So something that my group was discussing was how headcap weapons make certain light and medium Mechs a big threat on the battlefield and how this isn't reflected in Alpha Strike. we thought it might be interesting if there were a special ability called HeadCapper. On Heavies and assaults it wouldnt do much, but on lights and mediums it would make them a more viable threat.
the way it would work would be:
In Conversion, if a unit has a weapon which can do 12 or more points of damage in a single shot, it gains the HC#/#/# ability for whatever range bands that weapon is effective in Alpha Strike.
Alpha Strike rules would be:
HEADCAPPER: This Unit has at least 1 single weapon which may be capable of destroying the head of an enemy mech in a single shot. This is reflected with the HC#/#/# symbol, Each range band would have a -, S, M, or L reflecting the ranges which is can use this ability.
If a Unit has the HC#/#/# ability when it hits with a weapons attack, roll 2d6. On a 12 the 'Mech hit by the attack is considered destroyed. This ability only affects enemy units of the BM type and has no effect on any other unit types.
What do y'all think?