So bit late, but question. I guess we played it wrong, but with a TN of 7, is KO checks not a modified attribute check? So with the average will of 4, I thought if there is no injury modifier you start with a 3+ (tn7 -4 will) for staying awake. I may have assumed this from that being where battletech starts its KO rolls from.
We played it wrong, but close. On my page 183 its a TN of 12 for a single attribute will check, but you also add your body. So our joe average troops with 4 in each stat should have needed a 12-8=4 TN, -1 from injury up to 25%. So we were off by 1 I guess. Unless there is errata that further makes it weird.
If Consciousness is a skill roll, so you dont add your will to the role (well I guess if you have 7 will you add a measly 1), then shouldn't there be a skill I can buy instead? Since for attribute checks you add your will versus the TN, and for skill checks you add the link score + skill versus the TN. Seems odd the KO rules would use the skill rules but not have a skill to upgrade.
Edit: For bleeding, if our joe average bod4 troop took 3 damage, then they would need a bleeding check as it is more then half their bod. This would be 12-4 for bod, so they would be bleeding unless they rolled an 8? This makes bleeding pretty deadly unless you have a medic with kit already in hand right? As it takes a simple action to pull out the kit, and a complex action to try and stop bleeding, so 2 turns most of the time?