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Fan Fiction / Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Last post by Sir Chaos on Today at 12:04:12 »
Only on Kowloon...

Mister Richard Thurston-Moray is "Stefan Amaris VII" of Star Lord fame... so, no, not just on Kowloon.

And the fact that Dawn got reinstated as a warrior, and later earned a bloodname, after presenting his head to the Steel Viper clan council, suggests that he may indeed have been a descendant of the original Stefan Amaris.
Fan Fiction / Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Last post by Cannonshop on Today at 12:03:09 »
Only on Kowloon...

hey, 57 Phennigs AND a stick of gum...That's like hardcore Charity right there.
All of the small support vees in TRO Irregulars got full stats and record sheets.
Happy Dance. now need to secure a copy.  Will have to check the gamestore
Fan Fiction / Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Last post by Sir Chaos on Today at 11:59:05 »
In OTL, Hideyoshi was a member of the Black Dragons.

I wonder how long Minoru can last once Atsuko gives birth to a heir.

This time around, he´s in a position very close to Minoru, closer than any Black Dragon in OTL, and Minoru trusts him, more so than OTL Theodore trusted him or any of the other Black Dragons. He might feel that being able to mold Minoru and his heir is preferable to risking exposure in a plot to murder Minoru, successful or not.

Plus, right now (unlike during the OTL attempt on Theodore in 3058) the Combine is against the ropes, so he might not want to risk a civil war against those rallying behind Omi (and/or Franklin), or even just purges of likely Omi/Franklin supporters in the military.
3025 grognard here... I don't play with that stuff if I can avoid it...

Well, then you should be all the more interested in improved water combat, because water sources were a big tactical target in 3rd Succession Wars lore.

Edit:  :evil: :tongue:
Good advice except that at least once I'm going to need to have the decoy be a light mech and the actual machine be a Demolisher C.

Well, as long as it's the bait for the enemy attack, rather than conceal the real type of the unit while it keep shoots, then it does works and will be very effective.

But if you want it to be keep shooting as well it's not a wise idea at all, although it's not your intention for the example.
Off Topic / Re: How to make a package that looks like...
« Last post by beachhead1985 on Today at 11:27:58 »
I think maybe go to a thrift store and get a right-sized game-box.

Carefully open it up and unfold it.

Trace the full, un-folded shape on Bristol-Board with pencil.

Cut out the shape with a hobby scalpel and glue it together in correct box-shape.

Hope this helps.
Fan Fiction / Re: Opalescent Reflections
« Last post by Evil Imperial on Today at 11:20:06 »
Only on Kowloon...
Fan Fiction / Re: Iron Father
« Last post by DOC_Agren on Today at 11:19:03 »
I like this...  Cordon not a Kill crazy mad man/machine
I think the Essentials box was a missed opportunity.  If Yen-Lo-Wang and Legend-Killer (or the others that came as cardboard standees) came pre-painted it may have increased sales even more.  I would be more than happy to pay for a lance pack with the four of them painted.

CGL would not have been able to meet Targets price point they wanted for the box if they did prepaints I suspect
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