Author Topic: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread  (Read 11041 times)


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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #120 on: 20 August 2023, 10:53:06 »
Magnetic Destroid Mafia completed.  I should probably add an Archer -K to the mix, with the large lasers painted and marked like the GU-11 pods.


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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #121 on: 20 August 2023, 10:57:33 »
Looking good! :)


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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #122 on: 20 August 2023, 16:02:51 »
Did a simple mod for the Crusader Hammer L based off what you did.  Works well with either at 65 or 70 tons.


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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #123 on: 20 August 2023, 16:08:51 »
Excellent start! :)

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #124 on: 20 August 2023, 16:35:14 »
Warhammer legs look good on a lot of things.
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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #125 on: 20 August 2023, 16:46:53 »
This is true! :)

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #126 on: 22 August 2023, 01:16:14 »
I swapped the shoulder missile launchers on the two War Phoenixes, to give my 3067 force an all-IS-tech level.  A little repainting and camouflage and you wouldn't notice the difference.  And hey, the nuln oil actually photographed this time, maybe I figured out how I need to light it.

Stuff's glossy though, so it doesn't do black on camera as well as I'd like.
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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #127 on: 22 August 2023, 03:20:30 »
Is it just me, or is that right PPC bent? ???

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #128 on: 22 August 2023, 04:35:14 »
Kinda looks like it in the picture, but the mini is definitely straight - just angled outward a bit.
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ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #129 on: 22 August 2023, 05:56:49 »
A batch of ARC-5Rs for the Devil's Dozen, no mods to these.  Just brown splotches over light tan with a nuln oil coating...which seems to show up okay here.  Red metallic sparkle for the lasers and cockpit coloring, and gunmetal for the barrels and missile launchers.
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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #130 on: 22 August 2023, 18:08:03 »
Kinda looks like it in the picture, but the mini is definitely straight - just angled outward a bit.
That could explain it...

And those ARC-5Rs look great! :)


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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #131 on: 25 August 2023, 20:21:29 »
Thought you'd appreciate more Warsader Hawks


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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #132 on: 25 August 2023, 20:27:31 »
Indeed!  Looking great! :)

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #133 on: 25 August 2023, 21:56:46 »
I do indeed appreciate 'em!  Warhammer legs go back to the Archer, I'd assume, but what're you doing with your disarmed Pixies?
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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #134 on: 25 August 2023, 23:18:02 »
I have a stock of metal arms I can use on the Pixie, to make other variants. 

One more kitbash for tonight.   65 jumping energy boat, with more heatsinks and slightly lighter armor, sort of a mini Warlord with everything in the arms.  The running leg pose of the variant Warhammer looks alot nicer with an action jump.

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #135 on: 25 August 2023, 23:48:15 »
Post the stats for that one over in the thread!
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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #136 on: 25 August 2023, 23:59:20 »
Its there!

Post the stats for that one over in the thread!


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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #137 on: 26 August 2023, 03:43:29 »
Sweet mod! :)

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #138 on: 28 August 2023, 01:46:57 »
No modded minis this time around, it's a completely canon-'Mech Lyran battle company with two heavy lances and a fire support lance.  I went with woodland camouflage, because I like painting camo schemes compared to parade looks.  They're easier to make mistakes on and handwave rough shapes away as being proper camo breaking up a silhouette.

I did change the War Phoenixes to their two-SRM2-two-SRM6 missile arrays; the extra SRM-6s went to some missile-less Warhammers with Archer arms.

I think I ended up with an older bottle of Nuln Oil, you can tell it's not as shiny on some of the 'Mechs involved in the company.  I probably need to dullcoat the whole shebang, but that'll take experiments because the dullcoat I have right now eats acrylic least the panel lines are visibly shaded this time around.
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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #139 on: 28 August 2023, 03:14:30 »
That's an impressive "wall of steel"! :)


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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #140 on: 30 August 2023, 23:55:35 »
Something new, since I now have appropriate looking cannons to replace the ones used for the other Macross Funnies.  Could be a big cannon version, aka the Rifleman 3C. 

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #141 on: 31 August 2023, 00:29:55 »
Yeah, that looks like a 3C to me!  What's the donor 'Mech for the parts?
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ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #142 on: 31 August 2023, 01:09:04 »
And behold, the Devil's Dozen, after some more modifications and parts swaps for things. 
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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #143 on: 31 August 2023, 01:21:34 »
Macross Defender (Rifleman)  Kids Logic version.  Using the spare Marauder cannons as the arms.

And looks great, Kamas!

Yeah, that looks like a 3C to me!  What's the donor 'Mech for the parts?

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #144 on: 31 August 2023, 01:43:46 »
That reminds me, does the plastic Marauder mini come with two different dorsal guns on it?  That might be a good source of spare parts as well.

What color scheme are you planning on for this Rifleman 3C?
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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #145 on: 31 August 2023, 01:47:21 »
The standard plastic KS Marauder has no options.  Only the metal one has 2 dorsal guns and 2 leg jump jet ports.  The Kids Logic one I'm sure only has the 1 gun as well.

The jump jets are hard to see on the Marauder 5M as well, as they are fitted to the rear of the legs in a lower spot.

That reminds me, does the plastic Marauder mini come with two different dorsal guns on it?  That might be a good source of spare parts as well.

What color scheme are you planning on for this Rifleman 3C?

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #146 on: 31 August 2023, 02:02:10 »
Ah, I thought I'd read that there was a plastic Mad with two dorsals.

So did you ever finish that one Warhammer-Phoenix Hawk with Rifleman arms?
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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #147 on: 31 August 2023, 02:11:44 »
It just got re-primed again, with its drying overnight.  I'll put up a pic of it later after work.  The smaller guns do fit it better aesthetically.

As for paint scheme for the 3C....may do yet another Macross variant scheme.  Just to keep with the theme.

ANS Kamas P81

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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #148 on: 31 August 2023, 02:16:47 »
I'm thinking of doing the same with my last Pixie and Warhammer, but with modified Rifleman arms to have dual autocannons on each arm.  I just like the War Phoenix design too much however, I'm trying to convince myself not to build a third.
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Re: Kamas' Chop Shop and general minis thread
« Reply #149 on: 31 August 2023, 03:27:12 »
They're all looking good! :)

