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Ground Combat / Re: BA Swarm and Leg attacks
« Last post by MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 11 February 2025, 23:49:02 »
Swarm attacks also deal no damage on the turn they're made.  You have to wait until the next turn before they actually start doing damage, which hampers their effectiveness considerably.  There's a reason a lot of players prefer to stick with leg attacks or weapon attacks without bothering to swarm.
Fan Fiction / Re: This Was Easier on the Tabletop - a Battletech SI Fic
« Last post by mikecj on 11 February 2025, 23:27:23 »
It's a good way to obfuscate the situation a little more... We know John isn't much for credit but sharing some with Roger can't hurt with the regular AFFC.

Look how John looks right now- takes out the best Kurita warrior, then goes toe to toe with the arch-traitor Xiang.  Hanse's bodyguard to Melissa's diplomatic aide. He demolished a political campaign with an interview...  that was almost as good as 'doesn't Harriet Jones look ill'? 

He's attracting way too much attention.   And the Intel services are going to be analyzing him down to his daily caloric intake, meal choices, and fecal samples.  Remember the carrots story the Brits peddled to cover radar?

How about a revival of a classic BBC program starring another "John Smith"...  they can even use his body double from the movie!
Clan Chatterweb / Re: Clan Warrior Mortality: what's the primary driver?
« Last post by Starfury on 11 February 2025, 23:21:36 »
The power of Clan weaponry, the earlier Omnis' varying design and Clan tactics also have to be taken into account.  Headhunters are regularly featured for Elementals to eliminate command units.  Designs like the Fire Moth or the Hellbringer are good examples of the all or nothing trend of some Omnis.  Clanners also do not like to retreat, which can lead to more death. Look at the Diamond Sharks and Smoke Jaguars on Tukkayid for an example

As for weapons, the Clan ER PPC, Gauss Rifle, large
and medium heavy (regular and improved) lasers, ER
Large Lasers, Large Pulse lasers, Ultra and LB 20 and 10s, ER Large Pulse Lasers can all potentially decapitate a Mech. 
There's also that one Historical or Operational Turning Point where all of the Houses came to fight over a planet.
Off Topic / Re: What are we reading now II: Vengeance of the bookshop
« Last post by Prospernia on 11 February 2025, 22:42:01 »
Reading the Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio (the book Chaucer based his stories off of); the short-stories are witty, but they are a, "ha", kind of wit, not a, "HA-HA-HA!" kind of wit.
General BattleTech Discussion / Re: Tuesday Newsday transcript thread
« Last post by MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 11 February 2025, 22:27:14 »
I loved the X-Wing novels just because they were the first Star Wars novels I read where Luke Skywalker was treated as a fallible character who wasn't right about everything and didn't just single-handedly save the day.
Aerospace Combat / Re: What Escort/Interceptor ASFs would a Union carry?
« Last post by EPG on 11 February 2025, 22:24:48 »
For much of Succession Wars history you basically operated under SafCon because blowing up dropships was a great way to not have any more. Thus lots of Unions probably didn't carry any escorts because they weren't going to be getting into fights with ground based interceptors. Mostly that's because they didn't exist but also because you'd get wrecked as transports are to thin skinned vs Aerospace Fighters to survive.

Its only when you get into the Jihad and Marik gets more page count that you see more Aerospace Fighters as anything other than history (Great Lee Turkey Shoot).

That said by Great House I'd say
DCA - Shilone
FWLM - Stingray
AFFS - Corsair
CCAF - Lightning or Transit
LCAF - Lucifer

If you want more theory and practice on Aerospace Fighters feel free to browse my Second Star League Guide to Warships and Point Barrow Guide to War (links in sig below)

Only jumpships get safe passage.  Dropships are fair game. 

I agree with your choices generally.  Light fighters might be preferred for a situation where bombing runs to take out scattered but weakly defended targets.  They can get in and out fast, then return to the dropship to get more munitions.  Heavy fighters or mediums with lots of thrust and bombs might be preferred if their main job is going to be assisting the mech company in fighting their way into a a heavily defended area, where they can support with bombs and strafing while taking some return fire.
Clan Chatterweb / Re: Clan Jade Falcon IV: Same Volume, New Tricks!
« Last post by Bren on 11 February 2025, 22:23:48 »
Vau was on the border with the LA (Roadside, Bone Norman, Black Earth, etc). In '54, anyway. In '57 Ulric seemed pretty sure it was poised rimward.

The Twycross units were from Rho Galaxy. They sorta formed a shield around Wotan blocking the Wolves/Vipers (again, in '54).

Not including the Falcon Guards, of course.
Such a phenomenal work of art. I was already a fan of the PLANESCAPE D&D setting when this game released… but to be actually able to walk the streets of Sigil in a video game… few of my own personal gaming experiences have ever mirrored that feeling.

That game was amazing.  Shame that the Enhanced Edition was so lackluster.
Off Topic / Re: What did you just eat?
« Last post by MoneyLovinOgre4Hire on 11 February 2025, 22:19:36 »
Made myself some ham and beans.  Had a side of sauerkraut with it.
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