipment means that criticals can be spread around), or restrictions on engine types. Also, StrikeMechs may NOT mount Bomb Bays (but may carry bombs in their hands).

Treated as a LAM in Airmech mode for most rules.
Uses all AirMech Mode movement rules (including dual-Piloting skill requirements depending on whether or not it is in the air or the ground).

StrikeMech Cruise MP = lesser of Walking MP x 3 (x 2 if over 55 tons) or Jumping MP x 3 (x 2 if over 55 tons)
StrikeMech Flank MP = Cruise MP x 1.5 (round up)
StrikeMech Walk MP = Walking MP / 3 (round up)
StrikeMech Run MP = Walking MP x 1.5

Heat: Walk or Run MP = 1 / MP used
Heat: Cruise or Flank MP = 1 / 3 MP used - 3 Heat (to a minimum of 0) to account for the additional heat venting allowed by the design.
(Example: An StrikeMech which cruises for 19 MP generates (19/3 - 3) = 3 Heat)

Side-slipping, Skidding, Collisions, Unintentional Charging and Crashing are all the same rules as LAM Air-Mechs.
Transporting StrikeMechs requires a standard Mech bay. Unlike LAMs, they cannot be loaded into Aerospace Fighter bays.

The manufacturing cost premium for a StrikeMech are at 10% of chassis costs (i.e. excluding weapons, ammo, and equipment) due to the specialized nature of the design.

If this seems a bit much, I should point out their GREATEST ENEMY is THEMSELVES. These things are one failed piloting check from serious damage or destruction.
If a 20 ton Stinger-S, moving at 15 hexes per turn, would take 30 points of damage from running into something. (Which would pretty much destroy it.)
A 55 ton Shadow Hawk-S, falling 3 elevation levels, would take 24 points of damage, enough to blow through most of its armor in any location.
The 75 ton Thanatos-S, performing an 'AirMech Ram' attack at Cruise speed would deal 120 damage to whatever it hit, but would suffer 60 to its own center torso (almost destroying it). This assumes the pilot made the willpower check (11+) to attempt the maneuver.
« Last Edit: 10 August 2018, 10:53:39 by Phicksur »


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Re: Why make a LAM, when you can make a StrikeMech?
« Reply #1 on: 09 August 2018, 13:12:17 »
Utilizing these rules, I have the following twist on the Shadow Hawk, using OLD tech. 7 Points of weapons heat (if everything fired at once), 5 movement heat at max speed:

Name: ShadowHawk - SSHD-SK
Tech:Inner Sphere
Tonnage:55 tons
Internal StructureStandard5.5 tons
Engine: 275 15.5 tons
Walk MP:2
Run MP:3
Cruise MP:15
Flank MP:23
Jump Jets:Standard2.5 tons
Gyro:Standard3 tons
Cockpit:Standard3 tons
Heat Sinks:111 ton
Armor:Standard11.5 tons
Left Arm: 9 - 17Head: 3 - 9Right Arm: 9 - 18
Left Torso: 13 - 20/6Center Torso: 18 - 28/8Right Torso: 13 - 20/6
Left Leg: 13 - 26Right Leg: 13 - 26
LRM-5LT2 tons
AC/5RT8 tons
Medium LaserRA1 tons
Small LaserLA.5 tons
LRM-5 AmmoLT1 ton
AC/5 AmmoRT1 ton
Jump Jets2LL, 2RL, 1 CT

Now, more modern Tech, still Inner Sphere. 27 Points of weapons heat (if everything fired at once), 5 movement heat at max speed:

Name: ShadowHawk - SSHD-SK
Tech:Inner Sphere
Tonnage:55 tons
Internal StructureEndo-Steel3 tons
Engine: 275 XL8 tons
Walk MP:2
Run MP:3
Cruise MP:15
Flank MP:23
Jump Jets:Standard2.5 tons
Gyro:Standard3 tons
Cockpit:Standard3 tons
Heat Sinks:11 (Double)1 ton
Armor:Standard11.5 tons
Left Arm: 9 - 17Head: 3 - 9Right Arm: 9 - 18
Left Torso: 13 - 20/6Center Torso: 18 - 28/8Right Torso: 13 - 20/6
Left Leg: 13 - 26Right Leg: 13 - 26
LRM-10LT5 tons
AC/10RT12 tons
ER Medium LaserRA1 ton
ER Medium LaserRA1 ton
ER Medium LaserLA1 ton
ER Medium LaserLA1 ton
LRM-10 AmmoLT1 ton
AC/10 AmmoRT1 ton
Jump Jets2LL, 2RL, 1 CT
« Last Edit: 09 August 2018, 13:14:43 by Phicksur »


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Re: Why make a LAM, when you can make a StrikeMech?
« Reply #2 on: 09 August 2018, 13:25:10 »
« Last Edit: 29 May 2019, 17:27:19 by Easy »


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Re: Why make a LAM, when you can make a StrikeMech?
« Reply #3 on: 09 August 2018, 13:40:46 »
Now the Stinger, using OLD tech. 9 Points of weapons heat (if everything fired at once), 6 movement heat at max speed.

Name: Stinger - SSTG-SK
Tech:Inner Sphere
Tonnage:20 tons
Internal StructureStandard2 tons
Engine: 1204 tons
Walk MP:2
Run MP:3
Cruise MP:18
Flank MP:27
Jump Jets:Standard3 tons
Gyro:Standard2 tons
Cockpit:Standard3 tons
Heat Sinks:10
Armor:Standard3 tons
Left Arm: 3 - 4Head: 3 - 9Right Arm: 3 - 4
Left Torso: 5 - 4/2Center Torso: 6 - 8/3Right Torso: 5 - 4/2
Left Leg: 4 - 4Right Leg: 4 - 4
Medium LaserRA1 tons
Medium LaserRA1 tons
Medium LaserLA1 tons
Jump Jets2LL, 2RL, 2 CT

Now, more modern Tech, still Inner Sphere. 12 Points of weapons heat (if everything fired at once), 6 movement heat at max speed:

Name: Stinger - SSTG-SK
Tech:Inner Sphere
Tonnage:20 tons
Internal StructureEndo-Steel1 tons
Engine: 1204 tons
Walk MP:2
Run MP:3
Cruise MP:18
Flank MP:27
Jump Jets:Standard3 tons
Gyro:XL1.5 tons
Cockpit:Standard3 tons
Heat Sinks:10 (Double)
Armor:Standard4 tons
Left Arm: 3 - 6Head: 3 - 9Right Arm: 3 - 6
Left Torso: 5 - 7/2Center Torso: 6 - 9/3Right Torso: 5 - 7/2
Left Leg: 4 - 8Right Leg: 4 - 8
ER Medium LaserRA1 tons
ER Medium LaserLA1 tons
ER Small LaserRT(r).5 ton
Jump Jets3 LT, 3 RT
« Last Edit: 11 August 2018, 14:01:55 by Phicksur »


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Re: Why make a LAM, when you can make a StrikeMech?
« Reply #4 on: 09 August 2018, 13:42:58 »
One thing about your transport rule: In the design, Transport Bays, as DropShip components, might not be quite what one may assume.
According to the Interstellar Operations book, Mech bays and Aerospace Fighter bays are different. I suppose having it be able to be held in a normal Mech bay, with modifications appropriate to its different shape, like a QuadMech, is appropriate.
LAMs can be stored in either Mech bays OR Aerospace Fighter bays, which is why I was making a distinction.
« Last Edit: 09 August 2018, 14:21:43 by Phicksur »


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Re: Why make a LAM, when you can make a StrikeMech?
« Reply #5 on: 09 August 2018, 14:17:10 »
For the larger size, I will go with a Thanatos. I also gave it a hatchet because it's increased mobility and ability to close distances quickly make it a much harder physical threat than most large non-Strike mechs. Swapped the LRM with an AC because of it's more close-natured fighting style.
32 Points of weapons heat (if everything fired at once), 2 movement heat at max speed:

Name: Thanatos - STNS-SK
Tech:Inner Sphere
Tonnage:75 tons
Internal StructureStandard7.5 tons
Engine: 300 XL9.5 tons
Walk MP:1
Run MP:2
Cruise MP:8
Flank MP:12
Jump Jets:Standard3 tons
Gyro:Standard2 tons
Cockpit:Standard3 tons
Heat Sinks:15 (Double)5 tons
Armor:Standard14 tons
Left Arm: 12 - 23Head: 3 - 9Right Arm: 12 - 23
Left Torso: 16 - 26/6Center Torso: 23 - 39/6Right Torso: 16 - 26/6
Left Leg: 16 - 30Right Leg: 16 - 30
AC/20RT14 tons
ER Large LaserLA5 tons
ER Medium LaserLA1 ton
ER Medium LaserLA1 ton
Small LaserLT(r).5 tons
Small LaserCT(r).5 tons
Small LaserRT(r).5 tons
HatchetRA5 ton
C3 Slave UnitLT1 ton
ECM SuiteLT1.5 tons
AC/20 AmmoRT1 tons
Jump Jets2LL, 2RL


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Re: Why make a LAM, when you can make a StrikeMech?
« Reply #6 on: 09 August 2018, 17:28:36 »
« Last Edit: 29 May 2019, 17:19:26 by Easy »


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Re: Why make a LAM, when you can make a StrikeMech?
« Reply #7 on: 10 August 2018, 11:00:16 »
Give. Us. The. Talons.

Can you show me a mech that uses them?


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Re: Why make a LAM, when you can make a StrikeMech?
« Reply #8 on: 10 August 2018, 15:01:47 »
« Last Edit: 29 May 2019, 17:19:52 by Easy »


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Re: Why make a LAM, when you can make a StrikeMech?
« Reply #9 on: 11 August 2018, 02:14:34 »
I like the concept.  Your Old tech Stinger has a 6 ton engine for some reason, though...  The new tech version has it right (4 tons for a 120).


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Re: Why make a LAM, when you can make a StrikeMech?
« Reply #10 on: 11 August 2018, 14:02:20 »
I like the concept.  Your Old tech Stinger has a 6 ton engine for some reason, though...  The new tech version has it right (4 tons for a 120).
Fixed. Thanks.

